Derr Jap Pinw: Huatsux
Hitt sijun, Sewjunx in'ui Bhaisajyaraja (Iyc Ongg) Posad, dyrr duiww veh-bxan dairsu qongw, “Iyh Ongg! Liw u knuar diyc dairjiongr lairdew u buliong ee tenzinn, lringg, iarcex, gandharva, asura, garuda, kimnara, mahoraga, u sriok langg qapp byy sriok langg :ee, ixqip bikiu, bikuni, upasaka, upasika, qriuu sniabunn :ee, qriuu pratyekabuddha :ee, qapp qriuu vuddy :ee bor? Jiaxee qokk lui dirr Vuddyy binrjingg tniax diyc Bibiau Hxuad Lenhuex Qingx lairdew jit dnxua jimgensix iacc qidiongx jit qxur, simrjiww itliam suihiw :ee, guaw longxx e qra inx jyr qiwzin. Inx e did diyc anuttara-samyak-sambodhi."
Vuddyy qra Iyh Ongg qongw, “Qycc Zulaii beddo liauxau, narr u langg tniax diyc Bibiau Hxuad Lenhuex Qingx lairdew jit dnxua jimgensix iacc qidiongx jit qxur, itliam suihiw :ee, guaw iarr e qra inx jyr e did diyc anuttara-samyak-sambodhi ee qiwzin.
Narr qycc u langg cisiuw, togsiong, qaixsuad, iacc causiaw Bibiau Hxuad Lenhuex Qingx lairdew simrjiww dna' jit dnxua jimgensix, duiww jitt vxo qingdenw knuar jyr naxx vut, iong jiongxjiongw qiong’iongw, cincniu huex, hniux, judui, hniubuac, buah hniux, siyx hniux, qinr-vnxee, donghuanx, ihok, imgak, simrjiww dna' habjiongw qiongqingr, Iyh Ongg diyhh jaix, jiaxee langg ixqingx bad qiong’iongw jab-bxan ig vut, dirr jiongww vut hiax singjiu dua guan. In'ui linbinw jiongwsingx, inx jiacc laii jitt xee zinqanx.
Iyh Ongg! Narr u langg mng qongxx sniaw kuanw jiongwsingx dirr birlaii sxer tangx jyr vut? Diyhh qra inx qongw, jiaxee langg dirr birlaii sxer vitdnia tangx jyr vut. Sniaw enqor?
Narr u senrlamjuw iacc senrluxzinn cisiuw, togsiong, qaixsuad, iacc causiaw Bibiau Hxuad Lenhuex Qingx, simrjiww dna' jit qxur, higjiaw iong huex, hniux, judui, hniubuac, buah hniux, siyx hniux, qinr-vnxee, donghuanx, ihok, imgak, iacc habjiongw qiongqingr dringw jiongxjiongw hongsig laii qiong'iongw qingceh, jiaxee langg ingqaix sriu sewqanx itcer :ee jiambong, ingqaix ixx qiong'iongw Zulaii ee hongsig laii qiong’iongw inx. Rair jaix jiaxee langg si dua posad, singjiu anuttara-samyak-sambodhi. Inx linbinw jiongwsingx, guanrir cutsir dirr jitt xee sewqanx, siwqer hunvet enxsuad Bibiau Hxuad Lenhuex Qingx. Hyhongr jinrlik cisiuw qapp jyr jiongxjiongw qiong’iongw :ee.
Iyh Ongg diyhh jaix. Jiaxee langg siawsag cingjing ee giabvyr, dirr guaw beddo liauxau, linxbinw jiongwsingx, dirr og sxer cutsir, siwqer enxsuad jitt vxo qingx. Narr u senrlamjuw iacc senrluxzinn dirr guaw beddo liauxau, suha uirr jit xee langg enxsuad Bibiau Hxuad Lenhuex Qingx, simrjiww dna’ jit qxur, tangx jaix jitt xee langg dyrr si Zulaii ee suwjiaw, siurr Zulaii cekenw laii jyr Zulaii ee dairjir. Hyhongr dirr dairjiongr lairdew siwqer uirr langg’ enxsuad.
Iyh Ongg! Narr u og langg iong byy senrliongg ee simx dirr jit qiab lairdew dirr vut binrjingg cuthen, dniardnia me vut, ix ee jue iaxx kinx. Narr u langg iong jit qxur pnaiw ue huixvongr jairqex iacc cutqex togsiong Bibiau Hxuad Lenhuex Qingx :ee, ix ee jue jin’ dang.
