
Vimalakirti Qingx (lak-1)


Derr Lak Pinw: Vutsugi

Hitt sii, Sariputra knuar diyc cur-lai byy iw-aw, simlai anxnex sniu qongxx, “Jiaxee posad qapp dua derjuw diyhh jre dirr dyhh?”

Diongxjiaw Vimalakirti jai’ngiaw ix simlai soxx sniu, dyrr qra Sariputra qongw, “Zinjiaw, si anwjnuaw? Liw si uirr qriuu Hxuad laii, iacc si uirr qriuu jyrui laii?”

Sariputra qongw, “Guaw uirr Hxuad laii, m si uirdiyhh jyrui laii.”

Vimalakirti qongw, ‘Sariputra! Qriuu Hxuad :ee byy tamluann sintew qapp sniwmia, hyhongr jyrui. Qriuu Hxuad :ee, duiww siktew, qamxsiu, sniurhuad, qapp iwsig be tamqiuu, duiww jap-veh qxair qapp jap-zi zip be tamqiuu, duiww iogqair, sikqair, qapp busikqair be tamqiuu. Sariputra! Qriuu Hxuad :ee be jipdiok qriuu vut, be jipdiok qriuu Hxuad, be jipdiok qriuu jingdooQriuu Hxuad :ee be jipdiok dirr qnir kow, be jipdiok dirr dng huanlyw, be jipdiok buuii giamrjingr ee siudy. Si anwjnuaw lehh? Hxuad berdangr hiwlun. Narr qongw guaw tangx qnir kow, dng huanlyw, giamrjingr bet laii siudy, jex dyrr si hiwlun, m si decc qriuu Hxuad.

Sariputra! Hxuad si jibbt. Narr jipdiok dirr snix-bet :ee si qriuu snix-bet ee dy, m si qriuu Hxuad. Hxuad byy soxx bag .diyc. Narr iuxsow bag .diyc simrjiww qaur liappuann, jex si u bag .diyc, m si qriuu HxuadHxuad busow sidhingg :ee. Narr iuxsow sidhingg, jex si sidhingg, m si qriuu Hxuad. Hxuad byy cruw-siar. Narr iuxsow cruw-siar, jex si cruw-siar, m si qriuu Hxuad. Hxuad byy jit xee soxjai. Narr jipdiok u jit xee soxjai, jex si jipdiok soxjai, m si qriuu Hxuad. Hxuad qiyr jyr byy siongr. Narr suii siongr snix cud iwsug, jex si qriuu siongr, m si qriuu Hxuad. Hxuad berdangr diamr lehh. Narr diamr dirr henrsiong, jex si diamr dirr henrsiong, m si qriuu Hxuad. Hxuad berdangr qnir, tniax, qakcad, qapp liauxqaiw. Narr iuxsow qnir, tniax, qakcad, qapp liauxqaiw, jex si decc qnir, tniax, qakcad, qapp liauxqaiw, m si qriuu Hxuad. Hxuad qiyr jyr buuii. Narr iuxsow jok'uii, jex si qriuu iuxsow jok'uii, m si qriuu Hxuad. Soxiw qongxx Sariputr! Qriuu Hxuad :ee dirr itcer henrsiong ingqaix busow qriuu.”

Ix qongw jiaxee ue ee sii, u go-vah xee tenzinn dirr ix qongw ee Hxuad did diyc huatganw cingjing.

(Vimalakirti Sutra - Chapter VI The Inconceivable Liberation 1)

Thereupon, the venerable Sariputra had this thought: "There is not even a single chair in this house. Where are these disciples and bodhisattvas going to sit?"

The Licchavi Vimalakirti read the thought of the venerable Sariputra and said, "Reverend Sariputra, did you come here for the sake of the Dharma? Or did you come here for the sake of a chair?"

Sariputra replied, "I came for the sake of the Dharma, not for the sake of a chair."

Vimalakirti continued, "Reverend Sariputra, he who is interested in the Dharma is not interested even in his own body, much less in a chair. Reverend Sariputra, he who is interested in the Dharma has no interest in matter, sensation, intellect, motivation, or consciousness. He has no interest in these aggregates, or in the elements, or in the sense-media. Interested in the Dharma, he has no interest in the realm of desire, the realm of matter, or the immaterial realm. Interested in the Dharma, he is not interested in attachment to the Buddha, attachment to the Dharma, or attachment to the Sangha. Reverend Sariputra, he who is interested in the Dharma is not interested in recognizing suffering, abandoning its origination, realizing its cessation, or practicing the path. Why? The Dharma is ultimately without formulation and without verbalization. Who verbalizes: 'Suffering should be recognized, origination should be eliminated, cessation should be realized, the path should be practiced,' is not interested in the Dharma but is interested in verbalization.

"Reverend Sariputra, the Dharma is calm and peaceful. Those who are engaged in production and destruction are not interested in the Dharma, are not interested in solitude, but are interested in production and destruction.

"Furthermore, reverend Sariputra, the Dharma is without taint and free of defilement. He who is attached to anything, even to liberation, is not interested in the Dharma but is interested in the taint of desire. The Dharma is not an object. He who pursues objects is not interested in the Dharma but is interested in objects. The Dharma is without acceptance or rejection. He who holds on to things or lets go of things is not interested in the Dharma but is interested in holding and letting go. The Dharma is not a secure refuge. He who enjoys a secure refuge is not interested in the Dharma but is interested in a secure refuge. The Dharma is without sign. He whose consciousness pursues signs is not interested in the Dharma but is interested in signs. The Dharma is not a society. He who seeks to associate with the Dharma is not interested in the Dharma but is interested in association. The Dharma is not a sight, a sound, a category, or an idea. He who is involved in sights, sounds, categories, and ideas is not interested in the Dharma but is interested in sights, sounds, categories, and ideas. Reverend Sariputra, the Dharma is free of compounded things and uncompounded things. He who adheres to compounded things and uncompounded things is not interested in the Dharma but is interested in adhering to compounded things and uncompounded things.

"Thereupon, reverend Sariputra, if you are interested in the Dharma, you should take no interest in anything."

When Vimalakirti had spoken this discourse, five hundred gods obtained the purity of the Dharma-eye in viewing all things.

(維摩詰所說經第六品 不思議之1)


