
Vimalakirti Qingx (lak-5)

Hitt sijun, Vimalakirti qra Mahakasyapa qongw, “Zinjiaw! Sibhongx buliong asamkhya sewqair lairdew decc jyr moongg :ee, jerje si diamr dirr Vutkyw-sugi qaixtuad ee posad, uirdiyhh iong hongven lat qauwhuar jiongwsingx jiacc jyr moongg. 

Qycc Mahakasyapa! Sibhongx buliong ee posad lairdew, uree e duiww langg qiukid ciuw, kax, hni, pni, tauu, bak, qutcuew, nauw, huih, bah, puee, qud, cuanlok, snia’ib, bow, qniaw, lovi, cnxiu, bew, ciax, qimx, ginn, liulii, ciaquu, bexlyw, san’oo, hoxpig, jinjux, levuer, ihok, qapp imxsit. Jitt hy kitjiac jerje si diamr dirr Vutkyw-sugi qaixtuad ee posad, iong hongven lat decc qra inx ciwgiam, hro inx (siawsimx) qenqor. Si anwjnuaw lehh? Diamr dirr Vutkyw-sugi qaixtuad ee posad in'ui u uidig ee lat, tangx giamgaii qra inx vig, duiww jiongwsingx henrcud jitt hy lann su. Huanhux qenwsig cenxvyc byy jitt hy linglik, be kamx did singsiu posad jitt hy giamgaii ee ciwgiamKyxviw luu-aw be kamx did lringg qap cnxiu decc dac. Jex qiyr jyr diamr dirr Vutkyw-sugi qaixtuad ee posad ee diwhui hongven huatmngg.”

(Vimalakirti Sutra - Chapter VI The Inconceivable Liberation 5)

Then the Licchavi Vimalakirti said to the patriarch Mahakasyapa, "Reverend Mahakasyapa, the Maras who play the devil in the innumerable universes of the ten directions are all bodhisattvas dwelling in the inconceivable liberation, who are playing the devil in order to develop living beings through their skill in liberative technique. Reverend Mahakasyapa, all the miserable beggars who come to the bodhisattvas of the innumerable universes of the ten directions to ask for a hand, a foot, an ear, a nose, some blood, muscles, bones, marrow, an eye, a torso, a head, a limb, a member, a throne, a kingdom, a country, a wife, a son, a daughter, a slave, a slave-girl, a horse, an elephant, a chariot, a cart, gold, silver, jewels, pearls, conches, crystal, coral, beryl, treasures, food, drink, elixirs, and clothes - these demanding beggars are usually bodhisattvas living in the inconceivable liberation who, through their skill in liberative technique, wish to test and thus demonstrate the firmness of the high resolve of the bodhisattvas. Why? Reverend Mahakasyapa, the bodhisattvas demonstrate that firmness by means of terrible austerities. Ordinary persons have no power to be thus demanding of bodhisattvas, unless they are granted the opportunity. They are not capable of killing and depriving in that manner without being freely given the chance.

"Reverend Mahakasyapa, just as a glowworm cannot eclipse the light of the sun, so reverend Mahakasyapa, it is not possible without special allowance that an ordinary person can thus attack and deprive a bodhisattva. Reverend Mahakasyapa, just as a donkey could not muster an attack on a wild elephant, even so, reverend Mahakasyapa, one who is not himself a bodhisattva cannot harass another bodhisattva, and only a bodhisattva can tolerate the harassment of another bodhisattva. Reverend Mahakasyapa, such is the introduction to the power of the knowledge of liberative technique of the bodhisattvas who live in the inconceivable liberation."

(維摩詰所說經第六品 不思議之5)


