
Bibiau Hxuad Lenhuex Qingx (jap-id-1)


Derr Jap-id Pinw: Qnir Vyxtah

Hitt sijun, Vuddyy binrjingg cuthen jit jxy cid vyw ee tah, quann go-vah yojana, kuah nng-vah-go-jap yojana, an’ tokax erdew bunr .cud .laii henn dirr kongdiongx. Vyxtah u jiongxjiongw vyxbut jyr jongsikpinw, u go-cingx qix lanqanx, cenban qingx vangqingx, qapp busor donghuanx jyr jngsig; u vyxquir ee judui qapp banrig xee vyxquir ee ling'aw qruar dirr hitt dingxbin, siwbin longxx huad cud tamala dnuahniux ee pangbi ciongbuanw qui'ee sewqair. Jerje donghuanx qapp iamxsnuar iong qimx, ginn, liulii, ciaquu, belyw, jinjux, qapp muiquir jitt cid jiongw vyxbut habsingg, quann qaur sir tenongg ee ongqiongx. Snax-jap-snax tnix lyc mandarava ee huex-ho qiong’iongw vyxtah. Qitax jerje ee tnix, lringg, iarcex, gandharva, asura, garuda, kimnara, mahoraga, u sriok langg qapp byy sriok langg :ee dringw cenbanrig dairjiongr iong itcer huex, hniux, judui, donghuanx, kamwqaur, qapp imgak qiong’iongw vyxtah, qycc qra qiongqingr, jundiong, qapp janwtanr.

Hitt sii, vyxtah lairdew cud dua imsniax janwtanr qongxx, “Jnia’ hyw jnia’ hyw! Sakyamuni Sewjunx tangx iong vingdingw ee dua diwhui qar posad ee Hxuad, vud soxx horliam ee Bibiau Hxuad Lenhuex Qingx, laii uirr dairjiongr enxsuad. Dyrr si anxnex, dyrr si anxnex. Sakyamuni Sewjunx soxx qongw :ee longxx si jinsit.”

Hitt sijun, sir jiongw derjuw knuar diyc dua vyxtah diamr dirr kongdiongx, qycc tniax diyc tah lairdew soxx huad cud ee imsniax, longxx did diyc Hxuad-hiw, duiww m bad duw .quer .ee qamxqag cutqii. Inx an’ jyrui vreh kiw, qiongqingr habjiongw diamr vnix:a kir.

Hitt sijun, u jit xee posad mahasattva qiyr jyr Mahapratibhana, ix jaix itcer sewqanx ee tenzinn, langg, qapp asura dringw simlai ee gihik, dyrr qra Vuddyy qongw, “Sewjunx! Sniaw inenn u jitt xee vyxtah an’ tokax erdew bunr .cud .laii, qycc an' hitt lairdew huad jitt hy imsniax?”

Hitt sijun, Vuddyy qra Mahapratibhana Posad qongw, “Jitt xee vyxtah lairdew u Zulaii ee juann srinx. Ingxquer danghngx buliong cenbanrig asamkhya ee sewqair, u jit xee qog qiyr jyr Ratnaviśuddha (Cingjing Vyw). Hitt lairdew u jit xui vut, qiyr jyr Prabhutaratna(Je Vyw). Hitt xui Vut sidjenr posatdy ee sii u he dua sewguan, 'Guaw narr jniaa jyr vut, beddo liauxau, dirr sibhongx qoktow u enxsuad Bibiau Hxuad Lenhuex Qingx ee soxjai, uirr tniax diyc jitt vxo qingx, guaw ee tacbiy dirr suathuad :ee ee binrjingg bunr cud laii jingwbingg, ylyw qongxx jin' hyw.'

Hitt xui vut singjiu dy liauw, decbeh beddo ee sii, dirr tenzinn qapp langg ee dairjiongr lairdew qra jiongww bikiu qongw, ‘Guaw beddo liauxau, beh qiong’iongw guaw juann srinx :ee, ingqaiw kiw jit jxy dua tah.'

Jitt xee vut ixx sintongx qapp guan ee lat, sibhongx sewqair bylun dyc’ui, narr u enxsuad Bibiau Hxuad Lenhuex Qingx :ee, ix ee vyxtah longxx e dirr suathuad :ee ee binrjingg bunr .cud .laii. Vut juann srinx dirr tah lairdew, ylyw qongxx jin' hyw.

