Hitt sijun, Sewjunx beh dingg qycc suanqangw soxx qongw ee iwsur, dyrr iong jimgensix qongw:
"Singwjuw Sewjunx
Suizenn beddo jiokk quw :ar
Dirr vyxtah lairdew
Iaxx uirr Hxuad laii
Jingwlangg jnuaw tangx
Byy uirr Hxuad qutlat
Jitt xui vut beddo liauxau
Ixx qingquer busor qiab
Siwqer kir tniax Hxuad
In'ui yh duw .diyc
Hitt xui vut ee vunxguan:
Guaw beddo liauxau
Bylun dirr dyhh
Longxx beh kir tniax Hxuad
Qycc guaw ee hunsinx
Buliong jiongww vut
Cincniu Ganges Hyy suax ee sowliong
Laii beh tniax Hxuad
Ixqip knuar diyc ixqingx beddo ee
Je Vyw Zulaii
Muixx jitt xee kiwsag bibiau ee qoktow
Ixqip jiongww derjuw
Tenzinn, langg, lringg-sinn
Inx ee jerje qiong’iongw ee su
Hro Hxuad quxdngg diamr lehh
Soxiw laii jiax
UIrr beh hro jiongww vut u xui tangx jre
Guaw iong sintongx ee lat
Qra buliong ee dairjiongr suaw lirkuix
Hro qog cingjing
Jiongww vut sui’ xee
Kir vyxciu-kax
Cincniu cingjing ee dii
U lenhuex jonggiamm
Soxu sraix-aw-jyrui
Vut jre dirr hitt dingxbin
Iong qongbingg jngsig
Cincniu oamr ee xia lairdew
Siyx dua huexvew
Inx sinkux cud bibiau ee pangbi
Tuann venww sibhongx ee qog
Jiongwsingx siurr hrunx
Hnuahiw qaxx be qor .did
Kyxviw dua hongx
Cuex siyw ciurqix
Iong jitt hy hongven
hro Hxuad quxdngg diamr lehh
Guaw beh qra dairjiongr qongw:
Guaw beddo liauxau
Si’angw tangx horcii
Qapp togsiong jitt vxo qingx
Henrjai dirr vut binrjingg
Qaqi qongw sewgenn
Jitt xee Je Vyw Vut
Suizenn beddo jiokk quw :ar
Ixx dua sewguan
Cud sraix-aw qiywsniax
Je Vyw Zulaii
Qapp guaw vunxsinx
Ixqip soxu hunsinx-vut
Qaidongx jaix jitt xee iwsur
Vut ee jiongww derjuw
Si’angw tangx siuxho Hxuad
Diyhh huad dua guan
Hro Hxuad quxdngg diamr lehh
Erdangr siuxho
Jitt vxo qingx :ee
Dyrr si qiong’iongw
Guaw qapp Je Vyw
Jitt xui Je Vyw Vut
Diamr dirr vyxtah
Dniardnia iulik sibhongx
Uirr jitt vxo qingx
Iarr qycc qiong’iongw
Jerje hunsinx-vut
Iong jonggiamm qapp qngx
Jngsig jerje sewqair
Narr enxsuad jitt vxo qingx
Dyrr tangx knuar diyc guaw
Qapp Je Vyw Zulaii
Ixqip soxu hunsinx-vut
Jiongww senrlamjuw
Sui’ xee diyhh jimjiog sniu
Jitt hy lann su
Diyhh huad dua guan
Qitax qingdenw
Sowliong cincniu Ganges Hyy suax
Beh qongw jiaxee qingx
Iaxx byy sngr kunwlann
Narr jrih Sumera Snuax
Qra danr dirr vadd xui
Danr kir busor ee vudtow
Jex sarr byy kunwlann
Narr iong kax ee jingxtauu
Kir drang daircenx sewqair
Danr dirr hng hng ee qog
Jex iarr byy kunwlann
Narr kia dirr U Dingw Tnix
Uirr dairjiongr enxsuad
Buliong qitax ee qingx
Jex iarr byy kunwlann
Narr vut beddo liauxau
Dirr og ser lairdew
