
Bibiau Hxuad Lenhuex Qingx (jap-cid-7)


Hitt sijun, Sewjunx beh dingg qycc suanqangw soxx qongw ee iwsur, dyrr iong jimgensix qongw:

Guaw beddo liauxau 

Narr tangx junhong jitt vxo qingx :ee 

Jitt xee langg ee hokvyr buliong 

Cincniu dingxbin soxx qongw :ee 

Itcer jiongxjiongw ee qiong’iongw

Jiaxee longxx uanvi :ar

Uirr sarina kiw tah 

Iong cid jiongw vyxbut laii jngsig 

Qiqnuaiw iurr quann iurr dua 

Jiamrjiamr venr ser sringx qaur Brahma ee tnix 

Vyxquir ee hamlingg u cenbanrig xee 

Hongx cuex dinxdang cud bixbiau ee imsniax 

Qycc dirr buliong qiab 

Decc qiong’iongw jitt jxy tah 

U huex, hniux, jiongxjiongw judui 

Tnix-snxax qapp jiongxjiongw imgak 

Diamw pang'iudingx qapp soiudingx 

Qra siwvnix siongsiongg jiyr qaxx jiokk qngx 

Dirr buadhuad-sidai ee og sxer

Tangx cisiuw jitt vxo qingx :ee

Dingxbin soxx qongw :ee dyrr sngr u jyr :ar

Jiongxjiongw ee qiong’iongw longxx jiauvi

Narr tangx cisiuw jitt vxo qingx

Dyrr cincniu Vuddyy henrjingg dilehh  

Iong Gutauu Snuax ee dnuahniucaa 

Qra jingdoo qecqingx laii qiong’iongw 

Denrdongg u snax-jap-zi xui 

U veh jangg tala-ciu hiacc quann 

U siongrr janw ee liaurliw qapp ihok 

Cngg qapp puerpox longxx jiauvi 

Vaccingx jingwlangg druar ee soxjai 

U uanlimm qapp jerje igdii 

Qinghingg ee lo qapp jersenn ee dong 

Jiongxjiongw longxx jin' jamgamm 

Narr u siongsinr qapp beh liauxqaiw ee simx 

Siurci, togsiong, qapp causiaw 

Qycc qiyr langg' causiaw 

Ixqip qiong’iongw qingceh 

Ia huex, hniux, qapp hniubuah 

Iong sumana-huex qapp campaka-caa 

Ixqip atimukta-cauw 

Soxx len ee iuu dniardniaa diamw dyc 

Zucuw qiong’iongw :ee 

Tangx did diyc buliong qongdig 

Cincniu hukongx buvenx 

Ix ee hokvyr iarr si zucuw 

Hyhongr cisiuw jitt vxo qingx 

Siongqiamx vowsix, cisiuw qaiwlut 

Zimxziok, hnuahiw sendnia 

Byy siurkir iarr byy qa'ngg pnaiw cuir 

Duiww vudtah qapp vudbiy u qiongqingr 

Duiwtai jiongww bikiu u qowkiamx 

Ham’ qyban ee simx li hng hng 

Dniardnia sukyw diwhui 

Virr mng kunwlann ee bunrdee byy siurkir 

Suisun uirr inx qaixsueh 

Narr tangx u zucuw siuhing 

Qongdig berdangr cikliong 

Narr qnir diyc jitt hy huatsux 

Singjiu jitt hy qongdig 

Ingqaix iong tnix-huex qra ia 

Iong tnix-snxax muax ix ee sinkux 

Tauu qapp bin kap de vair ix ee kax 

Snix cud cincniu decc vair vut ee sniurhuad 

Qycc ingqaix anxnex sniu 

Quer byy zuarr quw beh jen’ongw poteciu 

Did diyc byy lrauu ee buuii 

Duiww jerje langg qapp tenzinn u lirig 

Ix soxx druar ee soxjai 

Soxx qinghingg, jre, iacc dyw ee soxjai

Simrjiww qongw jit siuw jimgensix ee soxjai 

Hitt xui diyhh kiw tah 

Qra jngsig qaxx suiw suiw

Iong jiongxjiongw qra qiong’iongw

Vut ee derjuw druar dirr jitt xui

Dyrr sngr si vut decc suxiong

Dniardnia dirr hiaxee soxjai

Decc qinghingg, jre lehh, qapp dyw lehh

(The Lotus Sutra - Chapter XVII Description of Merits 7)

Thereupon the Bhagavat, wanting to elaborate on the meaning of this further, spoke these verses: 

If after my parinirvāṇa there are people 

Who preserve this sutra, 

They will have immeasurable merits 

As described above. 