Mahapratibhana! Jitmaw Je Vyw Zulaii ee tah in’ui tniax diyc guaw decc enxsuad Bibiau Hxuad Lenhuex Qingx, dyrr an’ tokax erdew bunr .cud .laii, ylyw qongxx jin’ hyw, jin’ hyw.”

Hitt sijun, Mahapratibhana Posad jaix si Zulaii sintongx-lat ee enqor dyrr qra Vuddyy qongw, “Sewjunx! Guanw sniu beh qnir diyc jitt xui vut ee srinx.”

Vuddyy qra Mahapratibhana Posad Mahasattva qongw, “Jitt xui Je Vyw Vut u cimdimm ee guan: 'Narr guaw ee vyxtah uirr beh tniax diyc Bibiau Hxuad Lenhuex Qingx, soxiw dirr vut binrjingg cuthen ee sii, u sniu beh iong guaw ee srinx laii kaisi sir jiongw derjuw :ee, hitt xui vut soxu hunsinx-vut dirr sibhongx sewqair suathuad, juanvo longxx e jibhap dirr jit xui, zen’au guaw ee srinx jiacc e cuthen.’ Mahapratibhana! Guaw ee soxu hunsinx-vut dirr sibhongx sewqair suathuad, henrjai ingqaix e laii jibhap.”

Mahapratibhana qra Vuddyy qongw, “Sewjunx! Guanw iarr sniu beh qnir diyc Sewjunx soxu hunsinx-vut, tangx qra inx lexvair qapp qiong’iongw.”

Hitt sijun, Vuddyy bagbaii diongx:a vehsig ee xmngg vangr cud jit dy vehsig ee qngx, suisii tangx qnir diyc danghngx go-vah-bxan ig nayuta Ganges Hyy suax sowliong ee qoktow lairdew ee jiongww vut. Hiaxee qoktow longxx si ixx juixjnix jyr de, iong vyxciu qapp vyxsnax ee snxax laii jngsig qaxx jiokk jonggiamm, u busor cenbanrig xee posad ciongbuanw dirr hitt lairdew, siwqer u vyxquir ee julii qapp vxyquir ee bxang-aw qruar dirr hitt dingxbin. Dirr hiaxee qog, soxu hunsinx-vut iong dua bibiau ee imsniax enxsuad jiongxjiongw huatmngg. Qycc tangx qnir diyc buliong cenbanrig xee posad muaw siwqer dirr qokk qog uirr dairjiongr suathuad. Lamhngx, saihngx, vakhngx, qapp suwii siongrha, vehsig ee xmngg soxx jiyr ee soxjai iarr si zucuw. 

Hitt sijun, sibhongx jerje hunsinx-vut qra jiongww posad qongw, “Senrlamjuw, guaw jitmaw beh jen’ongw saha(syvyy) sewqair Sakyamuni Vut ee soxjai, qycc qiong’iong Je Vyw Zulaii ee vyxtah.” 

Hitt sii, syvyy sewqair dyrr venr cingjing, liulii jyr de, iong vyxciu laii jngsig qaxx jiokk jonggiamm, ngqimx ee jinsyh jyr qaiwsnuar hunx jyr veh diauu lo. Byy vorlok, hiongcuanx, iacc sniaci, iarr byy duarhaiw, kelauu, sancuanx, iacc ciurnaa. Siyx vyxquir ee hniux, mandarava huex dirr hitt xee de muaw siwqer, dingxbin iong vyxquir ee bxang-aw qapp dniuwlii kamr lehh, qycc qruar vyxquir ee ling'aiw. Dna’ qra jiaxee huerjiongr lauhe. Jiongww tenzinn qapp langg longxx virr suaw qaur qitax qoktow .kir. 

