
Bibiau Hxuad Lenhuex Qingx (jap-go-7)


Hitt sijun, Bilik Posad Mahasattva qapp busor posad ee simx snix cud gihik, duiww jitt hy ixjingg m bad duw .quer .ee qamxqag qiqauir, dyrr anxnex sniu: Jnuaxngiu Sewjunx dirr jiacc dew ee siqanx tangx qauwhuar buliong buvenx asamkhya jiacc je ee dua posad, hro inx diamr dirr anuttara-samyak-sambodhiInx dyrr qra Vuddyy qongw, “Sewjunx! Zulaii jyr taiwjuw ee sii lirkuix Sakya ee ongqiongx, kir qaur li Gaya Sniaa byy hng ee soxjai jre dirr dyrdniuu, did diyc singjiu anuttara-samyak-sambodhi. An’ hitt sii ixlaii jiacc quer sir-jap gua nii. Sewjunx! Liw anwjnuaw dirr jiacc dew ee siqanx dua dua jyr vudsu, ixx vut ee sewlik, ixx vut ee qongdig, qauwhuar jiacc je buliong dua posad ee jiongwsingx singjiu anuttara-samyak-sambodhi

Sewjunx! Jiaxee dua posad ee sowliong, qaxsuw u langg dirr cenbanrig qiab iarr sngr be uann, knuar be diyc jinrtauu. Inx jiacc quw ixlaii dirr buliong buvenx jerje vut ee soxjai jingr jerje senrqinx, singjiu posatdy, dniardnia siulen cingjing ee hing’uii. Sewjunx! Jitt hy dairjir, sewqanlangg jin’ yh siongsinr. 

Kyxviw u jit xee snex jyr jin' suiw :ee, taumngg ox, zi-jap-go huer, qiw jit xee jit-vah huer ee langg, qongw, 'Jitt xee si guanw qniaw.' Hitt xee jit-vah huer ee langg iarr qiw hitt xee cinglenlangg, qongw, 'Jitt xee si guanw laurve, snix guaw qycc cnia'iongw guaw.' Jitt hy dairjir jin’ yh siongsinr. Vuddyy iarr si zucuw, did dy ixlaii qisit byy quw. Mrqycc jiaxee posad dairjiongr ixx dirr buliong cenbanrig qiab uirr vuddy inkinn sidjenr qapp jingjinr, gauu cutzip sendnia, diamr dirr buliong vaccingbanrig ee samadhi, did diyc dua sintongx, quxdngg siulen cingjing ee hing’uii, gauu jiauww cuwde hagsip jiongxjiongw senrhuad, e kaxbiau huedab bunrdee. Inx si langg lairdew ee vyw, dirr itcer sewqanx longxx jiokk hihanw. 

Qimzit Sewjunx u qongw did vuddy ee sii jiacc hro inx co’ huatsimx, qra inx qauwhuar qapp jixdy, hro inx uaw hiongr anuttara-samyak-sambodhi. Sewjunx giamrjinge diyc vuddy iauxx byy quw, suacc tangx jyr jiacc dua qongdig ee dairjir. Guanw suizenn siongsinr Vuddyy jiauww quangii decc enxsuad, Vuddyy soxx qongx m bad si qexngiaw :ee, qycc Vuddyy soxx jaix :ee longxx u tongdat. Mrqycc co' huatsimx ee posad dirr Vuddyy beddo liauxau, narr tniax diyc jiaxee ue, kiongxqniax e m siongsinr iarr be jiapsiu, suacc laii jewjy cud pywhuai vudhuad jitt hy juergiap ee inenn. In'ui anxnex, Sewjunx, hibang liw uirr guanw qaixsueh, siauduu guanw ee gihik, iarr hro birlaii sxer ee jiongww senrlamjuw tniax diyc jitt hy su be snix cud gihik.”

(The Lotus Sutra - Chapter XV Bodhisattvas Emerging from the Earth 7)

Then Bodhisattva Mahāsattva Maitreya and the innumerable other bodhisattvas became doubtful and confused concerning this unprecedented experience. They thought this: How is it possible in such a short time for the Bhagavat to have inspired such an immeasurable, limitless, incalculable number of great bodhisattvas, enabling them to abide in highest, complete enlightenment? Immediately they addressed the Buddha, saying: “O Bhagavat! When the Tathāgata was a prince he left the palace of the Śākyas, sat on the terrace of enlightenment which is not far from the city of Gayā, and attained highest, complete enlightenment. Since then more than forty years have passed. How is it possible, O Bhagavat, for you to have done such great buddha acts in such a short period of time? Is it through the might of the Buddha and through the Buddha’s qualities that you have inspired such an assembly of incalculable great bodhisattvas to achieve highest, complete enlightenment? 

“O Bhagavat! Even if someone counted the number of the great bodhisattvas for thousands of myriads of koṭis of kalpas they would not be able to finish. There would be no end. From long ago these bodhisattvas have been planting roots of good merit in the presence of immeasurable, limitless buddhas. They have perfected the bodhisattva path and have always practiced the pure path of discipline and integrity. It is, O Bhagavat, difficult to believe such things in this world. 

“Suppose a handsome man with dark hair, twenty-five years of age, were to point to a hundred-year-old man and say: He is my son. And the one-hundred-year-old man points to the young fellow and says: He is my father and he raised me! This would be difficult to believe; and what the Buddha has now taught is exactly like this. It has not, in fact, been so long since the Buddha attained the path. Yet for the sake of the buddha path this great assembly of bodhisattvas has been diligently striving for innumerable thousands of myriads of koṭis of kalpas. They have skillfully entered, abided in, and emerged from immeasurable thousands of myriads of koṭis of samādhis. They have attained great transcendent powers and practiced the pure path of discipline and integrity for a long time. They have gradually and ably practiced wholesome teachings and are skilled at discussions. They are jewels among humans and a great rarity in the entire world. 

“Today the Bhagavat has correctly said that after he attained the path of the Buddha he caused the thought of enlightenment to awaken in the bodhisattvas for the first time. He then led, inspired, and instructed them to approach highest, complete enlightenment. O Bhagavat! Although it has not been so long since you attained buddhahood yet you have really done these great meritorious acts. We believe the Buddha’s words, spoken according to our capacities, and that what he says is never false. We are all well versed in the Buddha’s knowledge. However, if the bodhisattvas in whom the thought of enlightenment has recently awakened hear this after the Buddha’s parinirvāṇa, they will not accept it; and this will bring about conditions for erring deeds that destroy the Dharma. That is why, O Bhagavat, we entreat you to explain it to us and remove our doubts. Moreover, in the future, when the sons of a virtuous family hear this, they will also be free from doubt.”

(妙法蓮華經第十五品 安樂行之7)


