
Vimalakirti Qingx (lak-4)

Hitt sijun, Vimalakirti qra Sariputra qongw, “Cniaw kir sraix-jyrui jniurjy.”

Sariputra qongw, “Qusu! Jitt xee jyrui sniu' quann, guaw vreh be kiw .kir.”

Vimalakirti qongw, “Sariputra! Duiww Merupradiparaja Zulaii qnialew dyrr tangx jniurjy.”

Dyrr anxnex, co’ huatsimx ee posad qapp dua derjuw dyrr hiongr Merupradiparaja Zulaii qnialew, liauxau dyrr tangx jre kiw kir sraix-jyrui.

Sariputra qongw, “Qusu! Ixjaw m bad duw .quer. Jiacc ser qingx ee cur tangx kngr jiacc quann ee jyrui, duiww Vaisali Sniaa iarr byy zimrhyy honggai, qycc Jambudvipa ee cuanlok qapp snia'ib ixqip suwdairvorjiux tnidingw ee lringg-ongg qapp quixsinn ee qiongden iarr be ekeh.”

Vimalakirti qongw, “Sariputra! Jiongww vut qapp posad u qaixtuad ee huatmngg qiyr jyr Vutkyw-sugi. Narr posad diamr dirr jitt hy qaixtuad ee qingxqair, quann qycc kuah ee Sumeru Snuax kngr zip qaiwbuac lairdew, qaiwbuac byy soxx jingqiamw, snuax-ongg Sumeru Snuax vunxsiongr zuqor. Sir xee tenongg qapp Trayastrmsa jiaxee tnix iarr zip .kir, inx qaqi vutdix-vutqag, dogdok in'ui jitt xee huatmngg virr dorhuar :ee jiacc tangx knuar diyc Sumeru Snuax dirr qaiwbuac lairdew. Jex dyrr qiyr jyr diamr dirr vutsugi qaixtuad ee huatmngg. Qycc iong sir xee dua haiw ee haixjuiw quanr zip kir hii, vih, koghii, qapp horquair ee jit xee mngqngw, byy sunxhai diyc jiaxee juixsingr dongrbut, qycc hex duarhaiw ee vunxsiongr zuqor. Hiaxee lringg, quixsinn, qapp asura dringw iarr virr quanr .zip .kir, qaqi vutdix-vutqag, jiaxee jiongwsingx iarr byy sriu sionghai.

Qycc Sariputra! Diamr dirr Vutkyw-sugi qaixtuad ee posad tangx cruw samcenx daircenx sewqair, cincniu siyx huii :ee qra ciahuiciax lrak dirr jniawvingg ee ciuxjniuw lairdew, qra danr kir quer Ganges Hyy suax sowliong ee sewqair gua ~ ~ kir. Hitt lairdew ee jiongwsingx duiww qaqi soxx diamr ee soxjai vutdix-vutqag, qycc dngw qaur vunxsow, longxx be ho'ngg qamxqag u dirdecc ongxlaii, zicniaw jitt xee sewqair ee vunxsiongr zuqor.

Qycc Sariputra! Tangx virr dorhuar ee jiongwsingx, inx uree hnuahiw quxdngg diamr dirr sewqanx, posad dyrr qra cid zit endiongg cincniu jit qiab hiacc quw, hro hiaxee jiongwsingx liahjunw si jit qiab. Tangx virr dorhuar ee jiongwsingx, inx uree byy air quxdngg diamr lehh, posad dyrr qra jit qiab crig jyr cincniu cid zit, hro hiaxee jiongwsingx liahjunw si cid zit. 

Qycc Sariputra! Diamr Vutkyw-sugi qaixtuad ee posad qra itcer vudtow jngsig jonggiamm ee dairjir jipdiongx dirr jit xee qog duiww jiongwsingx henrcud. Qycc posad qra jit xee vudtow ee jiongwsingx kngr dirr jniawvingg ee ciuxjniuw vuex qaur sibhongx venwvenr henrcud itcer, mrqycc vunxsow longxx byy dinxdang.

Qycc Sariputra! Sibhongx jiongwsingx qiong’iongw jiongww vut ee kiwqu, posad dirr jit xee mngqngxkangx lairdew longxx tangx knuar .diyc. Qycc sibhongx qoktow soxu ee zit, guec, qapp cnisinn, hro langg' poxpenr dirr jit xee mngqngxkangx longxx knuar e diyc.