Tangx enxsuad jitt vxo qingx
Jex dyrr jin’ kunwlann
Qaxsuw u langg
Ciuw dnic hukongx
Siwqer qnia'iuu
Jex iarr byy kunwlann
Dirr guaw beddo liauxau
Narr qaqi siaw
Iacc qiyr langg’ siaw jitt vxo qingx
Jex dyrr jin’ kunwlann
Narr qra dairde
Kngr dirr kax ee jingxtauu dingxbin
Sringx kir qaur Brahma ee tnix
Jex iarr byy kunwlann
Vut beddo liauxau
Dirr og ser lairdew
Jiamrsii tak jitt vxo qingx
Jex dyrr jin' kunwlann
Qaxsuw qiab-buew huew siyx
Dnax dax cauw
Zip kir lairdew byy siyx .kiw .laii
Jex iarr byy kunwlann
Guaw beddo liauxau
Narr cisiuw jitt vxo qingx
Uirr jit langg enxsuad
Jex dyrr jin' kunwlann
Narr cisiuw
Veh-bxan sir-cingx Hxuad ee vyxkor
Qapp jap-zi vxo qingx
Uirr langg' enxsuad
Hro tniax :ee
Did diyc lak jiongw sintongx
Suizenn erdangr zucuw
Jex iarr byy kunwlann
Dirr guaw beddo liauxau
Tniax liauw u cisiuw jitt vxo qingx
Qycc mng qidiongx ee ywgi
Jex dyrr jin' kunwlann
Narr u langg suathuad
Hro cenbanrig
Buliong busor
Gange Hyy suax ee sowliong ee jiongwsingx
Drat qaur arhat
U lak jiongw sintongx
Suizenn u jitt jiongw lirig
Jex iarr byy sngr kunwlann
Dirr guaw beddo liauxau
Narr tangx junhong qapp cisiuw
Jitt hy qingdenw
Jex dyrr jin' kunwlann
Guaw uirr vuddy
Dirr buliong ee qoktow
An’ kaisiw qaur dnaxx
Siwqer enxsuad jitt vxo qingx
Dirr hitt lairdew
Jitt vxo qingx derr id
Nar u tangx cisiuw :ee
Dyrr si cisiuw vut ee srinx
Jiongww senrlamjuw
Dirr guaw beddo liauxau
Si'angw tangx siurcii
Qapp togsiong jitt vxo qingx
Jitmaw dirr vut binrjingg
Qaqi qongw sewgenn
Jitt vxo qingx lann cisiuw
Narr jiamrsii cisiuw :ee
Guaw dyrr jiokk hnuahiw
Jiongww vut iarr si anxnex
Jitt hy langg
Virr jiongww vut soxx janwtanr
Jex dyrr si iongxbingw
Jex dyrr si jingjinr
Jex qiyr jyr cisiuw qaiwlut
Li iok koxhingg :ee
Jin’ qinw dyrr e did diyc
Busiong ee vuddy
Tangx dirr laiser
Togsiong qapp cisiuw jitt vxo qingx
Si jinjniar vut ee derjuw
Diamr dirr pycsit qapp senrliong ee de
Vut beddo liauxau
Tangx liauxqaiw qidiongx ee ywgi :ee
Dyrr si jiongww tenzinn qapp langg
Dirr sewqanx ee bagjiux
Dirr kiongxvor ee og sxer
Tangx enxsuad jit diap quw
Itcer tenzinn qapp langg
Longxx ingqaix qra qiong’iongw”
(The Lotus Sutra - Chapter XI The Appearance of a Jeweled Stupa 2)
Thereupon the Buddha, wanting to further elaborate upon the meaning of this, spoke these verses:
Although the Great Sage, the Bhagavat,
Entered parinirvāṇa long ago,
He has been abiding in a jeweled stupa;
And he has now come for the sake of the Dharma.
Why is it that people
Do not strive for the Dharma?
