
Poxhenn Posad Jap Dua Hinggii qapp Sewguan (4)

Qycc u, senrlamjuw! Qongw diyc dua dua qiong’iongw, soxu huatqair, hukongx ee sewqair, sibhongx samser itcer vutdow ee qik biser din’aix lairdew, muixx jit xee qokk u itcer sewqair qik biser din’aix sowliong hiacc je ee vut. Muixx jit xee vut ee soxjai, u jiongxjiongw posad dirr cincniu haiw hiacc dua ee huathue qra uii lehh. Guaw ixx Poxhenn ee hinggii qapp sewguan ee lat snix kiw cimx sinr qapp liauxqaiw, tangx jaix qapp knuar diyc henrjingg :eeLongxx iong siongrr bibiau qiong’iongw ee kiwqu laii jyr qiong’iongw, cincniu  huex, huekox, tnix ee imgak, tnix ee iamxsnuar, tnisinn ee ihok, tnidingw jiongxjiongw ee hniux, buah ee hniux, siyx ee hniux, qapp hniubuac, zucuw jiaxee cincniu hunn hiacc je, muixx jit xee ee hunliong cincniu Sumeru Snuax. Qycc diamw jiongxjiongw dingx, sodingx, iudingx, qapp jiongxjiongw pangx iudingx, muixx jit xee dingsimx cincniu Sumeru Snuax hiacc quann, muixx jit xee ee ding’iuu cincniu duarhaixjuiw. Iong jiaxee dingxdingw qiong’iongw ee kiwqu sisiongg jyr qiongiongw. 

Senrlamjuw! Soxu qiong’iongw lairdew, Hxuad ee qiong’iongw vaii itdingw. Soxui jiauww enxsuad :ee kir siuhing ee qiong’iongw, lirig jiongwsingx ee qiong’iongw, siu’iongg jiongwsingx ee qiong’iongw, dairter jiongwsingx siurkow ee qiong’iongw, qutlat siulen senrqinx ee qiong’iongw, byy siawsag posad-giap ee qiong’iongw, qapp byy lirkuix potesimx ee qiong’iongw. 

Senrlamjuw, cincniu taujingg qiong’iongw ee buliong qongdig, viw kiw Hxuad ee qiong’iongw itliam ee qongdig, vah hunx vutqib id, cingx hunx vutqib id, vaccingx koti ee hunliong, nayuta ee hunliong, kalan ee hunlion, iacc iong sngr :ee, iong sowbok, iong piwzu, higjiaw upannishad ee hunliong iarr vutqib id. Sniaw enqor? In'ui jiongww Zulaii jundiong Hxuad, in'ui jiauww enxsuad :ee kir siuhing e singjiu jiongww vut. Narr jiongww posad sidjenr Hxuad ee qiong’iongw, dyrr tangx singjiu qiong’iongw Zulaii. In'ui jitt hy siuhing si jinjniar ee qiong’iongw. 

Jitt hy qongxdai siongrdingw ee qiong’iongw, hukongx ee sewqair qiongjin, jiongwsingx ee sewqair qiongjin, jiongwsingx ee giap qiongjin, qapp jiongwsingx ee huanlyw qiongjin, guaw ee qiong’iongw jiacc u qiongjin. Mrqycc hukongx ee sewqair simrjiww huanlyw byy qiongjin, soxiw guaw jitt xee qiong’iongw iarr byy qiongjin. Jit liam suar jit liam byy qnaiwdng, srinx-giw-ir jitt snax jiongw giap longxx be iawsen.

(The Practices and Vows of the Bodhisattva Samantabhadra --4)

Again, O Noble-minded Man, what is meant by abundant offerings out of veneration to the Buddhas? It means that in the smallest dust-motes of the Buddha-domains of the Dharma-circles and of the cosmic void, and of the ten quarters and three yugas, in each speck of dust exist the Buddhas, equal in number to the smallest dust-motes of all worlds. Each Buddha is surrounded by an ocean-wide assembly of Bodhisattvas, in whom I have profound faith and reverent understanding through the power of the vows of the Bodhisattva Samantabhadra. I would offer them the most rare and wondrous gifts such as the flowery-clouds , garland-clouds, heavenly music-clouds, celestial tapestry-clouds, angelic garment-clouds; all kinds of heavenly perfumes, scented balms, aromatic incenses, aromatic powders, each equal in quality to mount Sumeru, the king of mountains. I would present lighted lamps of various kinds, such as the cream lamps, the oil lamps, and the lamps of sweet perfumes. The wick of each lamp being in size as Mount Sumeru, the king of mountains; and the burning oil of each as great as the water of the ocean. Ceaselessly would I offer such gifts in veneration.

O Noble-minded Man, among all gifts, the crown of them are the gifts of Dharma. Such gifts are called: the offering of “Following the instructions (of all the Buddhas), the offering of benefits for all beings, the offering of embracing and sustaining all beings, the offering of taking upon oneself the suffering of others, the offering of fostering the root of merit diligently, the offering of swerving not from the Bodhisattva vows; and the offering of departing not from the love of the Bodhi-heart.”

O Noble-minded Man, truly the merit to be derived from the offering of (material) gifts, such as those enumerated, are infinite; yet, in comparison with a single thought of Dharma (they are as nothing). Those merits (derived from material offerings), would not be equal to a hundredth part (of the merit of a thought of Dharma); nay, not to a hundred thousandth part of koties, of nayutas, of kalans, and of upannishads. And why? Because the Dharma is held in the highest esteem by all the Tathagatas. Moreover, all the Buddhas are begotten from the Dharma, through the perfecting of their conduct in accordance with it. If the Bodhisattvas make offerings to the Dharma (to the Buddhas) then their offerings to the Tathagatas are completed. Thus do the Bodhisattvas present the truest offering of gifts to the Tathagatas.

My offering of such great and noble gifts to Buddhas will cease if the Cosmic Void of space is ended, (or) the spheres of beings are ended, (or) the karmas of beings are ended, (or) the sorrows of beings are ended. But as all the things from the space of the void to the sorrows of all beings are endless; so also will my offering to Buddhas be endless. Thought succeeding thought without interruption, in bodily, vocal, and mental deeds without weariness.

(普賢菩薩十大行願 --4)


