
Bibiau Hxuad Lenhuex Qingx (jap-zi-2)


Hitt sijun, Sewjunx beh dingg qycc suanqangw soxx qongw ee iwsur, dyrr iong jimgensix qongw:

“Guaw sniu diyc quewkir qiab ee sii 

Uirr beh qriuu dua Hxuad 

Suizenn jyr qok’ongg 

Byy tambee go jiongw iogbong ee kuaiwlok 

Duii jingqow hiongr siwhngx suanqyr: 

Si’angw u dua Hxuad 

Narr uirr guaw qaixsuad 

Guaw jiongsinx beh jyr ix ee lovok 

Hitt si u jit xui Asita Senzinn 

Laii qra dairongg qongw: 

Guaw u bibiau ee Hxuad 

Dirr sewqanx jiokk hihanw 

Liw narr erdangr siuhak

Guaw tangx uirr liw enxsuad 

Hitt sii ongg tniax diyc senzinn soxx qongw 

Simlai dua hnuahiw 

Suisii dyrr qinduer senzinn 

Qiongqib ix soxx su’iaur :ee 

Kiyh caa iacc banw quexjiw qapp quex 

Suisii qiongqingr hongrsiong 

Itsimx-it'ir qriuu bibiau Hxuad ee enqor 

Srinx qapp simx longxx be iawlanw 

Uanjuann dccc uirr jiongwsingx 

Qutlat qriuu dua Hxuad 

Iarr byy uirr qaqi  

Iacc uirr go jiongw iogbong ee kuaiwlok 

Soxiw suizenn jyr dua qok’ongg 

Qutlat qriuu did diyc jitt xee Hxuad 

Juewau tangx jniaa vut 

Mrjiacc jitmaw uirr linw enxsuad”

(The Lotus Sutra - Chapter XII Devadatta 2)

At that time the Bhagavat, wanting to elaborate on the meaning of this further, spoke these verses: 

I remember that in the past, many kalpas ago, 

Although I became king of the world, 

In order to seek the great Dharma 

I was never attached to the desires of the five senses. 

Striking a bell I declared this 

To the four directions: 

If anyone possesses the great Dharma 

And explains it to me, 

I will become his servant. 

At that time there was a sage called Asita 

Who came to the great king and said:

I possess a subtle and true Dharma 

That is rare in the world. 

If you are able to practice it, 

I will explain it to you! 

On hearing what the sage said 

The king became overjoyed. 

He immediately accompanied the sage 

And performed whatever he was asked. 

He gathered firewood and various fruits 

And respectfully offered them whenever requested. 

Because he longed for the True Dharma,

He never tired in body or mind. 

For the sake of sentient beings 

He diligently sought everywhere the great Dharma. 

He never sought it for his own sake

Nor for the desires of the five senses. 

For this reason, although a great king, 

He diligently sought and attained this Dharma, 

Ultimately becoming a buddha. 

That is why I now tell you this. 

(妙法蓮華經第十二品 提婆達多之2)


 我念過去劫  為求大法故

 雖作世國王  不貪五欲樂

 搥鍾告四方  誰有大法者

 若為我解說  身當為奴僕

 時有阿私仙  來白於大王

 我有微妙法  世間所希有

 若能修行者  吾當為汝說

 時王聞仙言  心生大喜悅

 即便隨仙人  供給於所須

 採薪及菓蓏   隨時恭敬與

 情存妙法故  身心無懈惓

 普為諸眾生  勤求於大法

 亦不為己身  及以五欲樂

 故為大國王  勤求獲此法

 遂致得成佛  今故為汝說