Iyh Ongg! Togsiong Bibiau Hxuad Lenhuex Qingx :ee, liw tangx jaix jitt xee langg ixx vut ee jonggiamm laii jonggiamm jurqiw, dyrr si uirr Zulaii dnax dang dnar. Ix soxx qaur ee soxjai, dag'ee ingqaix qra ix qnialew, itsimx habjiongw qiongqingr, qiong’iongw, jundiong, janwtanr, iong huex, hniux, judui, hniubuac, buah hniux, siyx hniux, qinr-vnxee, donghuanx, ihok, liaurliw, iacc jraur jiongxjiongw imgak dingxdingw, zinqanx lairdew siongrdingw ee qingwmic laii qra qiong’iongw. Ingqaix tec tnidingw ee vyxhuex laii qra ia. Tnidingw ee vyw longxx ingqaix tec laii hongrhenr hro ix. Si anwjnauw lehh? Jitt xee langg hnuahiw suathuad, jit diap quw aw dyrr hro tniax .diyc .ee tetdew did diyc anuttara-samyak-sambodhi ee enqor.”
(The Lotus Sutra - Chapter X The Expounder of the Dharma 1)
Thereupon the Bhagavat by addressing Bodhisattva Bhaiṣajyarāja (Medicine King), through him addressed eighty thousand mahāsattvas, saying: “O Bhaiṣajyarāja! In this assembly do you see innumerable humans and nonhumans such as devas, nāga kings, yakṣas, gandharvas, asuras, garuḍas, kiṃnaras, mahoragas, monks, nuns, laymen, and laywomen, those seeking the śrāvaka vehicle, the pratyekabuddha vehicle, and the buddha path? If, in the presence of the Buddha any beings such as these hear a single verse or line of the Lotus Sutra, and thereupon have even one thought of rejoicing in it, I will bestow upon them my prediction that they will attain highest, complete enlightenment.”
The Buddha addressed Bhaiṣajyarāja, saying: “If, after the parinirvāṇa of the Tathāgata, any being hears even a single verse or line of the Lotus Sutra, and thereupon has even one thought of rejoicing in it, I will bestow upon them the prediction that they will attain highest, complete enlightenment.
“If there is anyone who preserves, recites, explains, or copies even a single verse of the Lotus Sutra, or who respects this sutra as if it were a buddha, or who reverently offers it various flowers, perfumes, necklaces, fragrant ointments, scented powders, burning incense, canopies, flags, banners, clothing, or music, or who simply honors it with his palms pressed together, know, O Bhaiṣajyarāja, that this person has already paid homage to tens of myriads of koṭis of buddhas of the past! Such people have completed their great vow in the presence of all the buddhas and yet they have been born as humans out of their compassion for sentient beings.
“O Bhaiṣajyarāja! If anyone should ask you what kind of sentient being will become a buddha in the future, you should inform them that it is those of this kind who will definitely become buddhas in the future. Why is this?
“If there are any sons or daughters of a virtuous family who preserve, recite, explain, and copy even a single line of the Lotus Sutra, or who pay homage to this sutra with various offerings of flowers, perfumes, necklaces, scented powders and ointments, burning incense, canopies, flags, banners, clothing, or music, or who honor it with their palms pressed together, such people should be respected by the entire world. They should be revered in the same way as the Tathāgata is revered. Know that these people are great bodhisattvas who are to attain highest, complete enlightenment. Out of their compassion for sentient beings they wish to be born among them in order to expound and explain the Lotus Sutra far and wide. How much more to be honored are those who completely preserve the entire sutra and pay homage to it with various offerings!
“O Bhaiṣajyarāja! You should know that after my parinirvāṇa these people will set aside the rewards of their pure karma and be born in the troubled world out of their compassion for sentient beings, and in order to expound this sutra far and wide. After my parinirvāṇa, if there are any sons and daughters of a virtuous family who expound even a single line of the Lotus Sutra in private to even a single person, they should be acknowledged as the ambassadors of the Tathāgata. They have been dispatched by the Tathāgata and carry out the Tathāgata’s work. As for those who extensively teach among the common people, know that they are yet greater ambassadors.
“O Bhaiṣajyarāja, if there are erring people during a kalpa, those with troubled thoughts who always disparage the Buddha in his presence, their fault is nonetheless slight. Yet if there are those who disparage the laity or ordained people who recite the Lotus Sutra even with a single evil word, their fault is extremely grave.
“O Bhaiṣajyarāja! Know that those who recite this Lotus Sutra adorn themselves with the adornments of a buddha. This means that they will carry the Tathāgata on their shoulders and pay him homage wherever they go. They should be respected, revered, honored, and praised wholeheartedly with palms pressed together, through offerings of flowers, perfumes, necklaces, scented powders, ointments, burning incense, canopies, flags, banners, clothing, delicious food, music, and the best offerings that people can make. They should have heavenly jewels scattered upon them and offered to them. Why is this? Because these people joyfully expound the Dharma and those who hear it even for an instant will fully attain highest, complete enlightenment.”
(妙法蓮華經第十品 法師之1)