
Bibiau Hxuad Lenhuex Qingx (cid-4)


Hitt sijun, jap-lak xee ongjuw iong jimgensix janwsiong liauw, cniaw Sewjunx dngw huatlenw, longxx anxnex qongw, ‘Sewjunx cniaw suathuad, hro kacc je langg did diyc an’unw. Cniaw linbunw jiongww tenzinn qapp zinbinn, hro inx did diyc lirig.' Inx dingg qyxx iong jimgensix qongw:

Sewqanx ee singwhiongg byy langg viw e quer 

Iong vah jiongw ee hokdig jonggiamm jursinx 

Did diyc busiong ee diwhui 

Hibang liw uirr sewqanx suathuad

Dortuad guanw jiaxee 

Qapp jerje jiongwsingx 

Cniaw hunvet henxbingg 

Hro guanw did diyc jitt hy diwhui 

Narr guanw tangx jniaa jyr vut 

Jiongwsingx iarr qangrkuanw 

Sewjunx jaix jiongwsingx 

Simlai soxx sniu :ee 

Iarr jaix inx soxx jyr ee dy 

Qycc jaix inx diwhui ee ligliong 

Inx ee iogbong, hingwcur, siulen ee hokkir 

Ixqip quewkir sxer soxx jyr ee giap 

Sewjunx longxx jai’ngiaw 

Qaidongx dngw busiong ee lenw”

(The Lotus Sutra - Chapter VII The Apparitional City 4)

“At that time the sixteen princes, having praised the Buddha in verse, requested that the Bhagavat turn the wheel of the Dharma, saying: O Bhagavat, teach the Dharma! Put all the devas and people at ease and benefit them through your compassion! 

“They spoke further in verse, saying: 

O Hero of the World, 

The One Who Has No Equal, 

Who is adorned with a hundred merits, 

And has attained the highest wisdom! 

We entreat you to teach 

For the sake of the world, 

And bring us and all the other 

Sentient beings to the path. 

Illuminate and reveal this wisdom 

So that we may attain it. 

If we can become buddhas, 

So can the other sentient beings. 

The Bhagavat knows 

The deep-seated intentions of sentient beings 

And the paths they practice, 

As well as the power of their wisdom. 

May the Bhagavat, being wholly aware 

Of their positive intentions, 

Accumulated merits, and past deeds, 

Turn the highest wheel of the Dharma.

(妙法蓮華經第七品 化城喻之4)


 世雄無等倫  百福自莊嚴

 得無上智慧  願為世間說

 度脫於我等  及諸眾生類

 為分別顯示  令得是智慧

 若我等得佛  眾生亦復然

 世尊知眾生  深心之所念

 亦知所行道  又知智慧力

 欲樂及修福  宿命所行業

 世尊悉知已  當轉無上輪

