Hitt sijun, Bilik Posad an’ jyrui vreh kiw, jniawvingg ee qingqah teh teh, habjiongw hiongr duiw Vuddyy qongw jimgensix:
Vuddyy enxsuad hanxiuw ee Hxuad
Sikzit soxx m bad tniax .quer .ee
Sewjunx u dua ligliong
Siurbing byy huatdo cikliong
Busor jiongww Vuddyy ee derjuw
Tniax diyc Sewjunx decc hunved enxsuad
Did diyc Hxuad ee lirig :ee
Venww srinx longxx ciongmuaw hnuahiw
Uree diamr dirr byy dywter ee qingxqair
Uree did diyc dharani (jongw cisiuw)
Uree tangx jurjai enxsuad longxx byy jiongwgai
Uree did diyc banrig sec-dharni(jongw cisiuw)
Qycc u dirr daircenx sewqair
U cincniu din’aix sowliong ee posad
Muixx jit xee longxx erdangr dngw
Byy dywter ee huatlenw
Qycc u dirr diongcenx sewqair
U cincniu din’aix sowliong ee posad
Muixx jit xee longxx erdangr dngw
Cingjing ee huatlenw
Qycc u dirr siyxcenx sewqair
U cincniu din’aix sowliong ee posad
Qycc cunx veh sxer
Tangx singjiu vuddy
Qycc u sir xee snax xee nng xee ee
U cincniu din’aix sowliong ee posad
Hunved qingquer sir sxer snax sxer nng sxer tangx jniaa vut
Iarr u jit xee suwdai-vorjiux
U cincniu din’aix sowliong ee posad
Cunx jit sxer
Tngx singjiu itcer diwhui
Jiaxee jiongwsingx
Tniax diyc Vuddyy ee siurbing quxdngg
Longxx did diyc buliong qycc byy lrau
Cingjing ee qyxvyr
Qycc u veh xee sewqair
U cincniu din’aix sowliong ee jiongwsingx
Tniax diyc Vuddyy ee siurbing
Longxx huad busiong ee simx
Sewjunx enxsuad buliong
Vutkyw-sugi ee Hxuad
U jerje lirig
Kyxviw hukongx buvenx
Tnidingw lyc mandarava huex-ho
Qapp dua mandarava huex-ho
Sakra qapp Brahma cincniu Ganges Hyy suax ee sowliong
An' busor ee vudtow laii qaur
Tnidingw lyc dnuahniux qapp dimhniux ee ho
Sikdir huex huex siwqer luan vuex
Cincniu jiauw dirr kongdiongx vuex
Ia dirr jiongww vut ee sinkux
Tniqow dirr kongdiongx
Jurzen cud bixbiau ee sniax
Tnix-snxax u cenban jiongw
Naxx sec naxx lag .lyc .laii
Jerje vyxquir bixbiau ee hniuloo
Siyx buqer ee hniux
Jurzenn tuann qaur siwqer
Qiong’iongw jiongww Sewjunx
Hiaxee dua posad dairjiongr
Giaa cid-vyw ee donghuanx qapp iamxsnuar
Iurr quann iurr bixbiau u banrig jiongw
Jiauww cuwde sringx qaur Brahma ee tnix
Qaur muixxx jit xee vut taujingg
Kia vyxquir ee qxii qapp henn singwli ee donghuanx
Iarr iong cenban siuw jimgensix
Gim'ing jiongww Zulaii
Jiaxee jiongxjiongw su
Sikzit soxx m bad u :ee
Tniax diyc Vuddyy siurbing buliong
Itce longxx hnuahiw
Vut ee miasniax tuann qaur sibhongx
Poxpenr lirig jiongwsingx
Hro itcer longxx u senrqinx
Laii jo busiong ee simx
(The Lotus Sutra - Chapter XVII Description of Merits 2)
Then Bodhisattva Maitreya rose from his seat, leaving his right shoulder bared, faced the Buddha with the palms of his hands pressed together, and spoke these verses:
The Buddha has taught this marvelous Dharma
That we have never heard before.
The Bhagavat has great powers
And his lifespan is immeasurable.
