
Bibiau Hxuad Lenhuex Qingx (jap-4)


Hitt sijun, Sewjunx beh dingg qycc suanqangw soxx qongw ee iwsur, dyrr iong jimgensix qongw:

"Beh siawsag jiongxjiongw vindnua 

Ingqaix tniax jitt vxo qingx 

Jitt vxo qingx yh tniax .diyc 

Beh siongsinr qapp jiapsiu iarr lann 

Cincniu langg cuir dax su’iaur juiw 

Dirr qyguann jngr kangx 

Iaxx knuar diyc dax too 

Jaix li juiw iaxx jin’ hng 

Jiamrjiam knuar diyc damm too qapp tomuaii 

Quatding jaix juiw qin :ar 

Iyc Ongg liw diyhh jaix 

Cincniu hiaxee langg 

M tniax Bibiau Hxuad Lenhuex Qingx 

Li vut ee diwhui jin’ hng 

Narr tniax diyc jitt vxo cim’yr ee qingx 

Dikkag liauxqaiw sniabunn ee huatmngg 

Jaix jitt vxo si soxu qingdenw ee ongg 

Tniax diyc jinliw liauxau sukyw 

Qaidongx jaix jitt hy langg 

Jiapqin vut ee diwhui 

Narr u langg beh enxsuad jitt vxo qingx 

Ingqaix zip kir Zulaii druar ee soxjai 

Cing Zulaii ee snxax 

Jre Zulaii ee jyrui 

Diamr dairjiongr lairdew byy soxx qnia’uir 

Siwqer hunvet enxsuad 

Dua juvi junw cur 

Unziuu qapp zimxziok junw snxax 

Soxu henrsiong si kangx junw jyrui 

Dirr jitt hy jongrhongw laii suathuad 

Narr enxsuad jitt vxo qingx ee sii 

U langg pnaiw cuir decc me 

Qycc iong dyx, qunxaw, hia, qapp jiyhtauu qongqig 

Diyhh liam vut zimxsiu 

Guaw dirr cenbanrig xee qoktow 

Henr cingjing qenqor ee srinx 

Dirr buliong ig qiab 

Uirr jiongwsingx suathuad 

Narr guaw beddo liauxau 

Tangx enxsuad jitt vxo qingx :ee 

Guaw e cekenw huawsinx ee sir jiongw derjuw 

Bikiu bikuni 

Qapp sinwsimx cingjing ee lamluw 

Kir qiong’iongw jitt xui huatsux 

Inxdy jiongwsingx 

Jibhap laii tniax Hxuad 

Narr u langg beh qra hai 

Iong dyx, qunxaw, hia, qapp jiyhtauu 

Dyrr cekenw huawsinx :ee 

Jyr ix ee horue 

Narr suathuad ee langg 

Dandok dirr kongwiaw

Jigbok byy langsniax 

Togsiong jitt vxo qingdenw 

Guaw hitt sii e cuthen 

Cingjing qongbingg ee srinx 

Ix narr u jniuqur be qir .did 

Guaw e uirr ix enxsuad hro ix tongdat 

Narr u langg u jitt hy dikhing 

Iacc uirr sir jiongw derjuw enxsuad 

Iacc dirr jigliauu ee soxjai togsiong qingdenw 

Longxx tangx qnir diyc guaw ee srinx 

Narr u langg dirr kongwiaw 

Guaw e cekenw tenzinn qapp ling'ongg 

Iarcex qapp quixsinn dringw 

Laii jyr ix suathuad ee tniajiongr 

Jitt hy langg hnuahiw suathuad

Hunvet suatbingg byy jiongwgai

In'ui u jiongww vut qra vyxho qapp quansimx

Dairjiongr longxx hnuahiw tniax Hxuad

Narr cinqin huatsux

Tangx soksog did diyc posatdy

Duer jitt xee huatsux hagsip

Tangx qnir diyc Ganges Hyy suax ee sowliong hiacc je ee vut”

(The Lotus Sutra - Chapter X The Expounder of the Dharma 4)

Thereupon, the Bhagavat, wanting to elaborate on the meaning of this further, spoke these verses: 

If you wish to rid yourself of idleness, 

You should listen to this sutra. 

This sutra is rarely heard,

And it is also difficult to accept. 

