Hitt sijun, Sewjunx qongw jitt dnxua jimgensix liauxau, dyrr qra Bilik Posad qongw, “Guaw henrjai duiww linw jiaxee dairjiongr suanqangw. Ajita! Jiaxee buliong buvenx asamkhya ee dua posad mahasattva an’ tokax bunr .cud .laii, linw sikzit m bad knuar .quer. Guaw dirr syvyy sewqair did diyc anuttara-samyak-sambodhi liauxau, qauwhuar qapp jixdy jiaxee posad, hro inx ee simx sunrhok, hro inx huad dyrsimx. Jiaxee posad longxx druar dirr syvyy sewqair erdew, druar dirr hukongx ee sewqair lairdew. Jerje qingdenw, inx u togsiong, tongdat, sukyw, hunvet, iarr u jingwkag qir diauu lehh.
Ajita! Jiaxee senrlamjuw, byy air dirr dairjiongr lairdew qex qongw, dniardnia air dirr anjing ee soxjai inkinn sidjenr, jingjinr, m bad hiyckunr, iarr byy air diamr dirr langg iacc tenzinn ee soxjai. Inx itdit jiokk air cim’yr byy jiongwgai ee diwhui, iarr itdit jiokk air jiongww vut ee Hxuad, itsimx jingjinr, qriuu busiong ee diwhui."
Hitt sijun, Sewjunx beh dingg qycc suanqangw soxx qongw ee iwsur, dyrr iong jimgensix qongw:
Ajita diyhh jaix
Jiaxee dua posad
An’ busor qiab ixlaii
Siuhak vut ee diwhui
Longxx si guaw soxx qauwhuar
Hro inx huad dua dyrsimx
Jiaxee si guaw ee derjuw
Diamr dirr jitt xee sewqair
Sisiongg sidjenr koxhingg
Iwhiongr diamr dirr anjing ee soxjai
Lirkuix dairjiongr ee beluan qapp caxnau
Byy air qex qongw
Jitt hy jiongww derjuw
Hagsip guaw ee dyrliw qapp qauwhuad
Zid’ia siongsiongg jingjinr
Uirr qriuu vuddy ee enqor
Dirr syvyy sewqair
Erdew ee hukongx lairdew druar
In'ui iwjir qapp sinwliam ee lat
Siongsiongg inkinn qriuu diwhui
Enxsuad jiongxjiongw bibiau ee Hxuad
Inx ee simx byy soxx qnia’uir
Guaw dirr Gaya Sniaa ee
Poteciu-kax jre
Did diyc jniawsiong qakdix
Dngw busiong huatlenw
Hitt sii dyrr qra inx qauwhuar
Hro inx co’ huad dyrsimx
Henrjai longxx drat qaur byy dywter
Longxx tangx jniaa vut
Guaw henrjai qongw :ee longxx sid'ue
Linw diyhh itsimx siongsinr
Guaw an’ quxdngg ixlaii
Itdit decc qaurhuar jiaxee dairjiongr
(The Lotus Sutra - Chapter XV Bodhisattvas Emerging from the Earth 6)
Then the Bhagavat, after speaking these verses, addressed Bodhisattva Maitreya, saying: “I will now proclaim it to all of you in this assembly. O Ajita! All of you have never seen these immeasurable, innumerable, incalculable great bodhisattva mahāsattvas who have emerged from out of the earth. Having attained highest, complete enlightenment in this sahā world, I led, inspired, and instructed these bodhisattvas, restrained their thoughts, and caused the thought of the path to awaken in them. When these bodhisattvas lived in the space under the earth of this sahā world, they recited various sutras, became well versed in them, and contemplated, analyzed, and correctly remembered them.
“O Ajita! All these sons of a virtuous family did not wish to be among the multitude where there is always much discussion. They always wanted to be in quiet places. They diligently strove without resting or relying upon devas or humans. They always desired the profound wisdom without obstructions; they always wanted the Dharma of the buddhas. They strove wholeheartedly in seeking the highest wisdom.”
At that time the Bhagavat, wanting to elaborate on the meaning of this further, spoke these verses:
O Ajita! You should know
That all of these great bodhisattvas
Have practiced the wisdom of the Buddha
For innumerable kalpas.
They have all been inspired by me,
And the thought of the great path
Has awakened in them.
They are my heirs.
Abiding in this world,
They always cultivated ascetic practices,
Wishing to be in quiet places.
Rejecting the clamor of the multitude,
They did not want to have much discussion.
All my heirs such as these
Constantly practiced my teaching
With vigor, day and night.
In order to seek the buddha path
They lived in the space
Under the earth of this sahā world.
They were firm in recollection,
And they always diligently sought wisdom.
Explaining various subtle teachings
Their minds were free from fear.
Sitting under the bodhi tree
In the city of Gayā,
I attained highest, complete enlightenment,
And turned the wheel of the highest Dharma.
I then led and inspired them
So that the thought of the path
Awakened in them for the first time.
All of them are now at the stage of nonretrogression,
And will certainly become buddhas with no residue.
I now teach the truth.
You should wholeheartedly believe that
From long, long ago I have been
Leading and inspiring all these bodhisattvas
(妙法蓮華經第十五品 安樂行之6)
阿逸汝當知 是諸大菩薩
從無數劫來 修習佛智慧
悉是我所化 令發大道心
此等是我子 依止是世界
常行頭陀事 志樂於靜處
捨大眾憒閙 不樂多所說
如是諸子等 學習我道法
晝夜常精進 為求佛道故
在娑婆世界 下方空中住
志念力堅固 常懃求智慧
說種種妙法 其心無所畏
我於伽耶城 菩提樹下坐
得成最正覺 轉無上法輪
爾乃教化之 令初發道心
今皆住不退 悉當得成佛
我今說實語 汝等一心信
我從久遠來 教化是等眾