Qycc Sariputra! Posad tangx qra sibhongx sewqair soxu hongx longxx suh zip cuir lairdew, mrqycc sintew longxx byy sunxhai, vunn hongx, ciurbok iarr be cuex dngw .kir. Qycc sibhongx sewqair qaur qiab jinrbuew decc siyx ee sii, ix tangx qra itcer huew tunx zip vxag-lai. Huew zuqor, mrqycc berdangr qra sionghai. Qycc dirr harhongx quer Ganges Hyy suax sowliong vut ee sewqair, cruw jit xee vut ee qoktow qra giaa kir dingxbin, quer Ganges Hyy suax sowliong busor sewqair, cincniu tec jiamx gniauh jxyw-aw-hiyc, mrqycc jiongwsingx longxx byy sriu sionghai.

Qycc Sariputra! Diamr dirr Vutkyw-sugi qaixtuad ee posad tangx iong sintongx henrcud vut ee hxingg, iacc henrcud pratyekabuddha ee hxingg, iacc henrcud sniabunn ee hxingg, iacc henrcud Sakra ee hxingg, iacc henrcud Brahma Ongg ee hxingg, iacc henrcud qun'ongg ee hxingg, iacc henrcud dngw lenw ongg ee hxingg. Qycc sibhongx sewqair soxu ee sniax, siongrdingw, diongdingw, qapp hardingw ee sniax, longxx tangx venr jyr vut ee sniax, enxsuad busiongg, kow, kangx, qapp byy guaw ee sniax, ixqip sibhongx jiongww vut soxx enxsuad jiongxjiongw ee Hxuad longxx dirr hitt lairdew, hro langg' poxpenr tangx tniax .diyc.

Sariputra! Guaw dnaxx iokliok enxsuad posad Vutkyw-sugi qaixtuad ee uilik. Narr beh siongser qongw, qiab qiongjin iarr qongw be liauw.”

Hitt sijun, Mahakasyapa tniax diyc posad Vutkyw-sugi qaixtuad ee huatmngg, janwtanr qongxx ixjaw m bad duw .quer, dyrr qra Sariputra qongw, “Kyxviw u langg dirr cnimii :ee taujingg henrcud jiongxjiongw mihqnia, cnimii :ee knuar be diyc. Itcer sniabunn tniax diyc jitt xee Vutkyw-sugi qaixtuad ee huatmngg berdangr liauqaiw jitt xee dyrliw iarr si zucuw. Diwjiaw tniax diyc jiaxee, si’angw be huatsimx dirr anuttara-samyak-sambodhiBunai guanw jiaxee qinx-singr hai .kir, dirr jitt xee Dairsing cincniu vairhuai ee jingxjiw. Itcer sniabunn tniax diyc jitt xee Vutkyw-sugi qaixtuad ee huatmngg, longxx ingqaix iong kaur-sniax dinxdang samcenx daircenx sewqair. Itcer posad ingqaix dua hnuahiw, quirvair laii jiapsiu jitt xee Hxuad. Narr u posad siongsinr qapp liauxqaiw Vutkyw-sugi qaixtuad ee huatmngg :ee, itcer xmoo dyrr byy ix hxuad.”

Mahakasyapa qongw jiaxee ue ee sii, u snax-bxan nng-cingx ee tenzinn longxx huatsimx dirr anuttara-samyak-sambodhi.

(Vimalakirti Sutra - Chapter VI The Inconceivable Liberation 4)

The Licchavi Vimalakirti said to the venerable Sariputra, "Reverend Sariputra, take your seat upon a throne."

He replied, "Good sir, the thrones are too big and too high, and I cannot sit upon them."

Vimalakirti said, "Reverend Sariputra, bow down to the Tathagata Merupradiparaja, and you will be able to take your seat."

Then, the great disciples bowed down to the Tathagata Merupradiparaja and they were seated upon the thrones.

Then, the venerable Sariputra said to the Licchavi Vimalakirti, "Noble sir, it is astonishing that these thousands of thrones, so big and so high, should fit into such a small house and that the great city of Vaisali, the villages, cities, kingdoms, capitals of Jambudvipa, the other three continents, the abodes of the gods, the nagas, the yaksas, the gandharvas, the asuras, the garudas, the kimnaras, and the mahoragas - that all of these should appear without any obstacle, just as they were before!"

The Licchavi Vimalakirti replied, "Reverend Sariputra, for the Tathagatas and the bodhisattvas, there is a liberation called 'Inconceivable.' The bodhisattva who lives in the inconceivable liberation can put the king of mountains, Sumeru, which is so high, so great, so noble, and so vast, into a mustard seed. He can perform this feat without enlarging the mustard seed and without shrinking Mount Sumeru. And the deities of the assembly of the four Maharajas and of the Trayastrimsa heavens do not even know where they are.