Although this buddha entered parinirvāṇa
Incalculable kalpas ago,
Because it is difficult to encounter,
He listens to the Dharma
Wherever it is taught.
The original vow of this buddha was:
After my parinirvāṇa
I will always listen to the Dharma
Wherever it may be.
My magically created forms,
Incalculable as the sands of the Ganges River,
Have come to hear the Dharma
And see the Tathāgata Prabhūtaratna,
Who has entered nirvana.
Each buddha-form, having abandoned his beautiful land,
Disciples, devas, humans, nāgas,
And ritual tributes, has come here
So that the Dharma may abide forever.
In order to seat all these buddhas,
I transferred immeasurable beings
And purified the lands
Through my transcendent powers;
And each of these buddhas
Settled under a jeweled tree—
As lotus blossoms
Adorn a limpid, cool pond.
Under every jeweled tree was a lion seat
On which the buddhas sat radiating light—
As a great bonfire Blazes in the dark of the night.
They emitted a subtle fragrance from their bodies
Which filled the lands of the ten directions.
Sentient beings who smelled this fragrance
Were overcome with unsurpassed joy,
Like branches of a small tree
Being blown by a great wind.
Through this skillful means
I enable the Dharma to abide forever.
I tell the great assembly
That after my nirvana
Whoever can preserve and recite this sutra
Should now individually make a declaration
In the presence of the buddhas.
Although the Buddha Prabhūtaratna
Entered parinirvāṇa long ago,
Through his great vow
He has roared the lion’s roar.
The Tathāgata Prabhūtaratna,
I myself, and all the magically created forms
Who have gathered here
Should know this intention.
O heirs of the buddhas!
Whoever is able to preserve the Dharma
Should make a great vow
So that it may abide forever.
Whoever is able to preserve
The teaching of this sutra
Will thus honor me
And Prabhūtaratna.
This Buddha Prabhūtaratna
Always roams the ten directions
In a jeweled stupa
In order to hear this sutra.
He also honors
All the transformed buddhas
Who have come here and who adorn
All the worlds with light.
Whoever teaches this sutra will see me,
The Tathāgata Prabhūtaratna,
And the transformed buddhas.
O sons of a virtuous family!
Each of you must carefully consider this.
This is indeed a difficult matter.
Make a great vow accordingly!
It is not really difficult
To teach all of the other sutras,
The number of which is
Equal to the sands of the Ganges River.
It is not difficult
To take Mount Sumeru
And throw it to another quarter,
Over innumerable buddha worlds.
It is also not difficult
To shake free the manifold cosmos
With one toe and throw it
Far into another distant world.
It is not difficult to stand
On the highest summit of the world
And teach the other innumerable sutras
For the sake of sentient beings.
However, it will indeed be difficult
To teach this sutra in the troubled world
After the Buddha’s nirvana.
It is not difficult for anyone
To grasp empty space
And wander around with it.
But it will certainly be difficult to copy
And preserve this sutra
And cause others to copy it
After my nirvana. It is not really difficult
To put the great earth on a toenail
And ascend with it
To the world of Brahmas.
However, it will indeed be difficult
To recite this sutra,
Even for a moment,
In the troubled world
After the Buddha’s nirvana.
It is not really difficult
To enter into the conflagration
At the time of the close of a kalpa
Carrying hay on your back
And yet not be burned.
It certainly will be difficult
To preserve this sutra
And teach it to even a single person
After my nirvana.
It is indeed not really difficult for anyone to preserve
The eighty-four thousand treasure houses of the Dharma,
And the twelvefold scriptures,
And teach them so that the listeners
Can attain the six transcendent powers.
It will indeed be difficult for anyone
To hear and accept this sutra
And to ask about its meaning
After my nirvana.
It is not really difficult for people to do
Such beneficial things as teaching the Dharma
And making thousands of myriads of koṭis of
Immeasurable, incalculable sentient beings,
Numbering as many as the sands of the Ganges River,
Attain arhatship and perfect
The six transcendent powers.
It will certainly be difficult
To preserve such a sutra as this
After my nirvana.
