
Bibiau Hxuad Lenhuex Qingx (jap-lak-3)

Qycc senrlamjuw! Jiongww Vut Zulaii ee qauwhuad longxx si zucuw. Uirr dro jiongwsingx, longxx sidjai byy hiqew. 

Kyxviw u jit xee liong’ix, u diwhui qycc congbingg, jingtongx iyhhngx, gauu idi jingwlangg ee vni. Ix u jerje qniaw, jap xee, zi-jap xee, simrjiww jit-vah xee. In’ui u dairjir, ix diyhh uanxhingg qaur vadd xee qokqax. Hiaxee qniaw dirr ix lirkuix liauxau limx diyc dog’iyc, iyhsingr huatjog, bunrtniar, jauluan, dirr tokax qaucqauh linr.

Hitt sijun, hitt xee laurve dngw laii qaur cur. Hiaxee qniaw limx diyc dog'iyc, uree luanrsimx, uree byy luanrsimx. Inx hng hng knuar diyc laurve longxx dua hnuahiw, qui lyc kir vair, qycc qra mngranx qongxx, 'Liw ving'anx dngw .laii jnia' hyw. Guanw gugong, byy sewzi kir jiac diyc dog'iyc. Hibang liw qiur guanw idi guanw, hro guanw tangx qycc uac .lyc .kir.’

Laurve knuar diyc qniaw jiacnirr tongwkow, dyrr jiauww jerje iceh ee hngtauu, cue hyw iyhcauw, sikdir suiw, pangx, kiwbi iarr janw. Qra iyhcauw quer jringx qycc quer traix, liauxau hunrhap tec hro qniaw hok ee sii, ix anxnex qongw, ‘Jex si dua liong’iyc, sikdir suiw, pangx, qycc kiwbi iarr janw. Linw qinw hok, tangx sogksog druu kir tongwkow, be qycc u jiongxjiongw huanrlan.’

Hiaxee qniaw lairdew byy luanrsimx :ee knuar diyc liong’iyc ee sikdir suiw qycc u pangbi, sui’ dyrr hok iyc, vni longxx rix hyw. Qitax luanrsimx :ee knuar diyc laurve dngw .laii, suizenn iarr hnuahiw, u mngranx, qycc qriuu laurve dirvni, mrqycc iyc m kingw hok. Si anwjnuaw lehh? Inx diongwdok sniu' cimx, ixqingx luanrsimx, qongw jitt xee sikdir suiw qycc pangx ee iyc m si hyw iyc. 

Laurve anxnex sniu, ‘Jiaxee qniaw jnia' kyxlenn, in'ui diongwdok, simx longxx denrdyr. Suizenn knuar diyc guaw inx jin' hnuahiw, qycc beh qriuu idi qiur mia, jitt hy hyw iyc suacc m kingw hok. Guaw jitmaw diyhh iong quangii hro inx hok jitt hok iyc.’ 

Ix dyrr anxnex qongw, ‘Linw diyhh jaix. Guaw dnaxx ixqingx nilau, decbeh siw :ar. Jitt xee liong’iyc jitmaw lauu dirr jiax. Linw tangx tec kir hok, benw huanlyw rix be hyw.’ 

Anxnex qawsi liauw, ix dyrr qaur vadd xee qokqax, cenkenw suwjiaw dngw laii qra inx qongw, ‘Linw laurve ixqingx siw :ar.’ Hitt sii jiongww qniaw tniax diyc laurve quewsinx, simlai jiokk iuciuu, dyrr anxnex sniu, ‘Narr laurve iauxx dilehh, ix e linbinw guanw, e qiur guanw qapp vyxho guanw. Dnaxx ix siawsag guanw, siw dirr ngirqog.'

