Hitt sijun, Sewjunx beh dingg qycc suanqangw soxx qongw ee iwsur, dyrr iong jimgensix qongw:
Jurr guaw jniaa vut ixlaii
Qingquer jerje qiab
Buliong vaccingbanrig
Siongsiongg decc suathuad qauwhuar
Suxx busor ig ee jiongwsingx
Hro inx zip vuddy
An’ hitt sii ixlaii ee buliong qiab
Uirr dro jiongwsingx
Uirdiyhh hongven jiacc henr liappuann
Qisit vingrr byy beddo
Itdit diamr jiax suathuad
Guaw dniardnia druar dirr jiax
Iong jerje sintongx ee lat
Hro dendyr ee jiongsingx
Suizenn li jin' qin mrqycc knuar be diyc
Jiongwsingx knuar diyc guaw beddo
Siwqer qiong’iongw sarina
Simlai longxx luanbo
Laii snix cud ngwbang ee simx
Jiongwsingx qaxx u siongsinr qapp hanghok
Qywsingr venr tywdit qycc ziusun
Itsimx beh qnir vut
Byy siyh qaqi ee sniwmia
Hitt sii guaw qapp jiongww jingdoo
E cuthen dirr Grdhrakuta (Jiurjiauw) Snuax
Guaw hitt sii e qra jiongwsingx qongw
E itdit dirr jiax byy beddo
Iong hongven lat ee enqor
Henr bet qapp byy bet
Qitax qog narr u jiongwsingx
Qiongqingr qycc hnuahiw siongsinr :ee
Guaw e dirr inx lairdew
Uirr inx enxsuad busiong ee Hxuad
Linw byy tniax quer jiaxee
Liahjunw guaw beddo
Guaw knuar diyc jiongwsingx
Dimm lyc koxhaiw
Soxiw m uirr inx cuthen
Hro inx snix cud ngwbang qapp giongxbo
In'ui inx ee simx u luanbo
Jiacc cud laii uirr inx enxsuad Hxuad
Sintongx ee lat dyrr si zucuw
Dirr asamkhya qiab
Siongsiongg dirr Jiurjiauw Snuax
Qapp vadd xui
Jiongwsingx knuar diyc qiab beh jin
Dua huew decc siyx ee sii
Guaw jitt xee qoktow jiokk an’unw
Dniardnia ciongbuanw tenzinn qapp langg
Uanlimm qapp jerje lauqyh
U jiongxjiongw dinvyw laii jonggiamm
Vyxciu u jerje huex qapp quexjiw
Jiongwsingx dirr hiax cittyy
Jiongww tenzinn longr tniqow
Siongsiong jraur jiongxjiongw imgak
Lyc mandarava huex
Ia dirr vut qapp dairjiongr ee sinkux
Guaw ee cingjing qoktow be huixhuai
Mrqycc jiongwsingx suac knuar diyc siyx liauw liauw
U iuciuu qapp qniahniaa jiaxee jerje tongwkow
Simlai longxx ciongbuanw jiaxee
Jitt quaw u jioingxjiongw jue ee jiongwsingx
In'ui u og giap
Quer asamkhya qiab
Iarr tniax be diyc samvyw ee miaa
Jerje u siuhing u qongdig :ee
Ziusun qycc qywsingr tywdit :ee
Dyrr tangx knuar diyc guaw ee srinx
Dirr jiax decc suathuad
Ursii uirr jiaxee dairjiongr
Qongw vut ee siursor buliong
Quw quw jiacc qnir diyc vut :ee
E qongw vut yh duw
Guaw ee diwhui-lat dyrr si zucuw
Diwhui ee qngx jiyr buliong
Siurbing u busor qiab
Quxdngg siuhak senrgiap soxx did :ee
Linw jiaxx u diwhui :ee
M tangx snix cud huaigii
Diyhh jamxdng hro ingxuanw bedjin
Vuddyy ee ue jinsit byy hiqew
Cincniu isingx gauu ing hongven hxuad
Uirr idi luanrsimx ee qniaw
Sidjai byy siw qongw ixx siw :ar
Berdangr qongw ix qongw vehcat
Guaw iarr jyr sewqanx ee laurve
Beh qiur jerje siurkow ee huanrjiaw
In’ui huanhux kiw dendyr
Qisit byy beddo qra inx qongw beddo
In’ui qingsiongg knuar diyc guaw
Laii snix cud giaugo qapp lanxdnua ee simx
Hongwdong dirr go jiongw iogbong
Duirlyc dirr og dy lairdew
Guaw itdit jaix jiongwsingx
U sidjenr dy iacc byy
Jiauww soxx ingqaix dro :ee
Uirr inx enxsuad jiongxjiongw huatmngg
Muixmuiw anxnex sniu
Diyhh anxjnuaw hro jiongwsingx
Did diyc busiong ee diwhui
Soksog singjiu vudsinx
(The Lotus Sutra - Chapter XVI The Lifespan of the Tathāgata 4)
Thereupon the Bhagavat, wanting to elaborate on the meaning of this further, spoke these verses:
Since I attained buddhahood,
Immeasurable hundreds of thousands of myriads
Of koṭis of incalculable kalpas have passed.
