
Bibiau Hxuad Lenhuex Qingx (qauw-7)

Hitt sijun Sewjunx knuar diyc diyhh yc qapp benw qycc yc :ee nng-cingx langg, inx ee simx ziuluanw, jigjing, cingjing, itsimx-it'ir decc knuar Vut. Vuddyy qra Ananda qongw, “Liw u knuar diyc jiaxee u decc yc qapp benw qycc yc :ee jitt nng-cingx langg bor?”

“U knuar diyc :ar.”

“Ananda! Jiaxee langg e qiong’iongw go-jap xee sewqair din’aix ee soxliong hiacc je xee Vut Zulaii, e qra inx qiongqingr qapp jundiong, e horcii Hxuad ee vyxkor. Juewau dirr qangg sijun, dirr sibhongx qog qokqog tangx jniaa vut, longxx qang miaa, qiyr jyr Ratnaketurāja (Vyw Siongr) Zulaii,  Ingqaix Qiong’iongw, Jniar Venww Qakdix, Diwhui qapp Dikhing Uanbuanw, Sxen Quewongw, Liauxqaiw Sewqanx, Busiong Sru, Diauhyy Diongrhux, Tenzinn qapp Langg ee Suhu, Vut, Sewjunx. Inx ee siurbing jit qiab. Qoktow jonggiamm, sniabunn qapp posad ee sowliong, ixqip Jniar Hxuad qapp Cincniu Hxuad ee siqanx iarr longxx qangrkuanw.”

(The Lotus Sutra - Chapter IX The Predictions for Those Who Still Have More to Learn and for Those Who Do Not 7)

Then the Bhagavat perceived that the minds of those two thousand people, some of whom had more to learn and some of whom did not, were sincere, mild, and receptive. They were all attentively gazing at the Buddha. The Buddha said to Ānanda: “Do you not see these two thousand people, some of whom have more to learn and some of whom do not?” 

Ānanda replied: “Yes, I see them.” 

The Buddha said: “O Ānanda! All of these people will pay homage to the Buddha Tathāgatas, whose number is equal to that of the grains of dust in fifty worlds. They will respect, honor, and preserve the treasure house of the Dharma and will later all become buddhas simultaneously in the worlds of the ten directions. They will all have the same name, Ratnaketurāja, a Tathāgata, Arhat, Completely Enlightened, Perfect in Knowledge and Conduct, Well-Departed, Knower of the World, Unsurpassed, Tamer of Humans, Teacher of Devas and Humans, Buddha, Bhagavat. Their lifespans will last one kalpa. The adornments of their lands, the number of śrāvakas and bodhisattvas, and the duration of the True and Semblance Dharma will be the same for all.”

(妙法蓮華經第九品 授學無學人記之7)

爾時世尊。見學無學二千人其意柔軟寂然清淨一心觀佛。佛告阿難。汝見是學無學二千人不。唯然已見。阿難。是諸人等。當供養五十世界微塵數諸佛如來。恭敬尊重護持法藏。末後同時。於十方國各得成佛。皆同一號。 名曰寶相如來應供正遍知明行足善逝世間解無上士調御丈夫天人師佛世尊。壽命一 劫。國土莊嚴。聲聞菩薩。正法像法。皆悉同等。

