
Bibiau Hxuad Lenhuex Qingx (jap-cid-6)

Ajita! Guaw beddo liauxau, narr tniax diyc jitt vxo qingdenw u cisiuw :ee, qycc qaqi causiaw iacc qiyr langg’ causiaw, jex dyrr sngr uirr jingdoo qecqingx. Jiaxee iong ciah dnuahniux kiw ee denrdongg longxjongw u snax-jap-zi qingx, longxx u veh jangg tala-ciu hiacc quann, iurr quann iurr kuah qycc jongwquanx. U vaccingx xee bikiu diamr dirr hitt lairdew. U uanlimm, igdii, qinghingg ee lo, qapp jersenn ee dong; u ihok, imxsit, cngpox, iyhtngx, qapp itcer gagkir dirr hitt lairdew muaw muaw si. Jitt hy jingdoo ee vangqingx qapp lauqyh u jerje, vaccingbanrig, sowliong buliong. Kiarsngr ixqingx iong  jiaxee qiong’iongw guaw qapp bikiu jingdoo

Soxiw guaw qongw Zulaii beddo liauxau, narr u cisiuw qapp togsiong jitt vxo qingx qycc uirr vadd langg enxsuad, qaqi causiaw iacc qiyr langg' causiaw, qapp iong’iongw qingceh :ee, mrbenw qycc kiw tah iacc sxi, iarr mrbenw uirr jingdoo qecqingx laii qiong’iongw jingdoo dairjiongr. Hyhongr u langg tangx cisiuw jitt vxo qingx qycc siongqiamx sidjenr vowsix, cisiuw qaiwlut, zimxziok, jingjinr, itsimx sendnia, qapp diwhui, inx ee qongdig jiww dua, buliong buvenx. Kyxviw hukongx ee dangx saix lamm vag qapp suwii siongrha si buliong buvenx. Jiaxee langg ee qongdig iarr si zucuw buliong buvenx, jin' qinw drat qaur itcer jiongw diwhui. 

Narr u langg togsiong qapp cisuw jitt vxo qingdenw qycc uirr vadd langg enxsuad, qaqi causiaw iacc qiyr langg’ causiaw, qycc u kiw tah qapp uirr jingdoo qecqingx, qiong’iongw qapp janwtanr sniabunn ee jingdoo, iarr iong vaccingbanrig janwtanr ee honghuad janwtanr posad ee qongdig, qycc uirr vadd langg, jiauww inx sui' langg ee inenn, jiauww qauwgi laii qaixsuah jitt vxo Bibiau Hxuad Lenhuex Qingx, qycc tangx cingjing cisiuw qaiwlut, ham' ziunsun :ee daunwdin, zimxziok, byy siurkir, iwjir qapp sinwliam qenqor, dniardnia hnor jersenn, did diyc jiongxjiongw cimx ee sendnia, jingjinr, iongxbingw, kipsiux jiongxjiongw senrhuad, jitt hy langg ee qinx-singr lrai, u diwhui, gauu huedab kunwlann ee bunrdee.

Ajita! Narr guaw beddo liauxau, senrlamjuw qapp senrluxzii tangx cisiuw qapp togsiong jit vxo qingdenw, qycc u jiaxee jiongxjiongw sxen ee qongdig, tangx jaix jitt hy langg ixqingx qniaa hiongr dyrdiuu, uaw qin anuttara-samyak-sambodhi, jre dirr poteciu-kax :ar. Ajita! Jiaxee senrlamjuw qapp senrluxzinn, bylun jre lehh, kia lehh, iacc decc qniaa ee soxjai, diyhh dirr hiax kiw tah, itcer tenzinn qapp langg ingqaix qiong’iongw, cincniu qiong'iongw vut ee tah.”

(The Lotus Sutra - Chapter XVII Description of Merits 6)

“O Ajita! After my parinirvāṇa, those who hear this sutra and who can preserve it, copy it and move others to copy it, have already built chambers for monks, as well as thirty-two red sandalwood monasteries of the height of eight tāla trees, wide and fine, housing hundreds of thousands of monks. The monasteries they have built have gardens, ponds, paths for wandering, meditation caves, garments, food and drink, bedding, medicine, and are replete with all other necessities. Such hundreds of thousands of myriads of koṭis of monks’ chambers and towers will be incalculable. With these they pay homage to me and to the assembly of monks. 

“I have explained that, for this reason, after the Tathāgata’s parinirvāṇa those who preserve and recite this sutra, and explain it to others, who copy it or move others to copy it and who pay it homage to it no longer have to build stupas, monasteries, or erect chambers for the monks, or revere the sangha. How much less do those who preserve this sutra and practice the perfections of giving (dāna), good conduct (śīla), perseverance (kṣānti), effort (vīrya), meditation (dhyāna), and wisdom (prajñā) need to do so! Their merit is the highest, immeasurable and limitless. It is immeasurable and limitless in the same way that space is immeasurable and limitless in the ten directions—east, west, south, north, the four intermediate directions, and the zenith and nadir—and they will thus quickly obtain omniscience. 

“Those who recite and preserve this sutra, who explain it for others, who copy it or move others to copy it, build monuments and make chambers for monks, revere and praise the sangha of śrāvakas, and praise the merits of the bodhisattvas in hundreds of thousands of myriads of koṭis of ways; those who explain this Lotus Sutra for the sake of others in accordance with its meaning through various illustrations, who preserve pure conduct and dwell together with gentle people, who are patient and have no anger, are firm in their intentions and always hold meditation in high regard, who attain profound samādhi and make vigorous efforts, persevere in all good practices, whose wisdom is keen and who answer difficult questions skillfully; O Ajita! Those sons and daughters of a virtuous family, who preserve and recite this sutra after my parinirvāṇa will attain good qualities like those mentioned above. You should know that such people have already set out for the terrace of enlightenment, are near to highest, complete enlightenment, and are seated under the bodhi tree. 

“O Ajita! Wherever these sons and daughters of a virtuous family sit, stand, or walk, there a monument should be built; and all of the devas and humans should pay homage to these monuments as they would do to those of the Buddha.”

(妙法蓮華經第十七品 分別功德之6)



