
Huatqur Qingx (344) - Iogbong

Kiwsag iogbong, hnuahiw dirr ciurnaa-lai kiarkiw. Lirkuix iogbong liauxau qycc dngw kir iogbong hiax. Qaidongx quancad jitt xee langg, did diyc tauxvangr liauxau qycc dngw kir siurr sokvak.

(Dhammapada 344 - The Thirst)
Imagine somebody who is free from the householder's life, inclined to live as a monk. Then, free of the forest of the householder's life, he runs back to it. Come and look at that person! After being set free, he runs back to the bond!

(法句經 344 - 愛欲品)  

