Hitt sijun, decc yc qapp benw qycc yc :ee nng-cingx langg, tniax diyc virr Vuddyy jyr qiwzin, hnuahiw qaxx be qor .did. Inx iong jimgensix qongw:
"Sewjunx ee diwhui cincniu qngx sicsih ee dingx
Guanw tniax diyc siurr jyr qiwzin ee sniax
Simlaii ciongbuanw hnuahiw
Cincniu virr qamlo ag qangrkuanw”
(The Lotus Sutra - Chapter IX The Predictions for Those Who Still Have More to Learn and for Those Who Do Not 9)
Then the two thousand people, some of whom had more to learn and some of whom did not, having heard their predictions from the Buddha, rejoiced ecstatically and spoke in verse:
O Bhagavat, the Light of Wisdom!
We have just heard you give us our predictions
And our minds are full of joy,
Just as if we had been sprinkled
With the Dharma of immortality.
(妙法蓮華經第九品 授學無學人記之9)
世尊慧燈明 我聞授記音
心歡喜充滿 如甘露見灌