Hitt sii, jerje hunsinx-vut sui’ xee cua jit xee dua posad jyr sirjiaw, sui' xee qaur syvyy sewqair ee vyxciu-kax. Muixx jit jangg vyxciu, quann go-vah yojana, qix, hiyc, huex, qapp quexjiw jiauww cuwde vaii qaxx jiokk jonggiamm. Muixx jit jangg vyxciu-kax longxx u sraix-aw-jxy, quann go yojana, iarr iong dua dinvyw jngsig. Hitt sijun, jiongww vut sui’ xee dirr jyrui tiabpuann jre lehh. Zucuw jit xee jit xee muaw samcenx daircenx sewqair, vingwcniaw Sakyamuni Vut jit hngx ee hunsinx-vut dy' iaxx byy der jre. Hitt sii, Sakyamuni Vut in'ui beh ionglap soxu hunsinx-vut, dyrr dirr veh hngx ee muixx jit hngx qycc venr nng-van-bxan ig nayuta xee qog .cud .laii, longxx hro inx cingjing, byy dergak, gyrquiw, jingsnix, qapp asuraqycc qra tenzinn qapp langg suaw qaur qitax venr .cud .laii ee qoktow .kir. Jiaxee qog iarr ixx liulii jyr de, iong vyxciu laii hro jonggiamm. Ciu quann go-vah yojana, qix, hiyc, huex, qapp quexjiw jiauww cuwde vaii qaxx jiokk jonggiammCiu-kax longxx u vyxquir ee sraix-aw-jxy, quann go yojana, u jiongxjiongw ee vyxbut laii jngsig. Qoktow lairdew iarr byy duarhaiw, kelauu, qapp Cakravāḍa(jiyc) Snuax, Mahācakravāḍa(dua jiyc) Snuax, Tic'uii Snuax, Dua Tic'uii Snuax, iacc Sumeru Snuax jiaxee snua'ongg, qui'ee tongtaur jyr jit xee vudqog. Vyxde vnijniar, vyxbut siy' tiap jyr uibo kamr dirr hitt dingxbin. U qruar jerje donghuanx, siyx vyxquir ee hniux, jerje tnidingw vyxquir ee huex dirr toxde jit siwqer ia. Sakyamunii Vut uirr beh hro jerje hunsinx-vut u tangx jre, qycc dirr veh hngx ee muixx jit hngx qycc venr nng-vah-bxan ig nayuta xee qog .cud .laii, longxx hro inx cingjing, byy dergak, gyrquiw, jingsnix, qapp asuraqycc qra tenzinn qapp langg suaw qaur qitax qoktow .kir. Venr .cud .laii ee qoktow iarr ixx liulii jyr de, iong vyxciu laii jonggiamm. ciu quann go-vah yojana, qix,hiyc, hue, qapp quexjiw jiauww cuwde vaiww qaxx jiokk jonggiamm. Ciu-kax longxx u vyxquir ee sraix-aw-jxy, quann go yojana, iarr iong jiongxjiongw ee vyxbut laii jngsig. Qoktow lairdew iarr byy duarhaiw, kelauu, qapp Cakravāḍa(jiyc) Snuax, Mahācakravāḍa(dua jiyc) Snuax, Tic'uii Snuax, Dua Tic'uii Snuax, iacc Sumeru Snuax jiaxee snua'ongg, qui'ee tongtaur jyr jit xee vudqog. Vyxde vnijniar, vyxbut siy' tiap jyr uibo kamr dirr hitt dingxbin. U qruar jerje donghuanx, siyx vyxquir ee hniux, jerje tnidingw vyxquir ee huex dirr toxde jit siwqer ia. Hitt sijun, danghngx Sakyamuni hunsinx-vut, vaccingbanrig nayuta Ganges Hyy suax sowliong hiacc je ee qoktow lairdew suathuad ee jiongww vut, sui’ xee jibhap dirr jiax. Zucuw, sibhongx jiongww vut jiamrjiam longxx laii jiax jibhap jre dirr veh hngx. Hitt sii, muixx jit hngx u sir-vah-bxan ig nayuta xee qoktow, jiongww vut Zulaii dirr hitt lairdew muaw siwqer. 

Hitt sijun, hiaxee hunsinx-vut sui’ xee dirr vyxciu-kax ee sraix-aw-jxy jre lehh, longxx cenkenw sirjiaw kir hiongr Sakyamuni Vut mngranx. Inx sui’ xee ciuw pongw vyxhuex qaux hro sirjiaw, qra ix qongw, “Senrlamjuw, liw jen'ongw Grdhrakuta Snuax kir vaiwhongw Sakyamuni Vut, ter guaw mng qongxx, 'Si m si hranw did puawvni hranw did huanlyw, u kuiwlat qycc anlok? Qycc posad qapp sniabunn dairjiongr si m si longxx an’unw?' Zen'au iong jiaxee vyxhuex ia dirr vut ee sinkux jyr qiong’iongw, suar .lyc diyhh anxnex qongw, 'Hitt xee bxow qxah ee vut sniu beh kuix jitt xee vyxtah.'" Soxu hunsinx-vut longxx cekenw suwjiaw anxnex jyr. 

