Derr qauw dua guan: Guan guaw dirr birlaii sxer did potee ee sii, suxx u jxingg jiongwsingx cud xmoo ee lybang, qaixtuad itcer guardy ee dakdnii. Narr duiclyc jiongxjiongw og qenwsig ee om ciurnaa :ee, guaw longxx qra inx inxdy, hro inx diamr dirr jniar qenwsig, hro inx jiamrjiam siulen jiongxjiongw posathing, soksog giamrjingr diyc busiong jniawsiong potee.
(The Sutra of the Master of Healing -- 13)
The ninth vow. 'I vow that, after my reincarnation and having attained Perfect Enlightenment, I should let all being to escape the evil nets of Mara, to be free from other non-Buddhist cults. If they should have fallen into the dense forest of false doctrines, I should assist and lead them to the noble truths, and gradually induce them to lead the life of a Bodhisattva and soon they shall attain supreme Enlightenment of Buddha.'
(藥師琉璃光如來本願功德經 --13)