
Bibiau Hxuad Lenhuex Qingx (jap-snax-3)


Hitt sijun, jiongww posad longxx qang sii cud sniax qongw jimgensix:

“Hibang liw byy quawlu 

Dirr Vuddyy beddo liauxau 

Dirr kiongxvor ee og sxer lairdew 

Guanw e siwqer enxsuad 

U jerje byy diwhui ee langg 

Pnaiw cuir ziogme 

Ixqip tec dyx qapp qunxaw 

Guanw longxx e zimxnai 

Og sxer lairdew ee bikiu 

U siaa qewsig, gauu tiamxbi, simx uankiaux 

Byy did .diyc qongw did .diyc 

Gnoxban ee simx muaw muaw 

Iacc si dirr sanlimm aranya :ee

Cing puar snxax dirr piacjing ee soxjai 

Qaqi qongw u sidjenr jinx dy 

Knuawqinx sewqanlangg 

Amtamx lirig qapp qiong’iongw ee enqor 

Uirr vig'ix suathuad 

Siurr sewqanx soxx qiongqingr 

Cincniu u lak jiongw sintongx ee arhat 

Jitt hy langg u og simx 

Dniardnia sniu sewqanx ee siogsu 

Qew jyr si aranya :ee

Hnor qongw guanw ee quewsid 

Qycc e anxnex qongw: 

Jiaxee bikiu 

Uirr tamluann lirig qapp qiong’iongw 

Sueh guardy ee qauwgi 

Qaqi jyr jitt vxo qingdenw 

Kir penr qapp behik sewqanlangg 

Uirr qriuu miasniax ee enqor 

Jiacc hunvet enxsuad jitt vxo qingx 

Inx dniardnia dirr dairjiongr lairdew 

Beh huixvongr guanw ee enqor 

Hiongr qok’ongg qapp dairsinn 

Brahman qapp qusu 

Ixqip qitax bikiu 

Decc huixvongr qongw guanw ee pnaiw ue 

Qongw guanw si siaa qenwsig ee langg 

Decc enxsuad guardy ee qauwgi 

Guanw junqingr Vuddyy ee enqor 

Longxx zimxnai jiaxee og 

Virr inx soxx kingsi qongxx 

Linw longxx si vut 

Jitt hy saksau ee gengiw 

Guanw longxx zimxsiu 

Dirr gnow-lyy og sxer lairdew 

U jerje kiongxvor ee dairjir 

Og qxuiw jinwzip inx ee sinkux 

Inx laii ziogme qapp huixvongr guanw 

Guanw junqingr qapp siongsinr Vuddyy

E cing zimxziok ee jenwqah 

Uirr enxsuad jitt vxo qingx 

Zimxsiu jiaxee lann su 

Guanw byy qor sintew qapp sniwmia 

Dna’ siyh busiong ee dy 

Guanw dirr laiser 

Horcii Vuddyy soxx jiokhur :ee 

Sewjunx vitdnia jai'ngiaw 

Lyy sxer ee og bikiu 

M jaix Vuddyy iong hongven ee honghuad 

Jiauww jiongwsingx ee qinsingr quangii enxsuad Hxuad 

Pnaiw cuir qycc lig bagbaii 

Sxor vaiw qra guanw qnuaw .cud .kir 

Hro guanw li tah qapp sxi hng hng 

Cincniu jitt hy og su 

In'ui sniu diyc Vuddyy ee huanhur 

Jiaxee su longxx e zimxnai  

Soxu ee cuanlok iacc sniaci 

Narr u beh qriuu Hxuad :ee 

Guanw longxx qaur hitt xui 

Enxsuad Vuddyy soxx jiokhur ee Hxuad 

Guanw si Sewjunx ee suxjiaw

Binrduir jingwlangg byy soxx qnia'uir

Guanw e hyw hyw enxsuad Hxuad

Guan Vuddyy hongwsimx

Guanw dirr Sewjunx binrjingg

Qapp an' sibhongx laii ee jiongww vut binrjingg

Huad jitt hy sewguan

Vut jai'ngiaw guanw ee simguan

(The Lotus Sutra - Chapter XIII Perseverance 3)

Immediately after that, all of the bodhisattvas spoke these verses in unison: 

We entreat you not to be concerned 

Because we will extensively teach 

In the fearful, troubled world, 

After the Buddha’s parinirvāṇa. 