I have extensively taught many sutras
In incalculable lands
From the beginning until now,
For the sake of the buddha path;
And yet among them
This sutra is the best.
If anyone preserves it,
He preserves the form of the Buddha.
O sons of a virtuous family!
Those who preserve and recite this [Lotus] Sutra
After my nirvana
Must now individually make a declaration
In the presence of the buddhas.
It is hard to preserve this sutra.
If anyone preserves it
Even for a single moment,
I shall truly rejoice.
All of the other buddhas
Will do so also.
Such people as these
Are praised by the buddhas.
They are courageous.
They are persevering.
They are known as those
Who follow the rules of good conduct
And carry out ascetic practices.
Subsequently they quickly attain
The highest buddha path.
Those in the future
Who recite and preserve this sutra,
Are the true heirs of the Buddha
And abide in the stage of purity.
Those who can understand its meaning
After the Buddha’s nirvana
Will become the Eyes of the World
For devas and humans.
Those who teach it, even for a moment,
In the fearful world Will be revered
By all the devas and humans.
(妙法蓮華經第十一品 見寶塔之2)
聖主世尊 雖久滅度 在寶塔中
尚為法來 諸人云何 不勤為法
此佛滅度 無央數劫 處處聽法
以難遇故 彼佛本願 我滅度後
在在所往 常為聽法 又我分身
無量諸佛 如恒沙等 來欲聽法
及見滅度 多寶如來 各捨妙土
及弟子眾 天人龍神 諸供養事
令法久住 故來至此 為坐諸佛
以神通力 移無量眾 令國清淨
諸佛各各 詣寶樹下 如清淨池
蓮華莊嚴 其寶樹下 諸師子座
佛坐其上 光明嚴飾 如夜闇中
燃大炬火 身出妙香 遍十方國
眾生蒙薰 喜不自勝 譬如大風
吹小樹枝 以是方便 令法久住
告諸大眾 我滅度後 誰能護持
讀說斯經 今於佛前 自說誓言
其多寶佛 雖久滅度 以大誓願
而師子吼 多寶如來 及與我身
所集化佛 當知此意 諸佛子等
誰能護法 當發大願 令得久住
其有能護 此經法者 則為供養
我及多寶 此多寶佛 處於寶塔
常遊十方 為是經故 亦復供養
諸來化佛 莊嚴光飾 諸世界者
若說此經 則為見我 多寶如來
及諸化佛 諸善男子 各諦思惟
此為難事 宜發大願 諸餘經典
數如恒沙 雖說此等 未足為難
若接須彌 擲置他方 無數佛土
亦未為難 若以足指 動大千界
遠擲他國 亦未為難 若立有頂
為眾演說 無量餘經 亦未為難
若佛滅後 於惡世中 能說此經
是則為難 假使有人 手把虛空
而以遊行 亦未為難 於我滅後
若自書持 若使人書 是則為難
若以大地 置足甲上 昇於梵天
亦未為難 佛滅度後 於惡世中
暫讀此經 是則為難 假使劫燒
擔負乾草 入中不燒 亦未為難
我滅度後 若持此經 為一人說
是則為難 若持八萬 四千法藏
十二部經 為人演說 令諸聽者
得六神通 雖能如是 亦未為難
於我滅後 聽受此經 問其義趣
是則為難 若人說法 令千萬億
無量無數 恒沙眾生 得阿羅漢
具六神通 雖有是益 亦未為難
於我滅後 若能奉持 如斯經典
是則為難 我為佛道 於無量土
從始至今 廣說諸經 而於其中
此經第一 若有能持 則持佛身
諸善男子 於我滅後 誰能受持
讀誦此經 今於佛前 自說誓言
此經難持 若暫持者 我則歡喜
諸佛亦然 如是之人 諸佛所歎
是則勇猛 是則精進 是名持戒
行頭陀者 則為疾得 無上佛道
能於來世 讀持此經 是真佛子
住淳善地 佛滅度後 能解其義
是諸天人 世間之眼 於恐畏世
能須臾說 一切天人 皆應供養