Hitt sijun, go-vah-bxan ig jiongww Brahma ee ongg qra inx ee qiongden jah lehh, qokqog iong snxax drew qokk jiongw tnidingw ee huex qiongrdongg ngr saivag jen'ongw beh cue jinsiongr. Inx knuar diyc Duartongx Diwhui Jniawsiong Zulaii diamr dirr dyrdniuu, dirr poteciu-kax ee sraix-jyrui jre lehh. Jiongww tnix, ling'ongg, gandharva, kimnara, mahoraga, u sriok langg qapp byy sriok langg :ee jiaxee longxx qiongqingr qra uii lehh, iarr knuar diyc jap-lak xui ongjuw cniaw Vut dngw huatlenw.
Hitt sii, inx iong tauu qapp bin kap de vair Vut, qra Vut uii lehh sec vaccingx linr, liauxau iong tnidingw ee huex ia dirr Vut ee sinkux-dingw. Inx ia ee huex cincniu Sumeru Snuax hiacc quann, qycc iong huex qiong’iongw Vut ee poteciu. Iong huex qiong’iongw liauw, inx qokqog qra qiongden hongrhenr hro hitt xui Vut. Inx anxnex qongw, 'Cniaw linbinw guanw, hro guanw did diyc lirig. Soxx hongrhenr ee qiongden, hibang liw jiapsiu.'
Hitt sii, jiongww Brahma ee ongg dirr Vut taujingg itsimgx qang sniax, iong jimgensix janwsiong qongxx:
Singwjuw tnidingw ee ongg
Cincniu kalavinka ee sniax
Linbinw jiongwsingx :ee
Guanw henrjai qnialew
Sewjunx jiokk hihanw
Quw quw jiacc cuthen jit vaiw
Jit-vah-veh-jap qiab
Kangx kangx decc quer longxx byy vut
Snax og dy dni muaw muaw
Jiongww tnix ee dairjiongr qiamxjiyw
Jitmaw vut dirr sewqanx cuthen
Jyr jiongwsingx ee bagjiux
Sewqanx soxx quiix :ee
E qiuwjo qapp vyxho itcer
Jyr jiongwsingx ee laurve
U linbinw qycc duar laii lirig :ee
Guanw quewkir sxer soxx jxig ee hokkir
Jitmaw jiacc tangx duw diyc Sewjunx
(The Lotus Sutra - Chapter VII The Apparitional City 9)
“Thereupon five hundred myriads of koṭis of great Brahmas went toward the northwest with their palaces, carrying heavenly flowers in their robes, to enquire about this phenomenon. They saw the Tathāgata Mahābhijñājñānābhibhū on the terrace of enlightenment, sitting on the lion seat under the bodhi tree. He was respectfully surrounded by humans and such nonhumans as devas, nāga kings, gandharvas, kiṃnaras, and mahoragas. They also saw the sixteen princes requesting the Buddha to turn the wheel of the Dharma.
“Then all the Brahmas bowed until their foreheads touched the Buddha’s feet and then circled around him one hundred thousand times. They scattered heavenly flowers on the Buddha, and the flowers they scattered were piled up as high as Mount Sumeru. They also paid homage to the Buddha’s bodhi tree. Having reverently offered the Buddha flowers, they presented their palaces to him, saying: Please accept the palaces we now offer you and benefit us through your compassion!
“Then the great Brahmas spoke these verses wholeheartedly and in unison before the Buddha:
O Great Sage, Deva of Devas!
We now bow to the one
Whose voice is as beautiful as the kalaviṅka bird’s
And who has compassion for sentient beings.
The Bhagavat is truly extraordinary
And can only be seen once In an extremely long time.
One hundred and eighty kalpas
Have passed away fruitlessly,
And no buddhas have appeared during this time.
The worlds have been filled With people in the three troubled states of being,
And the devas have decreased.
The Buddha has now appeared in the world
To be the eyes of sentient beings.
He will be the refuge of the world
And will seek to protect all.
As the father of sentient beings,
He is the compassionate benefactor.
Because of our past merits,
We now have the good fortune to be able
To meet the Bhagavat!
(妙法蓮華經第七品 化城喻之9)
聖主天中王 迦陵頻伽聲
哀愍眾生者 我等今敬禮
世尊甚希有 久遠乃一現
一百八十劫 空過無有佛
三惡道充滿 諸天眾減少
今佛出於世 為眾生作眼
世間所歸趣 救護於一切
為眾生之父 哀愍饒益者
我等宿福慶 今得值世尊