Vuddyy qra Ananda qapp Vaidehi qongw, “Co’ quanx uansingg, qycc laii si 'quansniu juiw'. Qnir diyc juiw dingcingx, iarr knuar qaxx bingg ~ ~, simx byy vunsnuar. Qacc u qnir diyc juiw liauxau, qaidiongx ‘quansniu vingx’. Qnir diyc vingx qngliang, dyrr 'quansniu liulii'. Jitt xee quansniu liauw, qnir diyc liulii-de lairgua qngliang, erdew u qimqongx qapp cid jiongw vyxbut ee qimx-donghuanx qra liulii-de tner .kiw .laii. Donghuanx u veh bin, u veh xee qag jiokjiog, muixx jit bin si vah jiongw vyxbut soxx jyr, muixx jit liap vyxjux u cxenx dy qngx, muixx jit dy qngx u veh-bxan sir-cingx jiongw sig jiyr liulii-de, kyxviw ikcingx liap zidtauu hiacc qngx, byy huatdo longxx knuar .diyc.
Liulii-de dingxquann u ngqimx-syh qra lo qeckuix, ixx cid jiongw vyxbut jyr qaiwsnuar, hunx qaxx c.-cingcyw-c. Muixx jit jiongw vyxbut longxx e vangr cud go-vah sig ee qngx. Hex qngx bersux huex, qycc cincniu cnxix iacc guec, dirr hukongx henn lehh, jniaa jyr jit xee qongbingg ee daii, u lauqyh cenban, si vah jiongw vyxbut jyr :ee. Dirr daii ee nng vingg qokk u vac’ig luiw huex jyr ee donghuanx qapp buliong ee gagkir decc jonggiamm liulii-de. Veh jiongw cinghongx an’ qongbingg ee daii hiax cud .laii decc jraur jiaxee gagkir, enxsuad kow, kangx, busiongg qapp byy guaw ee imx. Jex si ‘quansniu juiw’, miaa qiyr jyr derr zi quansniu.
(The Sutra On Contemplation Of Amitayus - 10)
The Buddha said to Ananda and Vaidehi, “After you have accomplished the first contemplation, next practice visualization of water. Picture the water as clear and pure, and let this vision be distinctly perceived. Keep your thoughts from being distracted. After you have visualized the water, envision it becoming frozen. After you have visualized the ice as transparent to its depth, see it turning into beryl. When you have attained this vision, next imagine that the beryl ground shines brilliantly, inside and out, and that this ground is supported from below by columns, which are made of diamond and the seven jewels and hung with golden banners. These columns have eight sides and eight corners, each side being adorned with a hundred jewels. Each jewel emits a thousand rays of light, each ray in turn having eighty-four thousand colors. As they are reflected on the beryl ground, they look like a thousand kotis of suns, so dazzling that it is impossible to see them in detail.
On this beryl ground, golden paths intercross like a net of cords. The land is divided into areas made of one or the other of the seven jewels, so the partitions are quite distinct. Each jewel emits a flood of light in five hundred colors. The light appears in the shape of a flower or a star or the moon; suspended in the sky, it turns into a platform of light, on which there are ten million pavilions made of a hundred jewels. Both sides of this platform are adorned with a hundred kotis of flowered banners and innumerable musical instruments. As eight pure breezes arise from the light and play the musical instruments, they proclaim the truth of suffering, emptiness, impermanence and no-self. This is the visualizing of the water and is known as the second contemplation.
(佛說觀無量壽佛經 -10)