Hitt sijun, Sakyamuni Vut knuar diyc hunsinx-vut longxx laii jurjip, sui’ xee jre dirr sraix-aw-jyx, tniax diyc soxu hunsinx-vut longxx beh kuix vyxtah, dyrr an’ jyrui vreh kiw diamr dirr kongdiongx. Soxu sir jiongw derjuw longxx kia .kiw .laii, habjiongw itsimx quanknuar vut. Sakyamuni dyrr iong jniar vingg ee jingxtauu kuix cid-vyw tah ee mngg. U cud snia'imx dua dua sniax, cincniu qnuix sryw qapp kuix dua sniamngg ee sniax. Liammisii, hue-diongx ee dairjiongr longxx knuar diyc Je Vyw Zulaii dirr vyxtah lairdew ee sraix-aw-jxy jre lehh, qui’ sinkux hyw hyw cincniu si zip sendnia. Inx qycc tniax diyc ix qongw, "Jnia’ hyw, jnia’ hyw! Sakyamuni Vut, qnuaxqinw enxsuad jitt vxo Bibiau Hxuad Lenhuex Qingx. Guaw uirdiyhh tniax jitt vxo qingx jiacc laii jiax."

Hitt sijun, sir jiongw derjuw qnir diyc buliong cenbanrig qiab ixjingg ixx beddo ee vut anxnex qongw, janwtanr jitt hy m bad duw .quer .ee, iong tnidingw vyxquir ee huex ia dirr Je Vyw Vut qapp Sakyamuni Vut ee sinkux. Hitt sijun, Je Vyw Vut dirr vyxtah lairdew niu jidvnuar jyrui hro Sikkiamuni Vut qycc anxnex qongw, "Sakyamuni Vut, cniaw laii jiax jre."

Liammisii, Sakyamuni Vut zip kir tah lairdew jre dirr hitt vnuar xui, kax tiabpuann jre lehh. Hitt sijun, dairjiongr knuar diyc nng xui Zulaii dirr cid-vyw tah lairdew ee sraix-aw-jxy binrdingw tiabpuann jre lehh, longxx anxnex sniu, "Vut ee jyrui iurr quann iurr hng. Dna’ hibang Zulaii iong sintongx-lat, hro guanw longxx dirr kongdiongx."

Liammisii, Sakyamuni Vut iong sintongx-lat qra dairjiongr longxx jriap kir kongdiongx, iong dua imsniax hiongr sir jiongw derjuw qongw, "Si’angw tangx dirr jitt xee syvyy qoktow siwqer enxsuad Bibiau Hxuad Lenhuex Qingx? Jitmaw jniawdngsii. Zulaii byy zuarr quw dyrr beh zip liappuann. Vut beh jiong' jitt vxo Bibiau Hxuad Lenhuex Qingx qautog hro jairdniuu :ee.”

(The Lotus Sutra - Chapter XI The Appearance of a Jeweled Stupa 1)

At that time there appeared before the Buddha a seven-jeweled stupa, five hundred yojanas in height and two hundred and fifty yojanas both in length and width, which emerged from the ground and hovered in the air. It was adorned with various jewels, had five thousand railings, and thousands of myriads of chambers. It was decorated with innumerable flags and banners and hanging jeweled necklaces, and myriads of koṭis of jeweled bells hung from the top. The fragrance of tamāla leaves and sandalwood trees exuded from all sides of the stupa, covering the world. The banners and umbrellas were composed of the seven jewels such as gold, silver, lapis lazuli, motherof-pearl, agate, pearl, and ruby; and they rose as high as the palaces of the world-protectors of the four quarters. The thirty-three devas rained down heavenly māndārava flowers in homage to the jeweled stupa. The other thousands of myriads of koṭis of humans, and such nonhumans as devas, nāgas, yakṣas, gandharvas, asuras, garuḍas, kiṃnaras, and mahoragas also respected, honored, revered, and praised the precious stupa by offering all kinds of flowers, perfumes, necklaces, flags, banners, and music. 

