Ue iauxx bue qongw liauw, hitt sii, ling’ongg ee jaboxqniaw hutzenn cuthen dirr ganxjenn. Tauu qapp bin kap de vair, ix kia vnix:a .kir, iong jimgensix janwtanr qongxx:
“Vuddyy cimx cimx liauxqaiw jue qapp hog ee siongr
Qongbingg venww jiyr sibhongx
Singjiu bibaiu cingjing ee huatsinx
Snax-jap-zi jiongw siongwmau uanvi
Ixx veh-jap jiongw hyw
Laii jonggiamm hautsinx
Siurr tenzinn qapp langg soxx giongxbong
Lringg-sinn longxx qra qiongqingr
Itcer jiongwsingx bylun dycc jit lui
Byy jit xee byy qra junhong
Qycc tniax diyc singjiu potee ee dy
Dna’ vut tangx giamrjingr
Guaw kaikenw Dairsing
Uirr beh dortuad siurkow ee jiongwsingx:”
(The Lotus Sutra - Chapter XII Devadatta 6)
Before he had finished speaking the daughter of the nāga king suddenly appeared in their presence. Bowing until her forehead touched their feet, she withdrew to one side and spoke these verses in praise:
The Buddha is deeply versed
In the characteristics of good and evil,
And he completely illuminates the ten directions.
His subtle and pure Dharma body
Is endowed with the thirty-two marks;
With the eighty good characteristics
Is his Dharma body adorned.
He is adored by devas and humans,
And honored by nāgas.
There is no sentient being
Who does not pay him homage.
Moreover, that I will attain enlightenment
Upon hearing him
Can only be known by a buddha.
I will reveal the teaching of the Mahayana
And save suffering sentient beings.
(妙法蓮華經第十二品 提婆達多之6)
深達罪福相 遍照於十方
微妙淨法身 具相三十二
以八十種好 用莊嚴法身
天人所戴仰 龍神咸恭敬
一切眾生類 無不宗奉者
又聞成菩提 唯佛當證知
我闡大乘教 度脫苦眾生