Innumerable heirs of the Buddha
Attained the benefit of the Dharma
After hearing the Bhagavat’s explanation,
And became completely filled with joy.
Some attained the stage of nonretrogression,
And others the power of recollection.
Some attained unhindered eloquence,
And others the power of tenacious memory
Which revolves many koṭis of times.
There were also bodhisattvas,
Equal to the number of particles
In the great cosmos,
Who each turned the irreversible wheel
Of the Dharma.
There were also bodhisattvas,
Equal to the number of particles
In a medium cosmos,
Who each turned the purified
Wheel of the Dharma.
There were also bodhisattvas,
Equal to the number of particles
In a small cosmos,
Who after eight births
Will complete the buddha path.
There were also bodhisattvas,
Equal to four times, three times,
And two times the number of particles
In the four continents,
Who after four, three, and two births
Will attain buddhahood.
There were also bodhisattvas,
Equal to the number of particles
In the four continents,
Who will obtain omniscience
After one birth;
And sentient beings, having heard about
The great length of the Buddha’s lifespan,
Attained immeasurable results
That were pure and without corruption.
There were also sentient beings,
Equal to the number of particles
In the eight worlds,
In whom, having heard about the lifespan of the Buddha,
The thought of highest enlightenment awakened.
The Bhagavat has taught the Dharma
That is immeasurable and inconceivable,
And from which come benefits
As limitless as space.
Heavenly māndārava
And great māndārava flowers rained down;
And Śakras and Brahmas
Came from innumerable buddha lands,
Equal in number to the sands of the Ganges River.
Sandalwood and aloeswood powder,
Scattered like birds in the sky
Flying in all directions,
And rained down over the buddhas.
Heavenly drums resounded spontaneously
And beautifully in the air;
And thousands of myriads of koṭis
Of heavenly garments floated whirling down.
Precious incense was burned
In various jeweled incense holders,
Its fragrance naturally penetrating everywhere,
In homage to the Bhagavats.
The great assembly of these bodhisattvas
Held myriads of koṭis of tall and beautiful
Seven-jeweled banners and umbrellas,
Which extended gradually to the Brahma world.
They hung jeweled flags and excellent banners
In the presence of each of these buddhas,
And chanted thousands of myriads of verses
In praise of the Tathāgatas.
Such things had never been
Experienced before.
Hearing of the Buddha’s
Immeasurable lifespan, all rejoiced;
And, the Buddha’s name being heard
Throughout the ten directions,
Sentient beings were greatly benefited.
Everyone became endowed
With the roots of good merit,
And the thought of highest, complete enlightenment
Awakened in them.
(妙法蓮華經第十七品 分別功德之2)
佛說希有法 昔所未曾聞
世尊有大力 壽命不可量
無數諸佛子 聞世尊分別
說得法利者 歡喜充遍身
或住不退地 或得陀羅尼
或無礙樂說 萬億旋總持
或有大千界 微塵數菩薩
各各皆能轉 不退之法輪
復有中千界 微塵數菩薩
各各皆能轉 清淨之法輪
復有小千界 微塵數菩薩
餘各八生在 當得成佛道
復有四三二 如此四天下
微塵諸菩薩 隨數生成佛
或一四天下 微塵數菩薩
餘有一生在 當成一切智
如是等眾生 聞佛壽長遠
得無量無漏 清淨之果報
復有八世界 微塵數眾生
聞佛說壽命 皆發無上心
世尊說無量 不可思議法
多有所饒益 如虛空無邊
雨天曼陀羅 摩訶曼陀羅
釋梵如恒沙 無數佛土來
雨栴檀沈水 繽紛而亂墜
如鳥飛空下 供散於諸佛
天鼓虛空中 自然出妙聲
天衣千萬種 旋轉而來下
眾寶妙香爐 燒無價之香
自然悉周遍 供養諸世尊
其大菩薩眾 執七寶幡蓋
高妙萬億種 次第至梵天
一一諸佛前 寶幢懸勝幡
亦以千萬偈 歌詠諸如來
如是種種事 昔所未曾有
聞佛壽無量 一切皆歡喜
佛名聞十方 廣饒益眾生
一切具善根 以助無上心