Then a tremendous voice issued forth in praise from the jeweled stupa, saying: “Splendid, splendid! O Śākyamuni! The Bhagavat teaches the Lotus Sutra to the great assembly: the instruction for bodhisattvas and treasured lore of the buddhas, which is the wisdom attainable by every sentient being! Just so! Just so, O Śākyamuni Bhagavat! What you teach is true!” 

Thereupon the fourfold assembly saw the great jeweled stupa hovering in the air and also heard the voice that issued forth from the stupa. They all were pleased with the teaching and marveled at this unprecedented experience. They stood up from their seats, honored Śākyamuni with their palms pressed together, and withdrew to one side. 

At that time there was a bodhisattva mahāsattva called Mahāpratibhāna who, realizing that the devas, humans, and asuras of the entire world were puzzled, addressed the Buddha saying: “O Bhagavat! Why has this jeweled stupa emerged from the earth? And why has this voice come forth from it?” 

Then the Buddha told Bodhisattva Mahāpratibhāna: “The Tathāgata is in this jeweled stupa. In the remote past, immeasurable, incalculable thousands of myriads of koṭis of worlds away in the east there was a land called Ratnaviśuddha. In that land there was a buddha called Prabhūtaratna. When this buddha was practicing the bodhisattva path in his previous lives he made a great vow, saying: If I become a buddha, after my parinirvāṇa if the Lotus Sutra is being taught anywhere in all the lands of the ten directions, my stupa shall appear there so that this sutra may be heard, and in order that I may bear testimony to it and praise it with the word “Splendid!” 

“After the Buddha had perfected the path and immediately before his parinirvāṇa, he addressed the monks among the great assembly of devas and humans, saying: After my parinirvāṇa anyone who wishes to pay me homage should build a great stupa! 

“If there is anyone teaching the Lotus Sutra anywhere in the worlds of the ten directions, this buddha makes a jeweled stupa emerge out of the ground in that place through his transcendent powers and the power of his vow. He is in the stupa giving praise with the words, ‘Splendid, splendid!’ “O Mahāpratibhāna! The Tathāgata Prabhūtaratna has now emerged from the earth, within his stupa, so that he may hear the Lotus Sutra and give praise with the words, ‘Splendid, splendid!’” 

At that time Bodhisattva Mahāpratibhāna spoke to the Buddha through the Tathāgata’s transcendent powers, saying: “O Bhagavat! We all want to see this buddha’s form.” 

The Buddha answered Bodhisattva Mahāsattva Mahāpratibhāna, saying: “This Buddha Prabhūtaratna made a great vow, saying: Whenever my jeweled stupa appears in the presence of a buddha in order to hear the Lotus Sutra, if that buddha wants to show my form to the fourfold assembly he should gather into one place all his magically created forms that are teaching the Dharma in the worlds of the ten directions. After that my form will appear. “O Mahāpratibhāna! I shall now gather all my magically created forms who are teaching the Dharma in the worlds of the ten directions.” 

Mahāpratibhāna spoke to the Buddha, saying: “O Bhagavat! We also strongly wish to see the Bhagavat’s magically created forms, to honor and pay homage to them!” 

Then the Buddha emitted a ray of light from the tuft of white hair between his eyebrows; and they immediately saw the buddhas in five hundred myriads of koṭis of nayutas of lands in the eastern direction equal in number to the sands of the Ganges River. In these lands the soil was of crystal and adorned with treasure trees and jeweled garments; and these lands were full of innumerable thousands of myriads of koṭis of bodhisattvas. Jeweled drapes were hung everywhere and were covered with jeweled nets. All the buddhas in these lands were teaching the Dharma in most harmonious voices. They also saw immeasurable thousands of myriads of koṭis of bodhisattvas, filling all the lands and teaching the Dharma to sentient beings. The other directions to the south, north, and west, the four intermediary directions, and the upper and lower regions were also illuminated by the ray of light emitted from the tuft of white hair between the Buddha’s eyebrows; and they were also exactly like this. 

Then all the buddhas in the ten directions each addressed the assembly of bodhisattvas, saying: “O sons of a virtuous family! We will now go to the place where Śākyamuni is in the sahā world and pay homage to the jeweled stupa of the Tathāgata Prabhūtaratna.” 

