Derr Jap-zi Pinw: Devadatta
Hitt sijun, Vuddyy qra jiongww posad, tnsinn, langg, qapp sir jiongw derjuw qongw, “Guaw dirr quewkir buliong qiab lairdew, jiokk qutlat decc qriuu Bibiau Hxuad Lenhuex Qingx. Dirr jiokk je qiab lairdew dniardnia jyr qok’ongg, huatguan qriuu busiong potee, quatsimx byy trer dywdngw. Uirr beh hro lak jiongw paramita uanbuanw, qutlat decc vowsix, simx byy qenlin. Bylun si cnxiu, bew, qapp cid jiongw dinvyw, iacc qog, sniaa, bow, qniaw, lovi, qapp iongvok, lenrr qaqi ee tauu, bak, cuew, nauw, srinx, bah, ciuw, qapp kax longxx be m qramx.
Hitt sii, sewqanlangg ee siurbing buliong. Guaw uirdiyhh Hxuad, kiwsag ong'ui, qra jingwquann uixtog hro taiwjuw, longr qow suanvor qongxx beh siwhngx qriuu Hxuad: ‘Siangw tangx uirr guaw enxsuad Dairsing, guaw jit siwlangg hro ix cesaiw.’
Hitt sii, u jit xee senzinn laii qra ongg qongw, ‘Guaw u Dairsing, qiyr jyr Bibiau Hxuad Lenhuex Qingx. Narr byy uivue guaw, guaw tangx uirr liw enxsuad.'
Ongg tniax diyc senzinn anxnex qongw, hnuahiw qaxx be qor .did, dyrr duer senzinn, qiongqib ix soxx su’iaur :ee. Banw quexjiw, cnriu juiw, kiyh caa, juxvng, simrjiww iong sinkux jyr bincngg, srinx qapp simx byy iawsen. Zucuw hongrsu qingquer jit-cingx nii, uirdiyhh Hxuad, ongg jingkunn hogsai, hro senzinn byy kuathuat.”
(The Lotus Sutra - Chapter XII Devadatta 1)
The Buddha then addressed the assembly of bodhisattvas, and also the devas, humans, and the fourfold assembly, saying: “In the past, immeasurable kalpas ago, I tirelessly sought the Lotus Sutra. Throughout many kalpas I always became a king and made a vow to seek highest enlightenment. My mind became irreversible. Wanting to fulfill the six perfections I diligently carried out practices: unstintingly giving elephants, horses, the seven precious treasures, countries and cities, wives and children, male and female servants, my head, eyes, marrow and brains, the flesh of my body, hands, and feet, without stinginess, not even hesitating to give my own life.
“At that time the lifespan of the people in the world was immeasurable. In order to seek the Dharma I abandoned my kingdom and abdicated my throne to the crown prince. Beating a drum I proclaimed to the four directions that I was seeking the Dharma, saying: I will be as a servant for the rest of my life to whosoever can teach me the Mahayana.
“At that time there was a sage who came to this king and said: I possess the Mahayana teaching called the Lotus Sutra. If you faithfully obey me, I will expound it to you.
“Having heard the sage, the king became joyful and ecstatic and, accompanying the sage, he did everything he was asked. He gathered fruits, drew water, collected firewood, and provided meals. He even provided his own body as a bed for the sage. Yet he never tired in either body or mind and in this way served the sage for one thousand years. For the sake of the Dharma he served him diligently, making certain the sage never lacked for anything.”
(妙法蓮華經第十二品 提婆達多之1)