
Bibiau Hxuad Lenhuex Qingx (jap-zi-7)

Hitt sijun, Sariputra qra ling’ongg ee jaboxqniaw qongw, “Liw qongw liw byy zuarr quw dyrr did diyc busiong ee dy. Jitt hy dairjir jin’ pnaiw siongsinr. Si anwjnuaw lehh? In'ui luxsingr ee sinkux lacsab, m si sikhap Hxuad ee kiwqu, anwjnuaw tangx did diyc busiong ee potee? Vuddy jin' hng, jin' kuah, diyhh qingquer buliong qiab, kikkinn-kikkow siuhing, qokk jiongw paramita longxx u sidjenr, zen’au jiacc u singjiu. Qycc luxzinn ee srinx qycc u go jiongw jiongwgai, id .jiarr, berdangr jyr Brahma; zi .jiarr, berdangr jyr Sakra; snax .jiarr, berdangr jyr moongg; sir .jiarr, berdangr jyr dngw lenw singwongg; go .jiarr, berdangr singjiu vudsinx. Anwjnuw liw luzinn ee srinx tangx soksog jniaa vut?”

Hitt sijun, ling’ongg ee jaboxqniaw qra jit liap qewdat samcenx daircenx sewqair ee vyxjux tec kir henr hro Vuddyy. Vuddyy jikkig jiapsiu. Ling’ongg ee jaboxqniaw qra Jxig Diwhui Posad qapp Sariputra qongw, “Guaw henr vyxjux, Sewjunx u jiapsiu. Jitt qnia dairjir u qinw bor?”

Inx rinr qongxx, “Jiokk qinw.”

Ling'ongg ee jaboxqniaw qongw, “Iong linw sintongx ee lat laii knuar guaw jniaa vut, e viw jex qyckacc qinw.”

Hitt sijun, hue-diongx jingwlangg longxx knuar diyc ling’ongg ee jaboxqniaw hutzenqanx venr jyr lamjuw. Ix posathing uanbuanw, jikkig jen'ongw lamhngx vimala (byy ywuer) sewqair, jre vyxlenhuex, singjiu jniawsiong qakdix, u snax-jap-zi jiongw siongwmau qapp veh-jap jiongw hyw, poxpenr uirr sibhongx itcer jiongwsingx enxsuad bibiau Hxuad. Hitt sii, syvyy sewqair ee posad, sniabunn, tenzinn, qapp lringg dringw veh vxo, ixqip langg qapp byy sriok langg :ee, inx longxx hng hng knuar diyc hitt xee ling’ongg ee jaboxqniaw jniaa vut, knuar ix poxpenr uirr hitt sii hue-diongx ee langg qapp tenzinn suathuad, simlai dua hnuahiw, longxx hng hng qra qnialew. Buliong ee jiongwsingx tniax diyc Hxuad, u liauxqaiw, dunwgo, drat qaur byy dywter ee qingxqair. Buliong ee jiongwsingx siurr jyr qiwzin. Byy uwuer sewqair huatsingx lak jiongw dinxdang. Syvyy sewqair ee samxenx jiongwsingx diamr byy dywter ee qingxqair, samcenx jiongwsingx huad potesimx siurr jyr qiwzin. Jxig Diwhui Posad qapp Sariputra, ixqip itcer jiongwsingx longxx diam diam siongsinr qapp jiapsiu.

(The Lotus Sutra - Chapter XII Devadatta 7)

At that time Śāriputra spoke to the daughter of the nāga king, saying: “You say that you will soon attain the highest path. This is difficult to believe. Why is this? The female body is polluted; it is not a fit vessel for the Dharma. How can you attain highest enlightenment? The buddha path is long. One can only attain it after diligently carrying out severe practices, and completely practicing the perfections over immeasurable kalpas. Moreover, the female body has five obstructions. The first is the inability to become a great Brahma. The second is the inability to become Śakra. The third is the inability to become Māra, and the fourth is the inability to become a universal monarch (cakravartin). The fifth is the inability to become a buddha. How can you with your female body quickly become a buddha?” 

Then the daughter of the nāga king presented to the Buddha a jewel worth the great manifold cosmos, and the Buddha accepted it. The daughter of the nāga king spoke to Bodhisattva Prajñākūṭa and the noble Śāriputra, saying: “I offered a jewel and the Bhagavat accepted it. Was that done quickly or not?” 

They answered, saying: “It was done extremely quickly!” 

The daughter said: “Through your transcendent powers watch me become a buddha even more quickly than that!” 

Then the assembly there all saw the daughter of the nāga king instantly transform into a man, perfect the bodhisattva practices, go to the vimalā world in the south, sit on a jeweled lotus flower, and attain highest, complete enlightenment, become endowed with the thirty-two marks and eighty excellent characteristics, and expound the True Dharma universally for the sake of all sentient beings in the ten directions. Then the bodhisattvas, śrāvakas, eight kinds of devas, nāgas, and so on, humans and nonhumans of the sahā world, all saw in the distance that the daughter of the nāga king had become a buddha and was universally teaching the Dharma for the sake of the humans and devas in that assembly. They rejoiced greatly and honored her from afar. On hearing the Dharma, incalculable numbers of sentient beings became enlightened and attained the stage of nonretrogression. Incalculable numbers of sentient beings received their predictions to the path and the vimalā world quaked in six ways. In the sahā world three thousand sentient beings attained the stage of nonretrogression, and three thousand sentient beings, in whom the thought of enlightenment had awakened, received their predictions. The Bodhisattva Prajñākūṭa, Śāriputra, and the entire assembly accepted and believed in silence.

(妙法蓮華經第十二品 提婆達多之7)

時舍利弗語龍女言。汝謂不久得無上道。是事難信。 所以者何。女身垢穢非是法器。云何能得無上菩提。佛道懸曠經無量劫。勤苦積行具修諸度。然後乃成。又女人身猶有五障。一者不得作梵天王。二者帝釋。三者魔王。四者轉輪聖王。五者佛身。云何女身速得成佛。爾時龍女有一寶珠。價直三千大千世界。持以上佛。佛即受之。龍女謂智積菩薩尊者舍利弗言。我獻寶珠。世尊納受。是事疾不。 答言甚疾。女言。以汝神力觀我成佛。復速於此。當時眾會皆見龍女。忽然之間變成男子。具菩薩行。即往南方無垢世界。坐寶蓮華成等正覺。三十二相八十種好。普為十方一切眾生演說妙法。爾時娑婆世界菩薩聲聞天龍八部人與非人。皆遙見彼龍女成佛。普為時會人天說法。心大歡喜。悉遙敬禮。無量眾生聞法解悟得不退轉。無量眾生得受道記。無垢世界六反震動。娑婆世界三千眾生住不退地。三千眾生發菩提心而得受記。智積菩薩及舍利弗。一切眾會默然信受。