At that time the sahā world was immediately purified; the earth was of lapis lazuli, adorned with jeweled trees, its roads laid out like a chessboard and bordered with golden cords; and there were no villages, towns, cities, oceans, rivers, mountains, streams, forests, or groves. Very precious incense was burning, māndārava flowers were spread everywhere on the earth, and it was covered with jeweled nets and drapes from which jeweled bells hung. With the exception of this assembly the devas and human beings were all moved to other lands. 

Then the buddhas each took one great bodhisattva as an attendant and arrived under a jeweled tree in the sahā world. Each jeweled tree was five hundred yojanas in height and adorned with branches, leaves, blossoms, and fruits in their proper turn. Under all these jeweled trees were lion seats five yojanas in height that were adorned with great jewels. The buddhas each sat cross-legged on these seats. They sat one after another in this way, filling the great manifold cosmos. Yet the separate forms of Śākyamuni Buddha of even one direction had not all arrived yet. At that time Śākyamuni Buddha, wanting to be able to receive all of his magically created forms, transformed and purified two hundred myriads of koṭis of nayutas of lands in each of the world-systems in the eight directions. There were no hells, hungry ghosts, animals, or asuras; and all the devas and humans were moved to other lands. In these transformed lands the earth was made of lapis lazuli and adorned with jeweled trees. These trees were five hundred yojanas in height and were adorned with branches, leaves, blossoms, and fruits in their proper turn. Under every tree was a jeweled lion seat five yojanas in height which was adorned with various jewels. There were no oceans, rivers, or great mountain kings such as Mount Mucilinda, Mount Mahāmucilinda, Mount Cakravāḍa, Mount Mahācakravāḍa, or Mount Sumeru. The lands were all made into one buddha world throughout. The jeweled earth was level and covered everywhere with jewel-studded drapes. Banners and umbrellas were set up, precious incense was burning, and heavenly jeweled flowers covered the ground everywhere. Then Śākyamuni Buddha again transformed and purified two hundred myriads of koṭis of nayutas of lands in each of the eight directions so that the buddhas could come and sit. There were no hells, hungry ghosts, animals, or asuras; and the devas and humans were moved to other lands. In the transformed lands the earth was of lapis lazuli and adorned with jeweled trees. The trees were five hundred yojanas in height and were adorned with branches, leaves, blossoms, and fruits in their proper turn. Under these trees were jeweled lion seats that were five yojanas in height and decorated with great jewels. There were no oceans, rivers, or great mountain kings such as Mount Mucilinda, Mount Mahāmucilinda, Mount Cakravāḍa, Mount Mahācakravāḍa, or Mount Sumeru. The lands were all made into one buddha world throughout. The jeweled earth was level and covered everywhere with jewel-studded drapes. Banners and umbrellas were set up, precious incense was burning, and heavenly jeweled flowers covered the ground everywhere. Then the magically created forms of Śākyamuni Buddha, which had been teaching the Dharma in the hundreds of thousands of myriads of koṭis of nayutas of lands in the east, equal in number to the sands of the Ganges River, gathered here. In this way all the buddhas in the ten directions gradually came until all were assembled, sitting in the eight directions. At that time these Buddha Tathāgatas filled four hundred myriads of koṭis of nayutas of lands in each direction. 

Then sitting on the lion seats under the jeweled trees, the buddhas each dispatched their attendants with hands full of jeweled flowers to inquire after the Buddha Śākyamuni, saying: “O son of a virtuous family! You should approach the Buddha Śākyamuni on Mount Gṛdhrakūṭa and give him a greeting, saying: Are you without illness and pain and are you full of vigor and at ease; and are the assemblies of bodhisattvas and śrāvakas all at ease or not? “Then, having paid homage to the Buddha by scattering him with these jeweled flowers, say this to him: The Buddha So-and-so wishes you to open this jeweled stupa. All the other buddhas dispatched their messengers like this.” 

Then the Buddha Śākyamuni saw that his magically created forms had already gathered and were each sitting on a lion seat. And he heard that all the buddhas also wanted him to open the treasured stupa. Immediately rising, he hovered in the air and the entire fourfold assembly rose and gazed attentively at the Buddha with their palms pressed together. Thereupon Śākyamuni Buddha opened the entrance to the seven-jeweled stupa with his right finger. There was a tremendous sound as if the bar and lock to the gateway of a large city were being pushed aside. Then immediately the entire gathering saw the Tathāgata Prabhūtaratna in the jeweled stupa sitting on a lion seat as if he were in meditation, his body whole and undecomposed. They heard him say: “Splendid, splendid! The Buddha Śākyamuni is teaching the Lotus Sutra and I have come in order to hear it.” 

