
Bibiau Hxuad Lenhuex Qingx (jap-go-1)


Derr Jap-go Pinw: An’ Tokax Bunr .Cud .Laii

Hitt sijun, an’ vadd xee qoktow laii ee jerje posad mahasattva, sowliong ciauquer veh diauu Ganges Hyy suax ee sowliong, dirr dairjiongr lairdew vreh kiw, habjiongw qnialew duiww Vuddyy qongw, “Sewjunx! Liw narr kingw hro guanw dirr Vuddyy beddo liauxau dirr jitt xee syvyy sewqair qutlat jingjinr, horcii, togsiong, causaiw, qapp qiong’iongw jitt vo qingdenw, guanw e dirr jitt xee qoktow siwqer enxsuad.”

Hitt sijun, Vuddyy qra jiongww posad mahasattva qongw, “Mrbenw, qokk xui senrlamjuw, byy su’iaur linw horcii jitt vxo qingx. Si anwjnuaw lehh? Dirr guaw ee syvyy sewqair, u lak-bxan diauu Ganges Hyy suax ee sowliong hiacc je ee posad mahasattva, muixx jit xee posad u lak-bxan diauu Ganges Hyy suax sowliong hiacc je ee quanwsiok. Jiaxee langg e dirr guaw beddo liauxau, horcii, togsiong, qapp siwqer enxsuad jitt vxo qingx.”

Vuddyy decc qongw ee sii, syvyy sewqair samcenx daircenx qoktow ee de longxx dinxdang qycc lic .kuix. Dirr hitt lairdew, u buliong cenbanrig xee posad mahasattva qang sijunn bunr .cud .laii. Jiaxee posad ee sinkux longxx si qimsig, u snax-jap-zi jiongw siongwmau qapp buliong ee qongbingg. Jinwjingg inx longxx dirr jitt xee syvyy sewqair ee erdew, druar dirr hukongx ee sewqair lairdew. Jiaxee posad tniax diyc Sakyamuni enxsuad ee imsniax, dyrr an’ erdew cud .laii. Muixx jit xee posad longxx jyr dairjiongr ee cuartauu  :ee. Uree cua lak-bxan diauu Ganges Hyy suax ee sowliong hiacc je ee quanwsiok. Uree cua go-bxan, sir-bxan, snax-bxan, nng-bxan, iacc jit-bxan diauu Ganges Hyy suax ee sowliong hiacc je ee quanwsiok. Qycc uree cua jit diauu Ganges Hyy suax ee sowliong, vnuar diauu Ganges Hyy suax ee sowliong, iacc sir hxun ji’ id diauu Ganges Hyy suax ee sowliong, simrjiww cenbanrig nayuta hxun ji’ id. Qycc uree cua cenbanrig nayuta xee quanwsiok. Qycc uree cua ikban xee quanwsiok. Qycc uree cua cenban, vacban, simrjiww jit-bxan. Qycc uree cua jit-cingx, jit-vah, iacc jap xee. Qycc uree cua go xee, sir xee, snax xee, nng xee, iacc jit xee derjuw. Qycc u hnuahiw ham' sewsiok li hng hng :ee, qanda’ qaqi jit xee.

Jiaxee posad an’ tokax cud .laii, sui' xee jen'ongw kongdiongx ee cid-vyw bibiau tah, Je Vyw Zulaii qapp Sakyamuni ee soxjai. Qaur der, tauu qapp bin kap de vair nng xui Sewjunx ee kax, liauxau, inx qaur vyxciu-kax ee sraix-aw-jyrui, iarr qra hiaxee hunsinx-vut qnialew, an' jniawvingg sec snax linr, habjiongw qiongqingr. Inx iong jerje posad jiongxjiongw janwbiw ee honghuad laii janwtanr, liauxau  kia kir vnix:a, hnuahiw giongxbong nng xui Sewjunx. Jiaxee posad mahasattva an’ tokax bunr .cud .laii, iong jerje posad jiongxjiongw janwbiw ee honghuad laii janwtanr vut. Jitt hy siqanx qingquer go-jap siyw qiab. Hitt sii, Sakyamuni diam diam jre lehh, soxu sir jiongw derjuw iarr diam diam. Go-jap siyw qiab, in'ui Vuddyy sintongx ee lat, hro dairjiongr cincniu jiacc vnuar qangx.

