Hitt sii, Ajatashatru mng vexsiuw :ee qongxx, “Guanw laurve qamxx iaxx uac lehh?”
Vexsiuw :ee qra qongw, “Uixdai ee ongg! Taiwhuzinn sinkux buah behhux qapp bit, iong judui drew jiab tec kir hro qok'ongg limjiac. Sabunn Mahamaudgalyayana(Boglenn) qapp Purna an’ tnidingw laii decc uirr qok'ongg suathuad. Byy huatdo qra inx joxjiw.”
Tniax diyc jiaxee ue, Ajatashatru duiww inx laurbuw jiokk siurkir, dyrr qongw, “Guanw laurbuw si cat, qapp cat-aw qang dongw. Sabunn si pnaiw langg, iong huhuanr ee huatsut hro siaog ee qok'ongg jiacc je qangx :ar longxx be siw.” Ix dyrr giac qiamr beh taii inx laurbuw.
Hitt dangjun, u jit xee miaa hy jyr Candraprabha ee dairsinn, congbingg qycc u diwsig. Ix qapp Jivaka dangjee kir vaiwqnir ongg. Ix duiww ongg qongw, “Uixdai ee ongg! Srinn tniax qongxx Vedic Qingbunn lairdew u qongw, ‘Kuix tnide ixlaii, u jerje siaog ee ongg amtamx ong'ui, diwsuw kir taii inx laurve :ee u jit-bxan veh-cingx hiacc je.’ M bad tniax qongxx u budy kir taii laurbuw. Ongg dnaxx beh jyr jitt jann hinggik ee dairjir, e hro Kasatriya Jok qenwsiaur. Srinn be kamx did tniax diyc langg' decc girlun, qongw liw si jenrbinn Candala. Guanw vutgii qycc dirr jiax kiarkiw.”
Nng xui dairsinn ue qongw liauw, ciuw hnua qiamr, dywter qniaa lirkuix. Hitt sii, Ajatashatru jin' qniahniaa vut'anx, duiww Jivaka qongw, “Liw byy beh tin :guaw?"
Jivaka rinr qongxx, “Verha! Cenban m tangx taii siw laurbuw.”
Ongg tniax diyc jiaxee ue, camwhuew qriuu vangjo. Ix qra qiamr vniax driau, byy beh qycc dusad laurbuw, bingrling hogsai luerqiongx :ee qongxx, “Qra ix qnuaix dirr cimqiongx, berdangr hro ix qycc cud .laii.”
(The Sutra On Contemplation Of Amitayus - 3)
Then Ajatashatru asked the guard, “Is my father still alive?”
The guard replied, “Great king, his consort spreads flour paste over her body and fills her ornaments with grape juice and offers these to the king. The monks Mahamaudgalyayana and Purna come here through the air to expound the Dharma to him. It is impossible to stop them.”
Hearing this, Ajatashatru became furious with his mother and said, “Because you are an accomplice to that enemy, mother, you too are an enemy. Those monks are evil, for with their delusive magic they have kept this wicked king alive for many days.” So saying, he drew his sharp sword, intending to kill her.
At that time the king had a minister named Candraprabha who was intelligent and wise. Together with Jivaka he made obeisances to the king and said, “Great King, according to a certain Vedic scripture, since the beginning of this cosmic period, there have been eighteen thousand wicked kings who have killed their fathers out of their desire to usurp the throne, but we have never heard of anyone who has committed the outrage of killing his mother. Your Majesty, if you commit such an outrage, you will bring disgrace upon the ksatriya class. As your ministers, we cannot bear to hear what people will say. As this would be the act of an outcaste, we could no longer remain here.”
Having spoken these words, the two ministers grasped their swords and stepped back. Agitated and frightened, Ajatashatru said to Jivaka, “Are you not on my side?”
Jivaka replied, “Your Majesty, please restrain yourself and do not kill your mother.”
Hearing this, the king repented and begged their forgiveness. Having thrown away his sword, he stopped short of killing his mother and, instead, ordered the court officials to lock her in an inner chamber and not to allow her to leave.
(佛說觀無量壽佛經 -3)