At that time the fourfold assembly saw the Buddha who had entered parinirvāṇa immeasurable thousands of myriads of koṭis of kalpas ago speaking those words. They praised this unprecedented experience and scattered heavenly jeweled flowers upon the buddhas Prabhūtaratna and Śākyamuni. Then from within the stupa the Buddha Prabhūtaratna offered half of his seat to the Buddha Śākyamuni, saying: “O Śākyamuni Buddha, please take a seat here!” 

The Buddha Śākyamuni immediately entered the stupa and sat crosslegged on half of the seat. Thereupon the great assembly saw the two Tathāgatas sitting cross-legged on the lion seat in the seven-jeweled stupa and they each thought thus: “The buddhas are seated far away. O Tathāgata, we entreat you to use your transcendent powers so that we may be in the air together with you.” 

The Buddha Śākyamuni immediately moved the entire fourfold assembly into the air through his transcendent powers and addressed them with a great voice, saying: “Who in the sahā world is able to extensively teach the Lotus Sutra? It is now the right time! The Tathāgata will enter parinirvāṇa before long and the Buddha wants to transmit this Lotus Sutra to you.

(妙法蓮華經第十一品 見寶塔之1)

爾時佛前有七寶塔。高五百由旬。縱廣二百五十由旬。從地踊出住在空中。種種寶物而莊校之。五千欄楯龕室千萬。無數幢幡以為嚴飾。垂寶瓔珞。寶鈴萬億而懸其上。四面皆出多摩羅跋栴檀之香。充遍世界。其諸幡蓋。 以金銀琉璃車磲馬腦真珠玫瑰七寶合成。高至四天王宮。三十三天。雨天曼陀羅華供養寶塔。餘諸天龍夜叉乾闥婆阿修羅迦樓羅緊那羅摩睺羅伽人非人等千萬億眾。以一切華香瓔珞幡蓋伎樂。供養寶塔。恭敬尊重讚歎。爾時寶塔中出大音聲歎言。善哉善哉。釋迦牟尼世尊。能以平等大慧教菩薩法佛所護念妙法華經為大眾說。如是如是。釋迦牟尼世尊。如所說者。皆是真實。爾時四眾見大寶塔住在空中。又聞塔中所出音聲。皆得法喜怪未曾有。從座而起恭敬合掌却住一面。爾時有菩薩摩訶薩。名大樂說。 知一切世間天人阿修羅等心之所疑。而白佛言。世尊。以何因緣有此寶塔從地踊出。又於其中發是音聲。爾時佛告大樂說菩薩。此寶塔中有如來全身。乃往過去東方無量千萬億阿僧祇世界。國名寶淨。彼中有佛。號曰多寶。其佛行菩薩道時。作大誓願。若我成佛。滅度之後。