
Huatqur Qingx (84) - Diwjiaw

Diwjiaw be uirdiyhh qaqi iacc vadd langg laii jyr pnaiw dairjir, be (jyr pnaiw) qriuu qniaxzii, jnijaii iacc ongqog, be sniu beh qorr byy jingwdongx ee honghuad qriuu qaqi ee hingtongx. Jitt jiongw langg jinjniar si u dikhing, u diwhui qycc jingwdit.

(Dhammapada 84 - The Wise)
One should not want a son, wealth or kingdom, not for one's own sake, not for the sake of others, one should not want one's own prosperity by injustice. Such a person is virtuous, wise and righteous.

(法句經 84 - 智者品)

