
Bibiau Hxuad Lenhuex Qingx (veh-6)

Hitt sijun, Ajnatakaundinya inx beh dingg qycc suanqangw soxx qongw ee iwsur, dyrr iong jimgensix qongw:

“Guanw tniax diyc busiong ee dy

An’unw sriu jyr qiwzin ee sniax

Qamxqag diyc m bad u ee hnuahiw

Hiongr u buliong diwhui ee Vut qingwlew

Jitmaw dirr Sewjunx binrtaujingg

Camwhuew qaqi jerje quewsid

Dirr buliong Vut ee vyw 

Did diyc siyw vorhun liappuann 

Cincniu byy diwhui ee gong langg 

Dyrr qamxqag buanxjiog 

Kyxviw sanwciah langg 

Kir cin’iuw inx daux 

Inx daux si dua huwho

Sed pongpair ee liaurliw

Iong buqer ee vyxjux

Tni dirr sanwciah langg ee snxax lairbin

Liauxau diam diam lirkuix

Hitt sii sanwciah langg decc kunr byy diqag

Jitt xee langg jingsinn vreh kiw 

Qnia’iuu kir vadd qog 

Qriuu jiahsit tangx uahmia 

Doruac jin’ qanlann 

Did diyc jiyw jiyw dyrr buanxjiog 

Be sniu qongxx beh qriuu kacc hyw 

Byy diwqag snxax lairbin 

U buqer ee vyxjux 

Hro ix vyxjux ee cin’iuw 

Au .laii qnir diyc jitt xee sanwciah langg 

Koxsimx qra jixvi liauxau 

Hro ix knuar soxx tni ee vyxjux 

Sanwciah langg knuar diyc jitt xee vyxjux 

Simlai dua hnuahiw 

Jiongqimx-ixau venr hywgiac u jiongxjiongw jaibut 

Go jiongw iogbong suijai hiangxsiu 

Guanw iarr si zucuw 

Sewjunx quxdngg ixlaii 

Dniardnia kyxlinn laii qauwhuar guanw 

Hro guanw jxaix busiong ee guan 

Guanw in’ui byy diwhui 

Vutqag iarr vutdix 

Did diyc jiyw jiyw ee liappuann 

Dyrr qamxqag buanxjiog byy beh qriuu qitax :ee 

Jitmaw Vut hro guanw qakgo 

Qongw guanw m si jinjniar beddo 

Dna' did diyc Vut busiong ee diwhui 

Jiacc si jinjniar beddo 

Guanw henrjai an’ Vut tniax diyc 

Sriu jyr qiwzin qapp jonggiamm ee su 

Ixqip e jiauww cuwsu sriu jyr qiwzin 

Srinx qapp simx ciongbuanw hnuahiw”

(The Lotus Sutra - Chapter VIII The Five Hundred Disciples Receive Their Predictions 6)

At that time Ājñātakauṇḍinya and the others, wanting to elaborate on the meaning of this further, spoke these verses: 

We have heard his voice 

Giving the prediction of utmost ease. 

Rejoicing in this unprecedented experience, 

We bow to the Buddha whose wisdom is immeasurable. 

We now repent of our faults 

In the presence of the Bhagavat. 

Although we had attained 

Only a small measure of nirvana, 

Out of the immeasurable treasures of the Buddha, 

We were self-satisfied, 

Just like ignorant fools! 

Suppose there were a poor man 

Who went to the house of a close friend 

Whose family was very wealthy. 

He was entertained with a feast 

And had a priceless jewel sewn 

To the inside of his garment. 

The wealthy friend made him this gift 

Without saying anything, and went away. 

The poor man had fallen asleep 

And did not know of this. 

Shortly afterward this man gets up, 

And after wandering around 

Arrives in another country. 

He manages to seek out 

Enough food and clothing to live 

But has great difficulty in supporting himself. 

Yet he is satisfied to obtain a little 

And does not desire anything better. 

He is still unaware of the priceless jewel 

Sewn inside his garment. 

The intimate friend who gave him the jewel 

Meets this poor man later 

And bitterly reproaches him, 

Showing him the jewel 

That had been sewn into his garment. 

The poor man, seeing this jewel, rejoices greatly

And with this rich treasure he enjoys 

To his satisfaction the desires of the five senses. 

We are exactly like this. 

For a long time, the Bhagavat 

Has led and inspired us 

Through his compassion, 

And planted in us the highest aspiration. 

Because we were ignorant 

We neither noticed nor knew; 

We were satisfied with attaining 

Only a small measure of nirvana 

And did not seek for the rest.

Now the Buddha has enlightened us, saying: 

This is not the real nirvana. 

Attaining the highest wisdom of the buddhas 

Is indeed the only real nirvana. 

Now, having heard the predictions from the Buddha 

And of the adorned lands, 

And the subsequent predictions, 

We universally rejoice in body and mind.

(妙法蓮華經第八品 五百弟子受記之6)


 我等聞無上  安隱授記聲

 歡喜未曾有  禮無量智佛

 今於世尊前  自悔諸過咎

 於無量佛寶  得少涅槃分

 如無智愚人  便自以為足

 譬如貧窮人  往至親友家

 其家甚大富  具設諸餚饍

 以無價寶珠  繫著內衣裏

 默與而捨去  時臥不覺知

 是人既已起  遊行詣他國

 求衣食自濟  資生甚艱難

 得少便為足  更不願好者

 不覺內衣裏  有無價寶珠

 與珠之親友  後見此貧人

 苦切責之已  示以所繫珠

 貧人見此珠  其心大歡喜

 富有諸財物  五欲而自恣

 我等亦如是  世尊於長夜

 常愍見教化  令種無上願

 我等無智故  不覺亦不知

 得少涅槃分  自足不求餘

 今佛覺悟我  言非實滅度

 得佛無上慧  爾乃為真滅

 我今從佛聞  授記莊嚴事

 及轉次受決  身心遍歡喜

