Vuddyy qra jiongww bikiu qongw, “Duartongx Diwhui Jniawsiong Vut did diyc anuttara-samyak-sambodhi ee sijun, sibhongx qokk u go-vah-bxan ig vut ee sewqair huatsingx lak jiongw dinxdang. Qokk qog lairdew oamr ee soxjai, zidguat ee qonghuix jiyr be diyc, henrjai longxx cuthen qongbingg. Hitt lairdew ee jiongwsingx horsiongx knuar diyc duiwhongx, longxx anxnex qongw, ‘Jiax anwjnuaw hutzenn snix cud jiacc je jiongwsingx?’
Qycc hiaxee qoktow lairdew jiongww tnix ee qiongden, simrjiww Brahma ee qiongden iarr huatsingx lak jiongw dinxdang, dua qongbingg poxpenr jiyr qngx muaw sewqair, kacc ngiaa quer jiongww tnix ee qngx.
Hitt sijun, danghngx go-vah-bxan ig xee qoktow lairdew, Brahma ee qiongden hro jiyr qaxx viw tongsiongg dingvue qngx. Jiongww Brahma ee ongg sui' xee anxnex sniu, 'Henrjai qiongden jiacnirr qngx, ixjaw m bad u jit hy kuanw. Sniaw inenn cuthen jitt hy jinghingg?'
Hitt sii, jiongww Brahma ee ongg dyrr horsiongx vaiwhongw, qiongrdongg sionggi jitt hxang dairjir. Hitt sii dirr inx lairdew u jit xee uixdai Brahma ee ongg qiyr jyr Sarvasattvatratar(Qiur Itcer). Ix duiww jiongww Brahma dairjiongr qongw jimgensix:
Lanw soxu ee qiongden
Jitt hy qongbingg ixjaw m bad u
Jex si sniaw inenn
Diyhh qiongrdongg laii cue guaninx
U dua uidig ee tenzinn cutsir
Iacc si u vut cuthen dirr sewqanx
Jitt hy dua qongbingg
Venww jiyr dirr sibhongx
(The Lotus Sutra - Chapter VII The Apparitional City 5)
The Buddha addressed the monks, saying: “When the Buddha Mahābhijñājñānābhibhū attained highest, complete enlightenment, five hundred myriads of koṭis of buddha worlds in each of the ten directions quaked in six ways. The dark places between the worlds, where the rays of the sun and moon had been unable to penetrate, were brightly illuminated. The sentient beings there were able to see each other and said: How is it possible that sentient beings have suddenly appeared here?
“Moreover, those worlds from the heavenly palaces up to the palaces of the Brahmas, also quaked in six ways. The great ray of light shone everywhere, filling the worlds with a radiance that surpassed the light of the devas.
“At that time the palaces of Brahmas in the five hundred myriads of koṭis of worlds in the east were illuminated twice as brightly as usual. The great Brahmas each thought: The palaces are illuminated now as never before. What has caused this phenomenon?
“At that time all of the great Brahmas approached each other to discuss this matter. In that assembly there was a great Brahma called Sarvasattvatrātar who spoke to the assembly of Brahmas in verse, saying:
This illumination of our palaces
Has never occurred before!
Let us find out
The reason for this!
This great ray of light
Has illuminated the ten directions.
Has a deva of great merit been born,
Or has a buddha appeared in the world?
(妙法蓮華經第七品 化城喻之5)
我等諸宮殿 光明昔未有
此是何因緣 宜各共求之
為大德天生 為佛出世間
而此大光明 遍照於十方