We will be patient 

With those who are ignorant, 

Those who disparage others with evil words, 

Or who attack us with sticks and swords. 

Monks in this troubled world 

Will have false wisdom 

And be deceitful. 

They will think they have attained 

What they have not, and their minds 

Will be full of conceit. 

Then there will be those who dwell

In tranquil forests wearing rags, 

With the thought that they alone practice the true path,

And who look down on those who lead worldly lives. 

There will be those who teach the Dharma 

To laypeople only out of greed for offerings, 

Yet they will be respected in the world 

As if they were arhats endowed with 

The six transcendent powers. 

The minds of such people are in error; 

They are always thinking about worldly matters; 

And they enjoy pointing out our faults, 

Playing the role of the forest dwellers, 

Thus they will say such things as: 

All of these monks here 

Teach heretical doctrines 

Because they are greedy for profit! 

They have fabricated this sutra 

To deceive the people of the world, 

And they explain this sutra 

Out of desire for fame! 

They always want to slander us 

In the great assembly; 

They slander us to the kings, 

Ministers, brahmans, householders, 

And to other monks, saying that we are evil. 

They say: These are people of false views 

Who teach heretical doctrines. 

Since we revere the Buddha, 

We will be patient with their wickedness. 

They will mockingly address us, saying: 

All you buddhas! 

We will be patient with 

These scornful words. 

In the troubled world of the 

Age of [the Decadent Dharma] 

There are many fearful things. 

People possessed by evil spirits Will scorn and slander us. 

But we shall wear the armor of patience 

Because we trust and revere the Buddha; 

And we will persevere under these difficulties 

In order to teach this sutra. 

We will not be attached to our bodies or lives 

We only desire the highest path. 

In the future we will preserve 

What the Buddha has entrusted us with. 

The Bhagavat himself must know 

That the erring monks in the troubled world 

Will not understand the Dharma 

Taught by the Buddha through skillful means, 

According to what is appropriate to sentient beings. 

They will utter evil words with angry countenances, 

And they will repeatedly expel us, 

And keep us away from the monasteries and stupas. 

There will be many evils such as this. 

We will all endure in these matters 

Because we remember the Buddha’s decree. 

If there are any people seeking this Dharma 

In villages or cities, we will all go there

And teach the Dharma entrusted to us by the Buddha. 

Because we are the Bhagavat’s ambassadors,

Wherever we go we have nothing to fear. 

We will skillfully teach the Dharma. 

We entreat you,

O Buddha, to be at ease. 

In the presence of the Bhagavat, 

And all of the buddhas who have come 

From the ten directions, 

We make this declaration. 

O Buddha! You know our intentions!

(妙法蓮華經第十三品 勸持之3)


 唯願不為慮  於佛滅度後

 恐怖惡世中  我等當廣說

 有諸無智人  惡口罵詈等

 及加刀杖者  我等皆當忍

 惡世中比丘  邪智心諂曲

 未得謂為得  我慢心充滿

 或有阿練若  納衣在空閑

 自謂行真道  輕賤人間者

 貪著利養故  與白衣說法

 為世所恭敬  如六通羅漢

 是人懷惡心  常念世俗事

 假名阿練若  好出我等過

 而作如是言  此諸比丘等

 為貪利養故  說外道論議

 自作此經典  誑惑世間人

 為求名聞故  分別於是經

 常在大眾中  欲毀我等故

 向國王大臣  婆羅門居士

 及餘比丘眾  誹謗說我惡

 謂是邪見人  說外道論議

 我等敬佛故  悉忍是諸惡

 為斯所輕言  汝等皆是佛

 如此輕慢言  皆當忍受之

 濁劫惡世中  多有諸恐怖

 惡鬼入其身  罵詈毀辱我

 我等敬信佛  當著忍辱鎧

 為說是經故  忍此諸難事

 我不愛身命  但惜無上道

 我等於來世  護持佛所囑

 世尊自當知  濁世惡比丘

 不知佛方便  隨宜所說法

 惡口而顰蹙  數數見擯出

 遠離於塔寺  如是等眾惡

 念佛告勅故     皆當忍是事

 諸聚落城邑  其有求法者

 我皆到其所  說佛所囑法

 我是世尊使  處眾無所畏

 我當善說法  願佛安隱住

 我於世尊前  諸來十方佛

 發如是誓言  佛自知我心

