Hitt sijun, Duartongx Diwhui Jniawsiong Zulaii qig diam diam viauxsi dac’ingr.
Qycc jiongww bikiu! Lamhngx go-vah-bxan ig qoktow jiongww Brahma ee ongg, inx qnir diyc qaqi ee qiongden hro qngx jiyr qaxx jiokk qongbingg, ixjaw m bad u :ee, hnuahiw qaxx be qor .did, qamxqag jiokk han'iuw. Inx horsiongx vaiwhongw, qiongrdongg sionggi jitt hxang dairjir, mng qongxx, 'Si sniaw guan'inx, lanw ee qiongden e jiacc qngx?’
Hitt sijun, inx lairdew u jit xee uixdai ee Brahma ee ongg, qiyr jyr Sudharma(Bibiau Hxuad), uirr jiongww Brahma ee dairjiongr qongw jimgensix:
Lanw ee qiongden
Jiokk qngx jiokk canwlan
Jex m si byy-en.-byy-qor
Jinsiongr diyhh kir cue
Quer vaccingx qiab
M bad knuar quer jitt xee henrsiong
In'ui u dua dikhing :ee qangwsingx
Iacc si u vut cuthen dirr sewqanx
(The Lotus Sutra - Chapter VII The Apparitional City 11)
“Then the Tathāgata Mahābhijñājñānābhibhū silently consented.
“Furthermore, O monks, the great Brahmas in the five hundreds of thousands of koṭis of lands in the south each saw their palaces illuminated as they had never been before. Joyful and ecstatic, they were struck with wonder. They immediately assembled to discuss this matter together, asking: Why have our palaces been illuminated?
“At that time there was a great Brahma, called Sudharma. He spoke to the assembly of Brahmas in verse saying:
Our palaces are illuminated
With brilliant light.
There must be a reason for this,
And we should seek its source.
We have not seen such a phenomenon
During the past hundreds of thousands of kalpas.
Has a deva of great merit been born,
Or has a buddha appeared in the world?
(妙法蓮華經第七品 化城喻之11)
我等諸宮殿 光明甚威曜
此非無因緣 是相宜求之
過於百千劫 未曾見是相
為大德天生 為佛出世間