Hitt sijun, sir jiongw derjuw iarr ixx vut sintongx ee lai knuar diyc jerje posad venww muaw buliong vaccingban xee qoktow ee kongdiongx. Jiaxee posad lairdew u sir xee dyrsux. Tauu jit xee qiyr jyr Visistacaritra(Qik Siongrdingw Sidjenr), derr zi xee qiyr jyr Anantacaritra(Buvenx Sidjenr), derr snax xee qiyr jyr Visuddhacaritra(Cingjing Sidjenr), derr sir xee qiyr jyr Supratisthitacaritra(Anlip Sidjenr). Jitt sir xee posad dirr hiaxee dairjiongr lairdew jyr cuartauu :ee qapp jyr dyrsu. Inx dirr dairjiongr taujingg sui' xee habjiongw, quanknuar Sakyamuni Vut, qycc qra mngranx qongxx, “Sewjunx! Si m si hranw did puawvni, hranw did huanlyw? U anlok bor? Soxx ingqaix dro :ee u kuair siurqar bor? Inx u hro Sewjunx qamxqag pilyy bor?” 

Hitt sii, sir dua posad qongw jimgensix:

Sewjunx anlok bor

Hranw did puawvni hranw did huanlyw bor

Qauwhuar jiongwsingx

E iawsen .be

Qycc jiongwsingx

U kuair qauwhuar bor

Inx u hro Sewjunx

Qamxqag pilyy bor

(The Lotus Sutra - Chapter XV Bodhisattvas Emerging from the Earth 1)

At that time the bodhisattva mahāsattvas, who had arrived from other lands and whose number exceeded that of the sands of eight Ganges Rivers, stood up in the great assembly, bowed with their palms pressed together, and then spoke to the Buddha, saying: “O Bhagavat! If you give us permission to diligently strive to preserve, recite, copy and pay homage to this [Lotus] Sutra after the parinirvāṇa of the Buddha in this sahā world, then we will extensively teach it in this land.” 

Then the Buddha addressed the assembly of bodhisattva mahāsattvas, saying: “Enough, O sons of a virtuous family! There is no need for you to preserve this sutra. Why is this? In my sahā world there are bodhisattva mahāsattvas, equal to the sands of sixty thousand Ganges Rivers in number; and each of these bodhisattvas, in turn, has a retinue equal to the sands of sixty thousand Ganges Rivers. After my parinirvāṇa they can preserve, recite, and extensively teach this sutra.” 

When the Buddha said this all the lands of the great manifold cosmos in the sahā world quaked and the earth split. From out of this crevice there simultaneously appeared incalculable thousands of myriads of koṭis of bodhisattva mahāsattvas. All of these bodhisattvas had golden bodies endowed with the thirty-two marks and radiating immeasurable rays of light. They had all previously been living in the space under the earth of the sahā world. Having heard the sound of Śākyamuni’s teaching, all of these bodhisattvas emerged from below. Each of those bodhisattvas presided over a great assembly and each led a retinue equal to the sands of sixty thousand Ganges Rivers in number. How much more numerous were the bodhisattvas who emerged leading retinues equal in number to the sands of fifty thousand, forty thousand, thirty thousand, twenty thousand, or ten thousand Ganges Rivers! How much more numerous were the bodhisattvas who emerged leading retinues even equal to the sands of one Ganges River, half a Ganges River, a quarter of a Ganges River, or even just one thousandth of a myriad of a koṭi of a nayuta of the sands of a Ganges River! How many more retinues were there numbering thousands of myriads of koṭis of nayutas! How many more retinues were there numbering myriads of koṭis! How many more were those numbering ten million, one million, or even ten thousand! How many more were those numbering one thousand, one hundred, or even ten! How much more numerous were bodhisattvas leading disciples numbering five, four, three, two, or even one! And how many more bodhisattvas were there who had eagerly practiced alone and far from the worldly life! The number of such bodhisattvas as these is incalculable and limitless, beyond all calculation and metaphor. 