Suppose there were a thirsty man 

Seeking for water by drilling 

Into the earth on a high plain. 

He sees only dry earth and knows 

That water is still far away. 

He gradually sees 

The moist earth turn into mud 

And knows with certainty 

That water is near. 

O Bhaiṣajyarāja! 

You should know that those people 

Who do not hear the Lotus Sutra 

Are very far away 

From the Buddha’s wisdom. 

If they hear this profound sutra 

Which brings resolution to the śrāvakas 

And if they hear this King of Sutras 

And attentively contemplate it, 

Know that these people 

Are close to the Buddha’s wisdom. 

If people want to expound this sutra, 

They should enter the Tathāgata’s chamber, 

Put on the Tathāgata’s garments, 

And sit on the Tathāgata’s seat. 

They then should face the people without fear, 

So that they may extensively 

Illuminate and explain it to the assembly. 

The Tathāgata’s chamber is great compassion, 

His garments are gentleness and perseverance, 

And his seat is the emptiness of all existent things. 

After settling among them, 

They should expound the Dharma. 

Even if, when they expound this sutra, 

People disparage them with evil words, 

Or attack them with swords, sticks, tiles, or stones, 

Being mindful of the Buddha, 

They should persevere. 

I will manifest my pure and solid form 

In thousands of myriads of koṭis of lands 

And teach the Dharma to sentient beings 

For immeasurable koṭis of kalpas. 

If after my parinirvāṇa 

There is someone who is able to teach this sutra, 

I will dispatch a transformed fourfold assembly 

Of monks, nuns, laymen and laywomen 

To pay homage to this expounder of the Dharma. 

I will lead the sentient beings 

And gather them together 

To let them hear the teaching. 

If anyone wishes to do ill to them 

With swords, sticks, tiles, or stones, 

Then I will dispatch those transformed ones 

In order to guard them. 

If there is any expounder of the Dharma 

Who recites this sutra 

In a secluded, tranquil place 

Where there is no sound of human beings, 

I will then manifest my body of pure light. 

If they forget a chapter or a verse, 

I will teach it to them, 

Enabling them to master it. 

If anyone perfects these qualities 

If he teaches the fourfold assembly 

Or, in a solitary place, recites this sutra, 

Such a person will be able to see me. 

If anyone abides in a secluded place 

I will dispatch devas, nāga kings, 

Yakṣas, and rākṣasas 

To be an audience to their teaching. 

Such people teach the Dharma willingly 

And explain it without obstruction. 

Because all the buddhas protect them 

They gladden the great community of people. 

Anyone who closely attends an expounder of the Dharma 

Will immediately attain the bodhisattva path. 

Anyone who follows this expounder’s instructions, 

Will be able to meet buddhas 

Equal in number to the sands of the Ganges River.

(妙法蓮華經第十品 法師之4)


 欲捨諸懈怠  應當聽此經

 是經難得聞  信受者亦難

 如人渴須水  穿鑿於高原

 猶見乾燥土  知去水尚遠

 漸見濕土泥  決定知近水

 藥王汝當知  如是諸人等

 不聞法華經  去佛智甚遠

 若聞是深經  決了聲聞法

 是諸經之王  聞已諦思惟

 當知此人等  近於佛智慧

 若人說此經  應入如來室

 著於如來衣  而坐如來座

 處眾無所畏  廣為分別說

 大慈悲為室  柔和忍辱衣

 諸法空為座  處此為說法

 若說此經時  有人惡口罵

 加刀杖瓦石  念佛故應忍

 我千萬億土  現淨堅固身

 於無量億劫  為眾生說法

 若我滅度後  能說此經者

 我遣化四眾  比丘比丘尼

 及清信士女  供養於法師

 引導諸眾生  集之令聽法

 若人欲加惡  刀杖及瓦石

 則遣變化人  為之作衛護

 若說法之人  獨在空閑處

 寂寞無人聲  讀誦此經典

 我爾時為現  清淨光明身

 若忘失章句  為說令通利

 若人具是德  或為四眾說

 空處讀誦經  皆得見我身

 若人在空閑  我遣天龍王

 夜叉鬼神等  為作聽法眾

 是人樂說法  分別無罣礙

 諸佛護念故  能令大眾喜

 若親近法師  速得菩薩道

 隨順是師學  得見恒沙佛

