Hitt sijun, Sewjunx beh dingg qycc suanqangw soxx qongw ee iwsur, dyrr iong jimgensix qongw:
“Guaw sniu kiw quewkir sxer
Buliong buvenx ee qiab
U jit xui hokdig qapp diwhui liongw uanbuanw ee Sewjunx
Mia qiyr jyr Duartongx Diwhui Jniawsiong
Kyxviw u langg he lat gingw
Samcenx daircenx ee qoktow
Qra jiaxee de
Longxx jyr jniaa bxak
Qingquer jit-cingx xee qoktow
He cincniu din’aix ee jit diamw bxak
Cincniu anxnex itdit he
Itdit qaur bxak ing liauw
Jiaxee qoktow
U diamw qapp byy diamw :ee
Qycc gingw jyr din’aix
Jit xee din’aix si jit qiab
Jiaxee din’aix ee sowliong
Vut beddo au ee qiab iaxx ciauquer jitt xee sowliong
Hitt xui vut beddo ixlaii
Qingquer cincniu zucuw buliong qiab
Zulaii byy jiongwgai ee diwhui
Jaix hitt xui vut beddo
Iarr jaix sniabunn qapp posad beddo
Bersux jitmaw knuar diyc inx beddo
Jiongww bikiu diyhh jaix
Vut ee diwhui cingjing bibiau
Byy lrau byy soxx jiongwgai
Tongdat buliong qiab”
(The Lotus Sutra - Chapter VII The Apparitional City 2)
Thereupon the Bhagavat, wanting to elaborate on the meaning of this further, spoke these verses:
I recall that in the past,
Immeasurable kalpas ago,
There was a buddha, the most honored among two-legged beings,
Called Mahābhijñājñānābhibhū.
Suppose there was a man
Who vigorously ground up in its entirety
The earth of the great manifold cosmos
And turned it all to powdered ink.
After passing through one thousand worlds,
He let fall one particle of ink;
And in this way He continued to let fall particles
Until he had used up all the ink.
If all these worlds,
Those where he let fall a particle
And those where he did not,
Were to be ground into specks of dust,
And one speck of dust were equal to a single kalpa,
Their number would be surpassed
By the number of kalpas
That have passed since that buddha’s parinirvāṇa,
So incalculable has this number of kalpas been.
With the Tathāgata’s unobstructed wisdom,
I know of these bodhisattvas and śrāvakas
And the parinirvāṇa of this buddha;
It is as if I see his parinirvāṇa today.
O monks, you should know
That with the knowledge of the Buddha,
Which is pure and subtle,
Incorrupted and without obstructions,
I perceive what happened immeasurable kalpas ago.
(妙法蓮華經第七品 化城喻之2)
我念過去世 無量無邊劫
有佛兩足尊 名大通智勝
如人以力磨 三千大千土
盡此諸地種 皆悉以為墨
過於千國土 乃下一塵點
如是展轉點 盡此諸塵墨
如是諸國土 點與不點等
復盡末為塵 一塵為一劫
此諸微塵數 其劫復過是
彼佛滅度來 如是無量劫
如來無礙智 知彼佛滅度
及聲聞菩薩 如見今滅度
諸比丘當知 佛智淨微妙
無漏無所礙 通達無量劫