
Bibiau Hxuad Lenhuex Qingx (jap-snax-2)

Jimgensix qongw liauw, jiongww bikuni qra Vuddyy qongw, “Sewjunx, guanw iarr e dirr qitax qoktow siwqer suanqangw jitt vxo qingx.”

Hitt sii Sewjunx quanknuar veh-jap-bxan ig nayuta jiongww posad mahasattva. Jiaxee posad longxx si avivartika, dngw byy dywter huatlenw, did diyc jerje dharani. Inx an’ jyrui vreh kiw, qaur Vuddyy binrjingg, itsimx habjiongw anxnex sniu, “Narr Sewjunx huanhur guanw diyhh cisiuw qapp enxsuad jitt vxo qingx, diyhh jiauww Vuddyy soxx qar, siwqer suanqangw jitt vxo qingx.”

Inx qycc anxnex sniu, “Vuddyy henrjai diam diam longxx byy huanhur. Guaw diyhh anwjnuaw jyr?”

Hitt sii, jiongww posad junqingr qapp sunrjiongg Vuddyy ee iwsur, qycc beh buanxjiog qaqi vunxdew ee guan, dyrr dirr Vuddyy binrjingg jyr sraix-aw-hauw, zen'au huatser qongxx, “Sewjunx! Guanw dirr Zulaii beddo liauxau, e dirr sibhongx sewqair jiusuann qapp ongxhok, tangx hro jiongwsingx causiaw, cisiuw, qapp togsiong jitt vxo qingx. Guanw e qaixsuad qingx ee ywgi, jiauww Hxuad siuhing, qycc e qir .did be dingdnaa. Jiaxee longxx kyr Vuddyy ee uilik. Dandanx hibang Sewjunx dirr vadd xui hng hng qra guanw siuxho.”

(The Lotus Sutra - Chapter XIII Perseverance 2)

Having spoken this verse all the nuns addressed the Buddha, saying: “O Bhagavat! We also will extensively expound this sutra in other lands.” 

Then the Bhagavat saw eighty myriads of koṭis of nayutas of bodhisattva mahāsattvas, all of whom were at the stage of nonretrogression. They had turned the irreversible wheel of the Dharma and attained the power of recollection. Arising from their seats they went before the Buddha with their palms pressed together and with this wholehearted thought: “If the Bhagavat commands us to preserve and teach this sutra, then we will extensively expound this Dharma exactly as the Buddha has taught.” 

They also thought: “The Buddha now keeps silent and does not command us. What should we do?” 

Then all of the bodhisattvas, respecting the Buddha’s intention and also wanting to fulfill their original vow, uttered a lion’s roar in the presence of the Buddha and declared: “O Bhagavat! After the Tathāgata’s parinirvāṇa we will roam throughout the worlds of the ten directions enabling sentient beings to copy, preserve, and recite this [Lotus] Sutra, and to explain its meaning, practice it according to the Dharma, and remember it correctly. This will all be due to the Buddha’s majestic power. 

“O Bhagavat! We entreat you to protect us from afar while we are in other quarters.”

(妙法蓮華經第十三品 勸持之2)