Inx qaqi sniu qongxx si qozii, byy qycc u uaxkyr, siongsiongg visiongx, simx jiacc singxgo, jiacc jaix jex iyc ee sikdir suiw, pangx, qycc kiwbi iarr janw. Inx tec laii hok, diongwdok longxx hyw liauw li. Inx laurve tniax diyc qniaw longxx did did idi, sui' dyrr dngw .laii, hro qniaw tangx knuar diyc ix. 

Jiongww Senrlamjuw, liw sniu sniaw kuanw? Qamxx u langg e qongw jitt xee liong’ix u huan qongw vehcat ee jue?”

“Be, Sewjunx.”

Vuddyy qongw, “Guaw iarr si zucuw, jniaa vut ixlaii, ixqing qingquer buliong buvenx vaccingbanrig nayuta asamkhya ee qiab. Uirdiyhh jiongwsingx, iong hongven ee uergiw qongxx e beddo, iarr byy langg tangx jiauww girliw qongxx guaw u qongw vehcat ee quewsid.”

(The Lotus Sutra - Chapter XVI The Lifespan of the Tathāgata 3)

“Furthermore, O sons of a virtuous family, the teaching of all the Buddha Tathāgatas is exactly like this. It is entirely true, never false, all for the sake of saving sentient beings. 

"Suppose there were an excellent doctor. He is wise, knowledgeable, his prescriptions are effective, and he has skillfully cured a variety of diseases. This man has many sons, say ten, twenty, or even one hundred in number. For some reason, he has to go far off to another country and, while he is away, his children, whom he has left behind, drink some poison. The poison starts to take effect and they roll on the ground in agony. 

“At this moment their father returns home. Some of the children who have taken the poison are delirious, while others are not. Seeing their father in the distance they all rejoice greatly and kneeling respectfully address him, saying: It is good that you have returned safely. In our ignorance we took this poison by mistake. We entreat you to cure and save us, and restore us to life. 

“Seeing his children suffering in this way, the father searches for beneficial herbs possessed of good color, aroma, and flavor, according to the medical manual. Blending them together after grinding and sifting, he gives the mixture to the children and says: This is an extremely beneficial medicine with good color, aroma, and flavor. All of you take it! It will quickly remove your pain and you will never be afflicted again. 

“Then the children who have not become delirious see this beneficial medicine of good color and aroma, and immediately take it. The affliction is completely removed and they are cured. The remaining children, those who are delirious, seeing their father coming to them, rejoice and ask him to seek a cure for their illness. Although he offers them the medicine, they will not take it. Why is this? The poison has so deeply penetrated them that they have become delirious. They do not think that the medicine with good color and aroma is good. 

“The father thinks: These children are to be pitied. The poison has completely warped their minds. Although they rejoiced upon seeing me and sought a cure they will not take this beneficial medicine. I will now cause them to take this medicine through skillful means.

“Then he says to them: You should know that I am now old and feeble, close to death. I will now leave this beneficial medicine here. You should take it. Do not worry about not recovering. 

“Having left these instructions he goes to another country and sends a messenger back home to tell them: ‘Your father has already died.’ Upon hearing that their father is dead, the children become very distressed and think: If our father had lived he would have taken pity on us and protected us. But now, abandoning us, he has died in a distant country. 

“They now consider themselves orphans having no one to rely upon. Through constant grieving their minds become clear, and only then do they realize that the medicine has fine color, aroma, and flavor. They immediately take it and the poison is completely driven out. The father, hearing that all his children have completely recovered, immediately returns and makes his appearance.”

The Buddha then asked the bodhisattvas: “O sons of a virtuous family! Do you think there is anyone who would say that this good doctor is guilty of lying?” The bodhisattvas replied: “No, we do not, O Bhagavat!” The Buddha said: “I am just like this. Since I became a buddha, immeasurable, limitless, hundreds of thousands of myriads of koṭis of nayutas of incalculable kalpas have passed. Though for the sake of sentient beings, I use skillful means and say that I will enter parinirvāṇa, there is no one who could rightly say that I am guilty of falsehood.” 

(妙法蓮華經第十六品 如來壽量之3)


