
Vimalakirti Qingx (snax-3)


Vuddyy qra Mahakasyapa qongw, “Liw kir vaiwhongw Vimalakirti qra bairvni.”

Mahakasyapa qra Vuddyy qongw, “Sewjunx! Guaw byy sikhap kir qra vaiwhongw qapp bairvni. Si anwjnuaw lehh? Sniu kiw ingxsii dirr sanwciah hiongliw decc qiukid jiahsit. Hitt sii, Vimalakirti laii qra guaw qongw, ‘Mahakasyapa! Liw u juvisimx, mrqcc byy poxsix. Liw kiwsag hyhur, hiongr sanwciah :ee qiukid jiahsit. Kasyapa! Simx diyhh vyxcii vingdingw, ingqaix jiauww cuwsu qiukid jiahsit. Byy uirdiyhh beh jiac, soxiw ingdongx kir qiukid jiahsit. Uirdiyhh beh huixhuai hyhap ee siongr, soxiw ingdongx kir cue jiac. Byy beh qycc sriu, soxiw ingdongx jiapsiu langg' ee jiahsit. Ixx kongsingr ee simx zip kir cuanlok. Soxx qnir .diyc ee siongwtew ham' cnimii :ee qangrkuanw longxx vingdingw. Soxx tniax .diyc ee sniax ham' inwsniax qangrkuanw longxx vingdingw. Soxx pnri diyc ee bi ham’ hongx qangrkuanw longxx vingdingw. Soxx jiac ee jubi byy jyr hunved. Soxu bongkab ee qamxsiu cincniu giamrjingr diyc diwhuiJaix soxu henrsiong cincniu huanwqingw, byy jursingr, iarr byy tasingr. Vunxlaii byy junjai, jurzenn marr byy siaubet. 

Kasyapa! Narr berdangr siawsag veh jiongw siaa zip veh jiongw qaixtuad, ixx siaa siongr zip jnair hxuad, ixx jit jiongw jiahsit si’uw hro itcer, qiong’iongw jiongww vut qapp jiongww singwhenn, zen’au jiacc tangx jiac. Zucuw decc jiac, byy huanlyw, iarr byy lirkuix huanlyw; byy zibdnia, iarr byy cutdnia; byy diamr sewqanx, iarr byy diamr liappuann; duiww si’uw :ee byy dua hog iacc siyw hog ee hunved, iarr byy lirig iacc sunxsid. Jex jiacc si jinjniar zip vuddy, m si zip sniabun. Kasyapa! Jitt hy qiukid jiahsit jiacc be qohu langg' ee sisiar.’

Sewjunx! Hitt sii guaw tniax diyc jiaxee ue, did diyc ixjaw m bad u :ee, dyrr duiww itcer posad cimx cimx snex cud junqingr ee simx, qycc anxnex sniu: Jitt xee jairqelangg u jitt hy kuanw ee venrlun jaidiau qapp diwhui. U si’angw tniax diyc ix jiaxee ue be huatsimx dirr anuttara-samyak-sambodhi? Guaw an’ hitt sii byy qycc krngr langg siuhing sniabunn qapp pratyekaba, soxiw byy sikhap kir qra vaiwhongw qapp bairvni.”

(Vimalakirti Sutra - Chapter III The Disciples' Reluctance to Visit Vimalakirti 3)

Then, the Buddha said to the venerable Mahakasyapa, "Mahakasyapa, you go to the Licchavi Vimalakirti to inquire about his illness."

"Lord, I am indeed reluctant to go to the Licchavi Vimalakirti to inquire about his illness. Why? I remember one day, when I was in the street of the poor begging for my food, the Licchavi Vimalakirti came along and said to me, 'Reverend Mahakasyapa, to avoid the houses of the wealthy, and to favor the houses of the poor - this is partiality in benevolence. Reverend Mahakasyapa, you should dwell on the fact of the equality of things, and you should seek alms with consideration for all living beings at all times. You should beg your food in awareness of the ultimate nonexistence of food. You should seek alms for the sake of eliminating the materialism of others. When you enter a town, you should keep in mind its actual voidness, yet you should proceed through it in order to develop men and women. You should enter homes as if entering the family of the Buddha. You should accept alms by not taking anything. You should see form like a man blind from birth, hear sounds as if they were echoes, smell scents as if they were winds, experience tastes without any discrimination, touch tangibles in awareness of the ultimate lack of contact in gnosis, and know things with the consciousness of an illusory creature. That which is without intrinsic substance and without imparted substance does not burn. And what does not burn will not be extinguished.

"'Elder Mahakasyapa, if, equipoised in the eight liberations without transcending the eight perversions, you can enter the equanimity of reality by means of the equanimity of perversion, and if you can make a gift to all living beings and an offering to all the saints and Buddhas out of even a single measure of alms, then you yourself may eat. Thus, when you eat, after offering, you should be neither affected by passions nor free of passions, neither involved in concentration nor free from concentration, neither living in the world nor abiding in liberation. Furthermore, those who give such alms, reverend, have neither great merit nor small merit, neither gain nor loss. They should follow the way of the Buddhas, not the way of the disciples. Only in this way, Elder Mahakasyapa, is the practice of eating by alms meaningful.'

"Lord, when I heard this teaching, I was astonished and thought: 'Reverence to all bodhisattvas! If a lay bodhisattva may be endowed with such eloquence, who is there who would not conceive the spirit of unexcelled, perfect enlightenment? From that time forth, I no longer recommend the vehicles of the disciples and of the solitary sages but recommend the Mahayana. And thus, Lord, I am reluctant to go to this good man to inquire about his illness."

(維摩詰所說經第三品 弟子之3)


