
Bibiau Hxuad Lenhuex Qingx (cid-3)

Vuddyy qra jiongww bikiu qongw, “Duartongx Diwhui Jniawsiong Vut ee siurbing u go-vah sir-jap-bxan ig nayuta qiab. Jitt xui vut jre dirr dyrdniuu puar xmoo-qunx liauxau, guanvunw tangx did diyc anuttara-samyak-sambodhi, mrqycc qokk jiongw vudhuad byy henxbingg dirr ganxjenn. Zucuw qingquer jit siyw qiab simrjiww jap siyw qiab, ix kax tiappuann jre lehh, srinx qapp simx longxx byy dinxdang, mrqycc qokk jiongw vudhuad iaxx si byy dirr ganxjenn. 

Hitt sijun, Trayastrimsa jerje tenzinn singx uirr hitt xui vut dirr poteciu-kax cux sraix-jyrui, quann jit yojana. Vut dirr jit xee jyrui tangx did diyc anuttara-samyak-sambodhi. Duxduxx jre kiw kir jitt xee jyrui, hitt sii jiongww Brahma ia tnix-huex, duarser u jit-vah yojana. Pangx hongx qra lenx .kir ee huex cuex jauw qycc lyc sinsenx ee huex. 

Zucuw byy dng muaw jap siyw qiab qiong’iongw vut, simrjiww qaur ix beddo iaxx dniardnia lyc jitt hy huex-ho. Siwhngx Tenongg ee jerje tenzinn uirr qiong’iongw vut dniardnia longr tniqow. Cunx :ee jiongww tenzinn jraur tengak muaw jap siyw qiab, simrjiww qaur vut beddo iarr si zucuw. 

Jiongww bikiu! Duartongx Diwhui Jniawsiong Vut quer jap siyw qiab, vudhuad jiacc henxbingg dirr ganxjenn, singjiu anuttara-samyak-sambodhi

Jitt xui vut iauxx bue cutqex ee sijun u jap-lak xee qniaw. Dua hanr :ee qiyr jyr Jnanakara(Diwhui Luixjig). Muixx jit xee qniaw longxx u jiongxjiongw dinqii hyw sngw ee mihqnia. Tniax diyc laurve singjiu anuttara-samyak-sambodhi, longxx qra dinqii ee mihqnia vangwhe, jen'ongw vut ee soxjai. Inx ee laurbuw lrauu bagsaiw laii siy’ sangr. Inx ee a'qongx dngw lenw singwongg qapp jit-vah xee dairsinn ixqip qitax vaccingbanrig zinbinn longxx duer lecc qaur dyrdniuu qra vut uii lehh, longxx beh cinqin Duartongx Diwhui Jniawsiong Zulaii, beh qra ix qiong’iongw, qiongqingr, jundiong, qapp janwtanr. 

Qaur xui, tauu qapp bin kap de duiww vut ee kax qingwvair liauxau, inx itsimx habjiongw giongxbong Sewjunx, iong jimgensix janwsiong qongxx:

Dua uidig Sewjunx 

Uirr beh dro jiongwsingx 

Dirr buliong ig qiab 

Jiacc jniaa jyr vut 

Soxu guan ixx uanvi 

Jiokk hyw, qetsiongg buviw 

Sewjunx jin’ hihanw 

Jit jre jap siyw qiab 

Sintew qapp kaciuw 

Jing jing an'unw byy dinxdang 

Ix ee simx dniardnia vyxcii diamrjing 

M bad u sanwluan 

Qiuwqingr ingxuanw jigbet 

An'unw diamr dirr byy lrau ee Hxuad 

Jitmaw qnir diyc Sewjunx 

An’unw singjiu vuddy 

Guanw did diyc hyw ee lirig 

Kingwjiog dua hnuahiw 

Jiongwsingx dniardnia iukow qapp huanlyw 

Cincniu cnimii :ee byy dyrsux 

M bad bedjin kow ee dy 

M jaix diyhh qriuu qaixtuad 

Dngg xia jingqax og giap 

Jiongww tenzinn qiamxjiyw 

An’ oamr zip kir oamr 

Ingxuanw tniax be diyc vut ee miaa 

Henrjai Vut did diyc jniawsiong 

An’un byy lrau ee dy 

Guanw qapp tnizinn ixqip langg 

Incuw did diyc jueww dua ee lirig 

Soxiw longxx kabtauu 

Quiix busiong Sewjunx

(The Lotus Sutra - Chapter VII The Apparitional City 3)