Such people have already given 

Various kinds of offerings: 

They have built stupas for the relics, 

Adorned with the seven treasures, 

With a pole on the top which is very tall and thick, 

Gradually tapering upward, 

Until it reaches the Brahma world. 

These stupas have been adorned 

With thousands of myriads of koṭis of jeweled bells 

That ring with beautiful sounds as the wind blows. 

For immeasurable kalpas such people 

Have revered these stupas 

By offering flowers, incense, necklaces, 

Heavenly garments, and various kinds of music, 

While burning scented ointments and butter-oil lamps 

Which illuminate them on all sides. 

In the troubled world of the Decadent Dharma, 

Those who preserve this sutra 

Will have already finished paying homage 

In the way just described. 

If they can preserve this sutra 

It will be as if they had paid homage 

In the presence of the Buddha; 

And had built monasteries for monks 

Out of sandalwood from Mount Oxhead, 

And thirty-two buildings as tall 

As eight tāla trees; and offered delicious food, 

Excellent garments, bedding, hundreds of 

Thousands of dwellings, gardens, ponds, 

Paths for wandering, and meditation caves 

All of fine quality. 

Those who have the thought of willing acceptance, 

Who preserve, recite, copy, 

Or move others to copy this sutra, 

And who pay it homage 

By scattering flowers, incense, and scented powders on it, 

And by constantly lighting lamps of 

Fragrant oil made from sumanas flowers, 

Campaka wood, and atimukta grass; 

Those who pay it homage in this way 

Will attain immeasurable merit. 

Their merit will be as limitless 

As empty space. 

How much more is the merit 

Of those who preserve this sutra, 

Who carry out the practice of giving (dāna), 

Good conduct (śīla), perseverance (kṣānti), and meditation (dhyāna), 

Who never get angry or slander others, 

Who honor monuments 

And are humble before monks, 

And who are free from pride, 

Always contemplate wisdom, 

Never get angry at difficult questions, 

And teach in accordance 

With the questioner’s capacity! 

If there is anyone 

Who can carry out these practices, 

Their merit will be immeasurable. 

If one were to see such an expounder of the Dharma 

Who has perfected merits like these, 

One should scatter heavenly flowers over him 

And provide him with heavenly garments, 

Bow until one’s forehead touches his feet, 

And think of him as if he were a buddha. 

Furthermore, one should think 

That before long the expounder of the Dharma 

Sutra Will approach the terrace of enlightenment, 

Attain the unconditioned state of noncorruption, 

And extensively benefit devas and humans. 

Wherever he dwells, walks, or sits, 

Or recites even a single verse, 

A stupa should be built, 

Made beautiful with adornments, 

And paid homage in various ways. 

Wherever the heirs of the Buddha may reside, 

There the Buddha himself will take pleasure in its use 

And will always be dwelling, 

Walking, and sitting within.

(妙法蓮華經第十七品 分別功德之7)


 若我滅度後  能奉持此經

 斯人福無量  如上之所說

 是則為具足  一切諸供養

 以舍利起塔  七寶而莊嚴

 表剎甚高廣  漸小至梵天

 寶鈴千萬億  風動出妙音

 又於無量劫  而供養此塔

 華香諸瓔珞  天衣眾伎樂

 燃香油酥燈  周匝常照明

 惡世法末時  能持是經者

 則為已如上  具足諸供養

 若能持此經  則如佛現在

 以牛頭栴檀  起僧坊供養

 堂有三十二  高八多羅樹

 上饌妙衣服  床臥皆具足

 百千眾住處  園林諸浴池

 經行及禪窟  種種皆嚴好

 若有信解心  受持讀誦書

 若復教人書  及供養經卷

 散華香末香  以須曼瞻蔔

 阿提目多伽  薰油常燃之

 如是供養者  得無量功德

 如虛空無邊  其福亦如是

 況復持此經  兼布施持戒

 忍辱樂禪定  不瞋不惡口

 恭敬於塔廟  謙下諸比丘

 遠離自高心  常思惟智慧

 有問難不瞋  隨順為解說

 若能行是行  功德不可量

 若見此法師  成就如是德

 應以天華散  天衣覆其身

 頭面接足禮  生心如佛想

 又應作是念  不久詣道樹

 得無漏無為  廣利諸人天

 其所住止處  經行若坐臥

 乃至說一偈  是中應起塔

 莊嚴令妙好  種種以供養

 佛子住此地  則是佛受用

 常在於其中  經行及坐臥

