
Bibiau Hxuad Lenhuex Qingx (jap-cid-5)

Qycc Ajita! Narr u tniax diyc Vuddyy ee siurbing quxdngg, qycc liauxqaiw qidiongx gengiw ee iwsur, jitt xee langg soxx did .diyc ee qongdig byy hanrliong, tangx snex kiw Zulaii busiong ee diwhui. Hyhongr tangx poxpenr tniax diyc jitt vxo qingx :ee, qiyr langg' tniax :ee, qaqi cisiuw :ee, qiyr langg’ cisiuw :ee, qaqi causiaw :ee, qiyr langg’ causiaw :ee, iong huex, hniux, judui, donghuanx, qinr-vnxee, pang'iudingx, qapp soiudingx laii qiong’iongw jitt vxo qingceh :ee, jitt xee langg ee qongdig buliong buvenx, tangx snix cud itcer jiongw diwhui. 

Ajita! Narr senrlamjuw senrluxzinn tniax diyc guaw qongw siurbing quxdngg, cimx cimx siongsinr qycc liauxqaiw, dyrr tangx qnir diyc Vuddyy dniardnia dirr Grdhrakuta Snuax virr dua posad qapp jiongww sniabunn dairjiongr uii lehh decc suathuad. Inx qycc e knuar diyc jitt xee syvyy sewqair ee de si liulii, qycc vnii qycc siwjniar, iong jambunada-qimx jyr qaiwsnuar, veh diauu dyrlo u vyxciu vaii jyr jit let jit let. Soxu ee quandaii qapp lauqyh longxx vyxbut jyr :ee. Hiaxee posad dairjiongr longxx dirr hitt lairdew. Narr erdangr quancad diyc jiaxee, tangx jaix jitt hy langg ingqaix u cimx cimx siongsinr qapp liauxqaiw.

Qycc Zulaii beddo liauxau narr u langg tniax diyc jitt vxo qingx, byy huixvongr qycc kiw suihiw ee simx, tangx jaix jitt hy langg ingqaix u cimx cimx siongsinr qycc liauxqaiw . Hyhongr u togsiong qycc cisiuw :ee. Jitt hy langg dyrr si decc qingwvair Zulaii.

Ajita! Jiaxee senrlamjuw senrluxzinn mrbenw uirr guaw qycc kiw tah iacc sxi,  mrbenw uirr jingdoo qecqingx, mrbenw iong sir hxang mic qiong’iongw jingdoo dairjiongr. Si anwjnuaw lehh? Jiaxee senrlamjuw senrluzinn u cisiuw qapp togsiong jitt vxo qingdenw, ixqingx sngr u uirr jingdoo qecqingx qapp u qiong’iongw jingdoo dairjiongr. Inx marr sngr u qra Vuddyy ee sarira kiw cid-vyw tah, Tah qycc quann qycc kuah, jiamrjiamr venr ser kir qaur Brahma ee tnix. Tah dingxquann u qruar jerje donghuanx qapp quar, ixqip jiongxjiongw vyxquir ee hamlingg; qycc u huex, hniux, judui, hniubuah; u buah hniux qapp siyx hniux; u enxjaur qow, imgak, dongrsiaux, prinw-aw, kiarkimm, qapp tiaur jiongxjiongw bruw; iong bixbiau ee imsniax qapp quasniax laii janwtanr qapp viauxsiong. Zucuw dyrr sngr si dirr buliong cenbanrig qiab u jyr jitt hy qiong’iongw :ar.

(The Lotus Sutra - Chapter XVII Description of Merits 5)

“Furthermore, O Ajita, those who hear of the great length of the Buddha’s lifespan and understand the intent of these words will obtain limitless merit that will give rise to the highest wisdom of the Tathāgata. How much more merit will they gain who extensively hear this sutra, move others to listen to it, preserve it, move others to preserve it, copy it, or move others to copy it; and pay homage to the sutra by offering flowers, incense, necklaces, flags, banners, canopies, lamps of scented oil, and ghee! The merit of these people will be immeasurable and limitless. They will be able to achieve omniscience. 

“O Ajita! Those sons and daughters of a virtuous family, who, hearing me teach the great length of the Buddha’s lifespan, wholeheartedly accept it, will see the Buddha, who always dwells on Mount Gṛdhrakūṭa together with the great bodhisattvas and śrāvakas, teaching the Dharma to the assembly. Moreover, they will see the land of this sahā world, which is made of lapis lazuli, level and even. The network of roads is laid out like a chessboard, paved with Jambūnāda gold and bordered with jeweled trees. All its foundations, towers, and balconies will be made of treasures and the multitude of these bodhisattvas will be dwelling in them. Those who can see such things should know that to be able to do so is a sign of their full and willing acceptance.

“Furthermore, after the Tathāgata’s parinirvāṇa, those who hear this sutra do not disparage it and rejoice in their hearts, should know that this is a sign of their full and willing acceptance. How much more do those who recite and preserve this sutra show a sign of full and willing acceptance! Such are the people who hold the Tathāgata in respect. 

“O Ajita! These sons and daughters of a virtuousfamily do not have to build stupas and monasteries for me, make chambers for the monks, or pay homage to the sangha with the four kinds of offerings. Why is this? Because these sons and daughters of a virtuous family recite and preserve this sutra, which means they have already built stupas, made chambers for the monks, and paid homage to the sangha. They have already erected seven-jeweled stupas for the Buddha’s relics, which are tall and wide, gradually narrowing to a pinnacle that reaches to the Brahma world. They have hung various banners, canopies, and variegated jeweled bells; offered flowers, incense, necklaces, scented powder, and ointment; burned incense; played drums, music, flutes, pipes, harps, and various dances; and adorned the stupas and relics of the Buddha by praising with verses and songs in beautiful voices. In this way they have already paid homage for immeasurable thousands of myriads of koṭis of kalpas.

(妙法蓮華經第十七品 分別功德之5)

又阿逸多。若有聞佛壽命長遠解其言趣。是人所得功德無有限量。能起如來無上之慧。何況廣聞是經。若教人聞。若自持若教人持。若自書若教人書。若以華香瓔珞幢幡繒蓋香油酥燈供養經卷。是人功德無量無邊。能生一切種智。阿逸多。若善男子善女人。聞我說壽命長遠深心信解。則為見佛常在耆闍崛山。共大菩薩諸聲聞眾圍繞說法。又見此娑婆世界。其地琉璃坦然平正。 閻浮檀金以界八道寶樹行列。諸臺樓觀皆悉寶成。其菩薩眾咸處其中。若有能如是觀者。當知是為深信解相。又復如來滅後若聞是經。而不毀呰起隨喜心。當知已為深信解相。何況讀誦受持之者。斯人則為頂戴如來。阿逸多。是善男子善女人。不須為我復起塔寺及作僧坊以四事供養眾僧。所以者何。是善男子善女人。受持讀誦是經典者。為已起塔造立僧坊供養眾僧。則為以佛舍利起七寶塔高廣漸小至于梵天。懸諸幡蓋及眾寶鈴。華香瓔珞末香塗香燒香。眾鼓伎樂簫笛箜篌種種舞戲。以妙音聲歌唄讚頌。則為於無量千萬億劫作是供養已。

