Hitt sijun, Sewjunx beh dingg qycc suanqangw soxx qongw ee iwsur, dyrr iong jimgensix qongw:
"Guaw jitt xee derjuw
Mahamaudgalyayana(Dua Bogqenwlenn)
Jitt srinx siar kir liauw
Tangx qnir diyc veh-cingx
Nng-vah-bxan ig xui
Jerje Vut Sewjunx
Uirr vut ee dy
Qra inx qiong’iongw qapp qiongqingr
Dirr jiaxee vut ee soxjai
Ix dniardnia siuhak cingjing ee dua senrhingg
Dirr buliong qiab
Junhong qapp cisiuw vudhuad
Jiaxee vut beddo liauxau
Ix kiw cid vyw tah
Dngg dngg qimsig ee biy
Iong huex, hniux, qapp imgak
Laii qiong’iongw
Jiaxee vut ee tah
Jiamrjiam uanvi
Posad ee dy liauxau
Dirr Kuaiwlok Ir ee qoktow
Ix tangx jyr vut
Hy jyr Tamalapa
Dnuahniux ee Pangx
Jitt xui vut ee siurbing
Zi-jap-sir qiab
Dniardnia uirr tenzinn qapp langg
Enxsuad vuddy
Sniabunn ee sowliong buliong
Cincniu Ganges Hyy ee suax
U Snax Bingg Lak Sintongx
U dua uidig
Posad u busor
Iwjer qending jingjinr
Dirr vut ee diwhui
Longxx byy dywter
Jitt xui vut beddo liauxau
Jniar Hxuad dilehh
Sir-jap siyw qiab
Cincniu Hxuad iarr qangrkuanw
Guaw ee jiongww derjuw
Uigii qapp dikhing longxx uanvi :ee
Sowliong u go-vah
Longxx tangx did diyc camwgiw
Dirr birlaii sxer
Longxx tangx jniaa jyr vut
Guaw ham' linw
Siokser ee inenn
Guaw jitmaw beh qongw
Linw hyw hyw aw tniax”
(The Lotus Sutra - Chapter VI Prediction 9)
Then the Bhagavat, wanting to elaborate on this meaning, spoke these verses:
This disciple of mine,
Having abandoned this body,
Will meet eight thousand and then two hundred
Myriads of koṭis of Buddha Bhagavats.
For the sake of the buddha path
He will pay them homage and respect them,
And always practice holy conduct (brahmacarya)
Of discipline and integrity
In the presence of these buddhas.
He will uphold the Buddha-Dharma
For immeasurable kalpas.
After the parinirvāṇas of these buddhas
He will erect stupas
Constructed with the seven precious treasures
On which golden banners
Will be long displayed.
He will pay homage to
These stupas of the buddhas
With flowers, incense, and music.
After having mastered
The bodhisattva path step by step,
In a land called Mano’bhirāma,
He will become a buddha
Called Tamālapatracandanagandha.
The lifespan of this buddha
Will be twenty-four intermediate kalpas.
He will always expound the buddha path
For the sake of devas and humans.
There will be countless śrāvakas,
As numerous as the sands of the Ganges River,
Who will have perfected the three sciences,
And six transcendent powers,
And have great dignity and virtue.
There will be innumerable bodhisattvas,
Resolute and persevering, who will never turn away
From the wisdom of the buddhas.
After the parinirvāṇa of this buddha
The True Dharma will last
For forty intermediate kalpas,
And the Semblance Dharma
Will also be like this.
All of my disciples,
Five hundred in number,
Who are endowed with dignity and virtue,
Will also receive my prediction.
In the future they will all become buddhas.
I will now explain the relationships
That you and I have formed in past lives.
All of you, listen carefully!
(妙法蓮華經第六品 授記之9)
我此弟子 大目犍連 捨是身已
得見八千 二百萬億 諸佛世尊
為佛道故 供養恭敬 於諸佛所
常修梵行 於無量劫 奉持佛法
諸佛滅後 起七寶塔 長表金剎
華香伎樂 而以供養 諸佛塔廟
漸漸具足 菩薩道已 於意樂國
而得作佛 號多摩羅 栴檀之香
其佛壽命 二十四劫 常為天人
演說佛道 聲聞無量 如恒河沙
三明六通 有大威德 菩薩無數
志固精進 於佛智慧 皆不退轉
佛滅度後 正法當住 四十小劫
像法亦爾 我諸弟子 威德具足
其數五百 皆當授記 於未來世
咸得成佛 我及汝等 宿世因緣
吾今當說 汝等善聽