於十方國土。有說法華經處。我之塔廟。為聽是經故。踊現其前為作證明。讚言善哉。彼佛成道已。臨滅度時。於天人大眾中告諸比丘。我滅度後。欲供養我全身者。應起一大塔。其佛以神通願力。十方世界在在處處。若有說法華經者。彼之寶塔皆踊出其前。全身在於塔中。讚言善哉善哉。大樂說。今多寶如來塔。聞說法華經故。從地踊出。讚言善哉善哉。是時大樂說菩薩。以如來神力故。白佛言。世尊我等願欲見此佛身。佛告大樂說菩薩摩訶薩。是多寶佛有深重願。若我寶塔。為聽法華經故出於諸佛前時。其有欲以我身示四眾者。彼佛分身諸佛。在於十方世界說法。盡還集一處。然後我身乃出現耳。大樂說。我分身諸佛。在於十方世界說法者今應當集。大樂說白佛言。世尊。我等亦願欲見世尊分身諸佛禮拜供養。爾時佛放白毫一光。即見東方五百萬億那由他恒河沙等國土諸佛。彼諸國土。皆以頗梨為地。寶樹寶衣以為莊嚴。無數千萬億菩薩。充滿其中。遍張寶幔寶網羅上。彼國諸佛以大妙音而說諸法。及見無量千萬億菩薩。遍滿諸國為眾說法。南西北方四維上下。白毫相光所照之處。亦復如是。爾時十方諸佛各告眾菩薩言。善男子。我今應往娑婆世界釋迦牟尼佛所。并供養多寶如來寶塔。時娑婆世界即變清淨。琉璃為地寶樹莊嚴。黃金為繩以界八道。無諸聚落村營城邑。大海江河山川林藪燒大寶香。曼陀羅華遍布其地。以寶網幔羅覆其上。懸諸寶鈴。唯留此會眾。移諸天人置於他土。是時諸佛各將一大菩薩以為侍者。至娑婆世界。各到寶樹下。一一寶樹。高五百由旬。枝葉華菓次第莊嚴。諸寶樹下皆有師子之座。高五由旬。亦以大寶而校飾之。爾時諸佛各於此座結加趺坐。如是展轉遍滿三千大千世界。而於釋迦牟尼佛一方所分之身。猶故未盡。時釋迦牟尼佛。欲容受所分身諸佛故。八方各更變二百萬億那由他國。皆令清淨。無有地獄餓鬼畜生及阿修羅。又移諸天人置於他土所化之國。亦以琉璃為地。寶樹莊嚴。樹高五百由旬。枝葉華菓次第嚴飾。樹下皆有寶師子座。高五由旬。種種諸寶以為莊校。亦無大海江河及目真隣陀山摩訶目真隣陀山鐵圍山大鐵圍山須彌山等諸山王。通為一佛國土。寶地平正。寶交露幔遍覆其上。懸諸幡蓋。燒大寶香。諸天寶華遍布其地。釋迦牟尼佛。為諸佛當來坐故。復於八方。各更變二百萬億那由他國。皆令清淨。無有地獄餓鬼畜生及阿修羅。又移諸天人置於他土。所化之國。亦以琉璃為地。寶樹莊嚴。樹高五百由旬。枝葉華菓次第莊嚴。樹下皆有寶師子座。高五由旬。亦以大寶而校飾之。亦無大海江河及目真隣陀山摩訶目真隣陀山鐵圍山大鐵圍山須彌山等諸山王。通為一佛國土。寶地平正。寶交露幔遍覆其上。懸諸幡蓋。燒大寶香。諸天寶華遍布其地。爾時東方釋迦牟尼佛所分之身。百千萬億那由他恒河沙等國土中諸佛。各各說法來集於此。如是次第十方諸佛。皆悉來集坐於八方。爾時一一方四百萬億那由他國土。諸佛如來遍滿其中。是時諸佛各在寶樹下坐師子座。皆遣侍者。問訊釋迦牟尼佛。各齎寶華滿掬而告之言。善男子。汝往詣耆闍崛山釋迦牟尼佛所。如我辭曰。少病少惱氣力安樂。及菩薩聲聞眾悉安隱不。以此寶華散佛供養。而作是言。彼某甲佛。與欲開此寶塔。諸佛遣使亦復如是。爾時釋迦牟尼佛。見所分身佛悉已來集。各各坐於師子之座。皆聞諸佛與欲同開寶塔。即從座起住虛空中。一切四眾起立合掌一心觀佛。於是釋迦牟尼佛。以右指開七寶塔戶。出大音聲。如却關鑰開大城門。即時一切眾會。皆見多寶如來。於寶塔中坐師子座。全身不散如入禪定。又聞其言。善哉善哉。釋迦牟尼佛。快說是法華經。我為聽是經故。而來至此。爾時四眾等。見過去無量千萬億劫滅度佛。說如是言。歎未曾有。以天寶華聚。散多寶佛及釋迦牟尼佛上。爾時多寶佛。於寶塔中分半座。與釋迦牟尼佛。而作是言。釋迦牟尼佛。可就此座。即時釋迦牟尼佛。入其塔中坐其半座。結加趺坐。爾時大眾。見二如來在七寶塔中師子座上結加趺坐。各作是念。佛座高遠。唯願如來以神通力。令我等輩俱處虛空。即時釋迦牟尼佛。以神通力接諸大眾皆在虛空。以大音聲普告四眾。誰能於此娑婆國土廣說妙法華經。今正是時。如來不久當入涅槃。佛欲以此妙法華經付囑有在。