I have been constantly teaching the Dharma,
Through these immeasurable kalpas,
Leading and inspiring Innumerable koṭis of sentient beings
And enabling them to enter the buddha path.
Using skillful means
I have manifested the state of nirvana
To bring sentient beings to this path;
Yet I have not actually entered nirvana,
But continually abide here expounding the Dharma.
Although I am always among these erring beings,
With my transcendent powers,
I prevent them from seeing me.
The sentient beings,
Seeing me enter perfect extinction
Earnestly revere my relics
And, filled with longing,
Yearn for me.
When the sentient beings become
Sincere, mild, and receptive,
And, wanting wholeheartedly to meet the Buddha,
Are willing to give unsparingly
Of their bodies and lives,
Then I, together with the sangha,
Will appear on Mount Gṛdhrakūṭa.
I will declare this to sentient beings:
Although I am always here without extinction,
Through the power of skillful means
I manifest extinction and nonextinction.
If there are any sentient beings in other worlds
Who respect and believe in me,
I will also teach them the highest Dharma.
Not knowing this, you only think
That I have entered parinirvāṇa.
I see all sentient beings
Submerged in the ocean of suffering.
That is why, by not manifesting my form,
I cause them to yearn for me.
Then, after awakening this longing,
I appear and expound the Dharma;
Such are my transcendent powers.
For innumerable kalpas I have constantly resided
On Mount Gṛdhrakūṭa and elsewhere.
When sentient beings see themselves
Amidst a conflagration
At the end of a kalpa,
It is in fact my tranquil land,
Always full of devas and humans.
All the gardens and palaces
Are adorned with various gems.
The jeweled trees abound with flowers and fruits,
And the sentient beings are joyful among them.
The devas beat heavenly drums
Making constant and varied music.
They rain down māndārava flowers
Upon the Buddha and the great assembly.
Although my Pure Land never decays,
The sentient beings see it as ravaged by fire
And torn with anxiety and distress;
They believe it is filled with these things.
Because of their misdeeds
These erring sentient beings do not hear
The name of the Three Treasures
For incalculable kalpas.
But all who cultivate merit,
And are receptive and honest,
Will see me residing here,
Expounding the Dharma.
For the sake of these sentient beings
I teach that the lifespan
Of the Buddha is immeasurable.
To those who, after a long time,
Finally see the Buddha,
I teach that it is difficult to meet him.
Such is the power of my wisdom.
The light of my wisdom illuminates immeasurably
And my lifespan is of innumerable kalpas.
This has been achieved through long practice.
You wise ones, do not give in to doubt!
Banish all doubt forever!
The Buddha’s words are true, never false.
It is like the physician
Who proclaimed his own death,
Although it was untrue.
He did this to cure his delirious sons,
Through excellent skillful means;
So no one could say he really spoke falsehood.
I, also, being the father of the world,
Cure those who suffer.
To the deluded and unenlightened
I say that I have entered nirvana,
Although, in fact, I am really here.
For if they were to see me,
They would become lazy and arrogant.
Attached to the desires of the five senses,
They would fall into the troubled states of being.
Always aware of which sentient beings
Practice the path and which do not,
I teach the Dharma in various ways,
According to their ability to be saved.
I am always thinking:
By what means can I cause sentient beings to be able to
Enter the highest path
And quickly attain the Dharma?
(妙法蓮華經第十六品 如來壽量之4)
自我得佛來 所經諸劫數
無量百千萬 億載阿僧祇
常說法教化 無數億眾生
令入於佛道 爾來無量劫
為度眾生故 方便現涅槃
而實不滅度 常住此說法
我常住於此 以諸神通力
令顛倒眾生 雖近而不見
眾見我滅度 廣供養舍利
咸皆懷戀慕 而生渴仰心
眾生既信伏 質直意柔軟
一心欲見佛 不自惜身命
時我及眾僧 俱出靈鷲山
我時語眾生 常在此不滅
以方便力故 現有滅不滅
餘國有眾生 恭敬信樂者
我復於彼中 為說無上法
汝等不聞此 但謂我滅度
我見諸眾生 沒在於苦惱
故不為現身 令其生渴仰
因其心戀慕 乃出為說法
神通力如是 於阿僧祇劫
常在靈鷲山 及餘諸住處
眾生見劫盡 大火所燒時
我此土安隱 天人常充滿
園林諸堂閣 種種寶莊嚴
寶樹多花菓 眾生所遊樂
諸天擊天鼓 常作眾伎樂
雨曼陀羅花 散佛及大眾
我淨土不毀 而眾見燒盡
憂怖諸苦惱 如是悉充滿
是諸罪眾生 以惡業因緣
過阿僧祇劫 不聞三寶名
諸有修功德 柔和質直者
則皆見我身 在此而說法
或時為此眾 說佛壽無量
久乃見佛者 為說佛難值
我智力如是 慧光照無量
壽命無數劫 久修業所得
汝等有智者 勿於此生疑
當斷令永盡 佛語實不虛
如醫善方便 為治狂子故
實在而言死 無能說虛妄
我亦為世父 救諸苦患者
為凡夫顛倒 實在而言滅
以常見我故 而生憍恣心
放逸著五欲 墮於惡道中
我常知眾生 行道不行道
隨所應可度 為說種種法
每自作是意 以何令眾生
得入無上慧 速成就佛身