Only those beings who are destined to be disciplined by miracles see and understand the putting of the king of mountains, Sumeru, into the mustard seed. That, reverend Sariputra, is an entrance to the domain of the inconceivable liberation of the bodhisattvas.

"Furthermore, reverend Sariputra, the bodhisattva who lives in the inconceivable liberation can pour into a single pore of his skin all the waters of the four great oceans, without injuring the water-animals such as fish, tortoises, crocodiles, frogs, and other creatures, and without the nagas, yaksas, gandharvas, and asuras even being aware of where they are. And the whole operation is visible without any injury or disturbance to any of those living beings.

"Such a bodhisattva can pick up with his right hand this billion-world-galactic universe as if it were a potter's wheel and, spinning it round, throw it beyond universes as numerous as the sands of the Ganges, without the living beings therein knowing their motion or its origin, and he can catch it and put it back in its place, without the living beings suspecting their coming and going; and yet the whole operation is visible.

"Furthermore, reverend Sariputra, there are beings who become disciplined after an immense period of evolution, and there are also those who are disciplined after a short period of evolution. The bodhisattva who lives in the inconceivable liberation, for the sake of disciplining those living beings who are disciplined through immeasurable periods of evolution, can make the passing of a week seem like the passing of an aeon, and he can make the passing of an aeon seem like the passing of a week for those who are disciplined through a short period of evolution. The living beings who are disciplined through an immeasurable period of evolution actually perceive a week to be the passing of an aeon, and those disciplined by a short period of evolution actually perceive an aeon to be the passing of a week.

"Thus, a bodhisattva who lives in the inconceivable liberation can manifest all the splendors of the virtues of all the buddha-fields within a single buddha-field. Likewise, he can place all living beings in the palm of his right hand and can show them with the supernatural speed of thought all the buddha-fields without ever leaving his own buddha-field. He can display in a single pore all the offerings ever offered to all the Buddhas of the ten directions, and the orbs of all the suns, moons, and stars of the ten directions. He can inhale all the hurricanes of the cosmic wind-atmospheres of the ten directions into his mouth without harming his own body and without letting the forests and the grasses of the buddha-fields be flattened. He can take all the masses of fire of all the supernovas that ultimately consume all the universes of all the buddha-fields into his stomach without interfering with their functions. Having crossed buddha-fields as numerous as the sands of the Ganges downward, and having taken up a buddha-field, he can rise up through buddha-fields as numerous as the sands of the Ganges and place it on high, just as a strong man may pick up a jujube leaf on the point of a needle.

"Thus, a bodhisattva who lives in the inconceivable liberation can magically transform any kind of living being into a universal monarch, a Lokapala, a Sakra, a Brahma, a disciple, a solitary sage, a bodhisattva, and even into a Buddha. The bodhisattva can transform miraculously all the cries and noises, superior, mediocre, and inferior, of all living beings of the ten directions, into the voice of the Buddha, with the words of the Buddha, the Dharma, and the Sangha, having them proclaim, 'Impermanent! Miserable! Empty! Selfless!' And he can cause them to recite the words and sounds of all the teachings taught by all the Buddhas of the ten directions.

"Reverend Sariputra, I have shown you only a small part of the entrance into the domain of the bodhisattva who lives in the inconceivable liberation. Reverend Sariputra, to explain to you the teaching of the full entrance into the domain of the bodhisattva who lives in the inconceivable liberation would require more than an aeon, and even more than that."

Then, the patriarch Mahakasyapa, having heard this teaching of the inconceivable liberation of the bodhisattvas, was amazed, and he said to the venerable Sariputra, "Venerable Sariputra, if one were to show a variety of things to a person blind from birth, he would not be able to see a single thing. Likewise, venerable Sariputra, when this door of the inconceivable liberation is taught, all the disciples and solitary sages are sightless, like the man blind from birth, and cannot comprehend even a single cause of the inconceivable liberation. Who is there among the wise who, hearing about this inconceivable liberation, does not conceive the spirit of unexcelled, perfect enlightenment? As for us, whose faculties are deteriorated, like a burned and rotten seed, what else can we do if we do not become receptive to this great vehicle? We, all the disciples and solitary sages, upon hearing this teaching of the Dharma, should utter a cry of regret that would shake this billion-world-galactic universe! And as for the bodhisattvas, when they hear of this inconceivable liberation they should be as joyful as a young crown prince when he takes the diadem and is anointed, and they should increase to the utmost their devotion to this inconceivable liberation. Indeed, what could the entire host of Maras ever do to one who is devoted to this inconceivable liberation?"

When the patriarch Mahakasyapa had uttered this discourse, thirty-two thousand gods conceived the spirit of unexcelled, perfect enlightenment.

(維摩詰所說經第六品 不思議之4)