The Buddha addressed the monks, saying: “The lifespan of this buddha Mahābhijñājñānābhibhū was five hundred and forty myriads of koṭis of nayutas of kalpas. When that buddha was seated on the terrace of enlightenment after having defeated Māra’s army, he tried to obtain highest, complete enlightenment, yet the Dharma of the buddhas did not appear to him. In this way, even after having sat cross-legged for one to ten intermediate kalpas, undisturbed in body and mind, the Dharma of the buddhas still did not appear to him. 

“At that time a group of thirty-three devas first prepared for that buddha a lion seat one yojana in height under the bodhi tree, for this buddha was to attain highest, complete enlightenment on that seat. As soon as the Buddha sat on this seat, all the Brahmas rained down various heavenly flowers for a hundred yojanas around; periodically a fragrant breeze would blow away the withered flowers and they would rain down fresh ones. 

“In this way they unceasingly paid homage to the Buddha for a full ten intermediate kalpas, raining down these flowers continuously until his parinirvāṇa. The devas of the four quarters constantly struck heavenly drums to honor the Buddha, and in the same way all the other devas made divine music for a full ten intermediate kalpas until his parinirvāṇa. 

“O monks! The Dharma of the buddhas appeared to the Buddha Mahābhijñājñānābhibhū after ten intermediate kalpas had passed, and he attained highest, complete enlightenment. 

“This Buddha had had sixteen children before he renounced household life. The eldest child was called Jñānākara. Each child had various kinds of rare toys. After hearing about their father’s attainment of highest, complete enlightenment, they all put aside their toys and set out for where the Buddha was. Weeping sad tears, their mothers saw them off. Their grandfather, the wheel-turning sage king, went with them, along with a hundred ministers and hundreds of thousands of myriads of koṭis of people. When they arrived at the terrace of enlightenment, they all wanted to approach the Tathāgata Mahābhijñājñānābhibhū, and pay homage and respect, honor, and praise him. They came up to him and bowed until their foreheads touched his feet, and then circled around him. 

Attentively, with palms pressed together, they gazed at the Bhagavat and spoke these verses: 

The Bhagavat of great, virtuous dignity, 

In order to bring sentient beings to the path,

After immeasurable koṭis of kalpas 

And perfecting all the vows, 

Finally became a buddha. 

How wonderful! There is nothing more auspicious! 

The Bhagavat is truly extraordinary! 

He sat tranquil for ten intermediate kalpas 

With his body and limbs immobile. 

His mind was always calm and never distracted. 

He has attained ultimate, eternal tranquility, 

And is firmly established 

In the incorruptible Dharma. 

Now seeing the Bhagavat, 

Who has serenely attained the buddha path, 

We receive benefit and celebrate 

With great joy. 

Sentient beings, ever suffering, 

Are blind and without a teacher. 

They are unaware of the path that leads 

To the extinction of suffering, 

Ignorant of the way to seek liberation. 

From one blind state to the next, Those in the troubled states of being daily increase 

While the devas decrease.

They never hear the Buddha’s name. 

Now the Buddha has attained the highest, 

Serene, and incorruptible Dharma. 

Thus we and the devas and humans, 

Shall obtain the greatest benefit. 

Therefore we all bow and pay homage 

To the highest Lord.

(妙法蓮華經第七品 化城喻之3)


 大威德世尊  為度眾生故

 於無量億劫  爾乃得成佛

 諸願已具足  善哉吉無上

 世尊甚希有  一坐十小劫

 身體及手足  靜然安不動

 其心常惔怕  未曾有散亂

 究竟永寂滅  安住無漏法

 今者見世尊  安隱成佛道

 我等得善利  稱慶大歡喜

 眾生常苦惱  盲瞑無導師

 不識苦盡道  不知求解脫

 長夜增惡趣  減損諸天眾

 從冥入於冥  永不聞佛名

 今佛得最上  安隱無漏道

 我等及天人  為得最大利

 是故咸稽首  歸命無上尊

