
Vimalakirti Qingx (snax-9)


Vuddyy qra Rahula qongw, “Liw kir vaiwhongw Vimalakirti qra bairvni.”

Rahula qra Vuddyy qongw, “Sewjunx! Guaw byy sikhap kir qra vaiwhongw qapp bairvni. Si anwjnuaw lehh? Sniu diyc ingxsii Vaisali Sniaa ee jerje diongxjiaw ee qniaw laii vaiwhongw guaw, quirvair liauxau mng guaw qongxx, ‘Rahula! Liw si Vuddyy ee qniaw, kiwsag dngw lenw ong’ui cutqex qriuu Dy. Cutqex dauwdew u sniaw lirig?”

Guaw dyrr jiauww qauwhuad uirr inx enxsuad cutqex qongdig ee lirig. Hitt sii, Vimalakirti laii qra guaw qongw, 'Rahula! Byy ingqaix qongw cutqex qongdig ee lirig. Si anwjnuaw lehh? Byy qriuu lirig iarr byy qriuu qongdig jiacc si cutqex. Iuxuii u bogdig :ee jiacc e qongw lirig qapp qongdig. Cutqex :ee byy bogdig si buuii. Buuii ee hing'uii lairdew byy lirig iarr byy qongdig. Rahula! Cutqex :ee byy hiax, byy jiax, iarr byy hitt diongqanx :ee, lirkuix lak-jap-zi jiongw siaa qenwsig diamr dirr liappuann, virr singwjiaw jiapsiu, cutzip singwzinn ee soxjaihanghok jiongww xmoo, dorhuar go dy, ixx go jiongw cingjing ee ganw did diyc go jiongw lat, lip go jiongw qinx, byy huanlyw hiaxee, lirkuix jiongxjiongw og, puar jiongxjiongw guardy, ciauuat qew miaa an' tomuaa cud .laiibyy dnivnuar, byy guaw soxx u, byy soxx sriu, byy virr ziauxluan, simlai hnuahiw vyxho yc vut :ee ee simx, ixx sendnia lirkuix jiongwsingx ee quewsid. Narr tangx zucuw, jiacc si jinjniar cutqex.’

Vimalakirti dyrr qra diongxjiaw ee qniaw qongw, ‘Linw dirr Jniar Hxuad ee sidai diyhh cutqex. Si anwjnuaw lehh? Vut jairser yh duw.’

Jiongww diongxjiaw ee qniaw qongw, ‘Qusu! Guanw u tniax Vuddyy qongw .quer, qongxx verbuw byy dong'ir dyrr m tangx cutqex.’

Vimalakirti qongw, ‘Byy m driyc. Linw huatsimx dirr anuttara-samyak-sambodhi dyrr si cutqex, jex dyrr u qraur :ar.’

Hitt sii, snax-jap-zi xee diongxjiaw ee qniaw longxx huatsimx dirr anuttara-samyak-sambodhi. Soxiw guaw byy sikhap kir qra vaiwhongx qapp bairvni.”

(Vimalakirti Sutra - Chapter III The Disciples' Reluctance to Visit Vimalakirti 9)

The Buddha then said to the venerable Rahula, "Rahula, go to the Licchavi Vimalakirti to inquire about his illness."

Rahula replied, "Lord, I am indeed reluctant to go to that good man to inquire about his illness. Why? Lord, I remember that one day many young Licchavi gentlemen came to the place where I was and said to me, 'Reverend Rahula, you are the son of the Lord, and, having renounced a kingdom of a universal monarch, you have left the world. What are the virtues and benefits you saw in leaving the world?'

"As I was teaching them properly the benefits and virtues of renouncing the world, the Licchavi Vimalakirti came there and, having greeted me, said, 'Reverend Rahula, you should not teach the benefits and virtues of renunciation in the way that you do. Why? Renunciation is itself the very absence of virtues and benefits. Reverend Rahula, one may speak of benefits and virtues in regard to compounded things, but renunciation is uncompounded, and there can be no question of benefits and virtues in regard to the uncompounded. Reverend Rahula, renunciation is not material but is free of matter. It is free of the extreme views of beginning and end. It is the path of liberation. It is praised by the wise, embraced by the saints, and causes the defeat of all Maras. It liberates from the five states of existence, purifies the five eyes, cultivates the five powers, and supports the five spiritual faculties. Renunciation is totally harmless to others and is not adulterated with evil things. It disciplines the heterodox, transcending all denominations. It is the bridge over the swamp of desire, without grasping, and free of the habits of "I" and "mine." It is without attachment and without disturbance, eliminating all commotion. It disciplines one's own mind and protects the minds of others. It favors mental quiescence and stimulates transcendental analysis. It is irreproachable in all respects and so is called renunciation. Those who leave the mundane in this way are called "truly renunciant." Young men, renounce the world in the light of this clear teaching! The appearance of the Buddha is extremely rare. Human life endowed with leisure and opportunity is very hard to obtain. To be a human being is very precious.'

"The young men complained: 'But, householder, we have heard the Tathagata declare that one should not renounce the world without the permission of one's parents.'

"Vimalakirti answered: 'Young men, you should cultivate yourselves intensively to conceive the spirit of unexcelled, perfect enlightenment. That in itself will be your renunciation and high ordination!'

"Thereupon, thirty-two of the Licchavi youths conceived the spirit of unexcelled, perfect enlightenment. Therefore, Lord, I am reluctant to go to that good man to inquire about his illness."

(維摩詰所說經第三品 弟子之9)


