Hitt sijun, Sewjunx beh dingg qycc suanqangw soxx qongw ee iwsur, dyrr iong jimgensix qongw:
Narr u langg qriuu vut ee diwhui
Dirr veh-jap-bxan ig
Nayuta ee qiapsor
Sidjenr go jiongw paramita
Dirr jiaxee qiab lairdew
Vowsix qiong’iongw vut
Qapp pratyekabuddha derjuw
Ixqip jiongww posad dairjiongr
Iong dinquir qi’ngi ee imxsit
Iong siongrdingw ee hogjongx qapp puerpox
Iong dnuahniucaa kiw jingsiar
Iong uanlimm laii jonggiamm
Cincniu jiaxee vowsix
Jiongxjiongw longxx bibiau
Qingquer longxjongw jiaxee qiapsor
Huehiongr hro vuddy
Narr qycc cisiuw qaiwlut
Cingjing byy kuatham
Qriuu busiong ee dy
Jiongww vut soxx siongxtanr
Qycc sidjenr zimxziok
Diamr dirr vinghyy qapp ziusun ee qingxqair
Junw u jerje og su laii
Simx iarr be dinxdang
Jerje u did diyc Hxuad
Simlai gnorban :ee
Laii qra kinsi qapp ziauxluan
Zucuw ix iarr e zimxnai
Narr qycc jingjinr
Iwjir qapp sinwliam itdit longxx qenqor
Dirr buliong ig qiab
Itsimx-it'ir byy lanxdy
Qycc dirr busor qiab
Diamrr dirr piacjing ee soxjai
Bylun jre iacc qinghingg
Druu kir kunr ixgua itdit longxx liapsimx
In'ui jitt xee enqor
Tangx snix jerje sendnia
Veh-jap-bxan ig qiab
An’unw diamr lehh simx byy luan
Itsimx cisiuw ee hog
Guan qriuu busiong ee dy:
Guaw e did diyc itcer diwhui
An' soxu sendnia
Jitt langg dirr vaccingx
Banrig qiab lairdew
Sidjenr jiaxee soxx did ee qongdig
Cincniu dingxbin soxx qongw :ee
Narr u senrlamjuw iacc senrluxzinn
Tniax diyc guaw qongw vut ee siurbing
Simrjiww itliam jiqanx dyrr siongsinr
Ix ee hog kacc je quer jinwjingg :ee
Narr u langg byy jit diamw aw
Gihik iacc hiyrhuew
Jit diap aw quw cimx cimx siongsinr
Ix ee hog iarr si zucuw
Hiaxee posad
Buliong qiab sidjenr posatdy
Tniax diyc guaw qongw vut ee siurbing
Dyrr tangx siongsinr qapp jiapsiu
Jiaxee langg
E qnialew jiapsiu jitt vxo qingdenw, qongw:
Guan guaw dirr birlaii
Dngg huewsiu tangx dro jiongwsingx
Cincniu qimzit ee Sewjunx
Jiongww Sakya Jok ee ongg
Dirr dyrdniuu cud sraix ee qiywsniax
Enxsuad Hxuad busow qnia’uir
Guanw dirr bilaii sxer
Siurr itcer soxx junqingr
Jre dirr dyrdniuu ee sii
Iarr si zucuw qongw siurbing quxdngg
Narr u cimx srux :ee
Cingjing qycc tywdit
Je qenwbun qycc tangx jongw cisiuw
Jiauww qauwgi qaixsueh vut soxx qongw :ee
Jiaxee langg
Duiww jex be u gihik
(The Lotus Sutra - Chapter XVII Description of Merits 4)
Thereupon the Bhagavat, wanting to elaborate on the meaning of this further, spoke these verses:
Those who seek the Buddha’s wisdom
Will practice the five perfections
For eighty myriads of koṭis
Of nayutas of kalpas.
Throughout these kalpas they will pay homage to
The buddhas, pratyekabuddhas, śrāvakas,
And all the bodhisattvas by offering
Rare delicacies, excellent garments, and bedding,
Or by building monasteries out of sandalwood
Which are adorned with gardens.
Through offering such a variety of precious things
Throughout all of these kalpas,
They will transfer the merits to the buddha path.
Those who further maintain good conduct,
Which is pure and without corruption,
Will seek what the buddhas
Have praised as the highest path.
Those who further practice perseverance
And abide in the stage of self-control,
Will be of constant mind,
Even if subjected to ill-treatment.
They will continue to endure
Even if they are scorned and persecuted
By those who think, through their excessive pride,
That they have attained the truth.
Those who make diligent efforts
And are firm in their intentions
For immeasurable koṭis of kalpas
Will be intent and never lazy;
And those who abide in tranquil places
For immeasurable kalpas
Will always discipline their minds, avoiding sleep,
While either sitting or wandering.
For these reasons they will
Abide in various meditations,
Their minds firm and unwavering,
For eighty myriads of koṭis of kalpas.
Maintaining the merit of this concentration
They seek the highest path saying:
I will attain omniscience.
Then they will achieve
This perfection of meditation.
Practicing thus for hundreds of thousands
Of myriads of koṭis of kalpas,
Their merits will be as mentioned above.
If those sons and daughters of a virtuous family,
Upon hearing me explain about my lifespan
In this way, are able to awaken
Even a single thought of willing acceptance,
Their merit exceeds that of the former.
Such will also be the merit
Of those who have no doubts whatsoever
And believe deeply even for a single moment.
Those bodhisattvas who practice the path
For a period of immeasurable kalpas,
And who believe my explanation of my lifespan
When they hear it, are the ones
Who fully accept this sutra,
Saying: Let us in the future devote a long life
To saving sentient beings! Just as the present Bhagavat,
King among the Śākyas, who roars the lion’s roar
On the terrace of enlightenment,
Is fearless in teaching the Dharma,
Let us in the future be respected by all
And teach of the lifespan
While seated upon the terrace of enlightenment.
Those who have profound thoughts, are pure,
Honest and learned, have good recollection,
And understand the Buddha’s words in accordance
With what is appropriate,
Will have no doubts regarding this.
(妙法蓮華經第十七品 分別功德之4)
若人求佛慧 於八十萬億
那由他劫數 行五波羅蜜
於是諸劫中 布施供養佛
及緣覺弟子 并諸菩薩眾
珍異之飲食 上服與臥具
栴檀立精舍 以園林莊嚴
如是等布施 種種皆微妙
盡此諸劫數 以迴向佛道
若復持禁戒 清淨無缺漏
求於無上道 諸佛之所歎
若復行忍辱 住於調柔地
設眾惡來加 其心不傾動
諸有得法者 懷於增上慢
為此所輕惱 如是亦能忍
若復懃精進 志念常堅固
於無量億劫 一心不懈息
又於無數劫 住於空閑處
若坐若經行 除睡常攝心
以是因緣故 能生諸禪定
八十億萬劫 安住心不亂
持此一心福 願求無上道
我得一切智 盡諸禪定際
是人於百千 萬億劫數中
行此諸功德 如上之所說
有善男女等 聞我說壽命
乃至一念信 其福過於彼
若人悉無有 一切諸疑悔
深心須臾信 其福為如此
其有諸菩薩 無量劫行道
聞我說壽命 是則能信受
如是諸人等 頂受此經典
願我於未來 長壽度眾生
如今日世尊 諸釋中之王
道場師子吼 說法無所畏
我等未來世 一切所尊敬
坐於道場時 說壽亦如是
若有深心者 清淨而質直
多聞能總持 隨義解佛語
如是諸人等 於此無有疑