
Bibiau Hxuad Lenhuex Qingx (jap-lak-2)

Jiongww senrlamjuw! Guaw guanvunw sidjenr posatdy laii singjiu ee siurbing, qaur dnaxx iauxx bue jin, qycc dingvue jingqax. Soxiw guaw jitmaw m si sidjai beddo, jirsirr uirdiyhh hongven jiacc suanqyrr qongxx e beddo. Zulaii iong jitt hy hongven laii qauwhuar jiongwsingx. 

Si anwjnauw lehh? Narr Vuddyy quxdngg diamr dirr sewqanx, vyc hokdig ee langg m jingr senrqinx; sanwciah qapp harjen :ee tamluann go jiongw iogbong, e ovec sniu, zip kir bongrsiongw ee bxang lairdew. Inx narr knuar diyc Zulaii itdit diamr lehh byy beddo, dyrr e qiaugo, diwsuw sniursen, berdangr snix cud yh duw .diyc qapp qiongqingr ee simx. Soxiw Zulaii iong hongven ee honghuad qongw, 'Bikiu diyhh jaix! Jiongww vut cuthen dirr sewqanx si jin' yh duw .diyc.' 

Si anwjnuaw lehh? Jerje vyc hokdig ee langg qingquer buliong vaccingbanrig qiab, uree u knuar diyc vut, uree byy knuar .diyc. In'ui u jitt hy su, guaw mrjiacc anxnex qongw, 'Jiongww bikiu! Zulaii jin’ yh tangx knuar .diyc.'

Jiaxee jiongwsingx tniax diyc jiaxee ue, vitdnia e snix cud yh duw .diyc ee sniurhuad, simlai luanbo, hibang knuar diyc Vuddyy, zucuw dyrr e jingr senrqinx. Soxiw Zulaii suizenn be jniasit beddo, mrqycc qongw ix e beddo.

(The Lotus Sutra - Chapter XVI The Lifespan of the Tathāgata 2)

“O sons of a virtuousfamily! The lifespan that I first attained through practicing the bodhisattva path has not yet expired. It is twice as great as the number previously mentioned. Although I do not actually enter parinirvāṇa I proclaim that I do. It is through this skillful means that the Tathāgata leads and inspires sentient beings. 

“Why is this? Because if the Buddha abides a long time in this world, those who have few qualities do not plant roots of good merit, acquire poor and superficial characters, are attached to the desires of the five senses, and enter into the web of illusions and false views. If they see the Tathāgata always existing without extinction, they then become proud, self-willed, and negligent. The thought that the Buddha is difficult to meet and that he is to be respected cannot awaken in them. That is why the Tathāgata teaches through skillful means, saying: O monks! You should know that the appearance of the buddhas in the world is very difficult to encounter. 

“Why is this? Because some of those with little merit may not see the Buddha during the passage of immeasurable hundreds of thousands of myriads of koṭis of kalpas. For this reason I say: O monks! It is difficult to meet the Tathāgata.

“Hearing such words, the thought that it is very difficult to meet the Tathāgata will certainly awaken in these sentient beings. Longing and yearning for the Buddha, they will plant roots of good merit. For this reason, although the Tathāgata does not really pass into extinction, he nevertheless says he does. 

(妙法蓮華經第十六品 如來壽量之2)


