Hitt sijun, Bilik Posad beh dingg qycc suanqangw soxx qongw ee iwsur, dyrr iong jimgensix qongw:
Vuddyy sikzit an’ Sakya Jok
Cutqex kir qaur uaw Gaya Sniaa
Jre dirr poteciu-kax
An' hitt sii qaur jinw vingrr byy quw
Jiaxee Vuddyy ee derjuw
Sowliong byy huatdo sngr
Siuhak vuddy ixqingx jiokk quw
U sintongx ee lat
Gauu hagsip posatdy
Byy sriu sewsiok ee uwziamw
Cincniu juiw-diongx ee lenhuex
An’ tokax bunr .cud .laii
Longxx huad qiongqingr ee simx
Dirr Sewjunx binrjingg
Jitt hy su vutkyw-sugi
Beh anwjnuaw siongsinr
Vuddyy did dy qaur jinw byy zuarr quw
Soxx singjiu :ee kiokk jiacc je
Hibang liw siauduu jingwlangg ee gihik
Jiong' sidjingg hunvet suecbingg
Kyxviw jit xee cinglenlangg
Jiacc zi-jap-go huer
Qiw jit xee jit-vah huer
Taujangx vec qycc bin ziauu :ee
Qongw: Jitt xee si guaw snix :ee
Qniaw iarr qongw ix si laurve
Laurve jiyw huew mrqycc qniaw lau
Quxser longxx be siongsinr
Sewjunx iarr si zucuw
Did dy qaur jinw byy zuarr quw
Jiaxee posad
Iwjir qenqor byy lunxdnaw
An’ buliong qiab ixlaii
Sidjenr posatdy
Kaxbiau huedab kunwlann ee bunrdee
Inx ee simx byy qnia’uir
Zimxziok ee simx qending
Duanjniar u uidig
Virr sibhongx ee vut soxx janwtanr
Gauu hunvet enxsuad
Byy air dirr jingwlangg lairdew
Siongsiong air dirr sendnia
Uirr qriuu vuddy
Dirr erdew ee hukongx lairdew druar
Guanw an’ Vuddyy tniax .diyc
Duiww jitt hy su byy gihik
Hibang Vuddyy uirr birlaii ee jiongwsingx
Enxsuad hro inx lixqaiw
Narr u duiww jitt vxo qingx
Snex cud gihik byy siongsinr :ee
Dyrr e duirlyc og dy
Hibang liw qimzit tangx qaixsueh
Jiaxee buliong posad
Anwjnuaw dirr jiacc dew ee siqanx
Did diyc qauwhuar laii huatsimx
Qycc drat qaur byy dywter ee qingxqair
(The Lotus Sutra - Chapter XV Bodhisattvas Emerging from the Earth 8)
Thereupon Bodhisattva Maitreya, wanting to elaborate upon the meaning of this further, spoke these verses:
Long ago the Buddha left
The household of the Śākya clan,
And approached Gayā
Where he sat under the bodhi tree;
It has not been so long since that time.
The number of the Buddha’s heirs
Is incalculable;
From long ago they have practiced the buddha path
And attained transcendent powers and
The power of wisdom.
They have thoroughly studied
The bodhisattva path,
And are as undefiled by worldly affairs,
As the lotus blossom in the water.
They have emerged from out of the earth,
And all stood respectfully before the Bhagavats.
It is difficult to comprehend this matter,
How can we possibly believe it!
The Buddha attained the path
Only a short time ago,
Yet he has accomplished so much.
We entreat you to remove our doubts
And give a detailed explanation
According to the truth.
Suppose there were a young man
Just twenty-five years of age
Who pointed to a one-hundred-year-old man,
Who was wrinkled and had white hair, saying:
This is my offspring.
The [old man] also says: This is my father.
The father is young, and the son is old.
No one in the world would believe it.
The Bhagavat’s teaching is exactly like this.
He attained the path only a very short time ago,
Yet these bodhisattvas are firm in resolution
And without weak will;
They have been practicing the bodhisattva path
For immeasurable kalpas.
They are skilled at difficult discussions,
And their minds are free from fear.
They are resolute and persevering.
They are handsome and dignified,
Praised by the buddhas in the ten directions.
They are good at detailed explanations.
They did not want to be among the multitudes
For they always liked being in meditation,
And so they lived in the space under the earth
In order to seek the buddha path.
Since we heard about this from the Buddha
We have no doubts about it;
But still we entreat you,
O Buddha, to expound it
And make it clear for the future.
Anyone in whom doubts awaken
And who does not believe in this sutra
Will certainly fall into the troubled states of being.
That is why we now entreat you to explain
How in such a short time
You have led and inspired
These innumerable bodhisattvas
So that the thought of enlightenment
Has awakened in them
And they abide in the stage of nonretrogression.
(妙法蓮華經第十五品 安樂行之8)
佛昔從釋種 出家近伽耶
坐於菩提樹 爾來尚未久
此諸佛子等 其數不可量
久已行佛道 住於神通力
善學菩薩道 不染世間法
如蓮華在水 從地而踊出
皆起恭敬心 住於世尊前
是事難思議 云何而可信
佛得道甚近 所成就甚多
願為除眾疑 如實分別說
譬如少壯人 年始二十五
示人百歲子 髮白而面皺
是等我所生 子亦說是父
父少而子老 舉世所不信
世尊亦如是 得道來甚近
是諸菩薩等 志固無怯弱
從無量劫來 而行菩薩道
巧於難問答 其心無所畏
忍辱心決定 端正有威德
十方佛所讚 善能分別說
不樂在人眾 常好在禪定
為求佛道故 於下空中住
我等從佛聞 於此事無疑
願佛為未來 演說令開解
若有於此經 生疑不信者
即當墮惡道 願今為解說
是無量菩薩 云何於少時
教化令發心 而住不退地