Having emerged from the earth, each of these bodhisattvas approached the Tathāgatas Prabhūtaratna and Śākyamuni, still seated in the beautiful seven-jeweled stupa in the air. Going up to them, they bowed until their foreheads touched the feet of both Bhagavats. Then, having bowed to the other buddhas, each sitting on a lion seat under the jeweled trees, they circumambulated them to the right three times, honoring them with their palms pressed together. Having praised them with various bodhisattva eulogies, they withdrew to one side and joyfully gazed at the two Bhagavats. All these bodhisattva mahāsattvas, having emerged from the earth, praised the buddhas with various bodhisattva eulogies. While they did, fifty intermediate kalpas passed. During this time the Buddha Śākyamuni sat in silence; and the fourfold assemblies were also silent while the fifty intermediate kalpas passed. Because of the Buddha’s transcendent powers, the great assemblies believed that the time that had passed was only half a day. 

Then, through the transcendent powers of the Buddha, the fourfold assemblies also saw the bodhisattvas filling the air throughout immeasurable hundreds of thousands of myriads of koṭis of lands. There were four leaders among those bodhisattvas gathered there. They were called Viśiṣṭacāritra, Anantacāritra, Viśuddhacāritra, and Supratiṣṭhitacāritra. These four bodhisattvas were the foremost leaders in the assembly. At the head of the great assembly, they each pressed their palms together, gazed at Śākyamuni Buddha, and inquired of him, saying: “O Bhagavat! Are you without illness or pain? Are you at ease in practice or not? Do those who should be saved accept your teaching easily or not? Do they not make you weary, O Bhagavat?” 

Thereupon the four great bodhisattvas spoke these verses: 

O Bhagavat! Are you at ease? 

Are you without illness or pain? 

Are you fatigued with leading 

And inspiring sentient beings? 

Do the sentient beings accept 

Your guidance easily or not? 

Do they not tire the Bhagavat?

(妙法蓮華經第十五品 安樂行之1)

爾時他方國土諸來菩薩摩訶薩。過八恒河沙數。於大眾中起立合掌作禮。而白佛言。世尊。若聽我等於佛滅後在此娑婆世界懃加精進護持讀誦書寫供養是經典者。當於此土而廣說之。爾時佛告諸菩薩摩訶薩眾。止善男子。不須汝等護持此經。所以者何。我娑婆世界。自有六萬恒河沙等菩薩摩訶薩。一一菩薩各有六萬恒河沙眷屬。是諸人等能於我滅後。護持讀誦廣說此經。佛說是時。娑婆世界三千大千國土地皆震裂。而於其中有無量千萬億菩薩摩訶薩同時踊出。是諸菩薩身皆金色。三十二相無量光明。先盡在此娑婆世界之下。此界虛空中住。是諸菩薩聞釋迦牟尼佛所說音聲從下發來。一一菩薩。皆是大眾唱導之首。各將六萬恒河沙眷屬。況將五萬四萬三萬二萬一萬恒河沙等眷屬者。況復乃至一恒河沙半恒河沙四分之一。乃至千萬億那由他分之一。況復千萬億那由他眷屬。況復億萬眷屬。況復千萬百萬乃至一萬。況復一千一百乃至一十。況復將五四三二一弟子者。況復單己樂遠離行。如是等比。無量無邊算數譬喻所不能知。是諸菩薩從地出已。各詣虛空七寶妙塔多寶如來釋迦牟尼佛所。到已向二世尊頭面禮足。及至諸寶樹下師子座上佛所。亦皆作禮右繞三匝合掌恭敬。以諸菩薩種種讚法。而以讚歎住在一面。欣樂瞻仰於二世尊。是諸菩薩摩訶薩從初踊出。以諸菩薩種種讚法而讚於佛。如是時間經五十小劫。是時釋迦牟尼佛默然而坐。及諸四眾亦皆默然。五十小劫。佛神力故。令諸大眾謂如半日。爾時四眾亦以佛神力故。見諸菩薩遍滿無量百千萬億國土虛空。是菩薩眾中有四導師。一名上行。二名無邊行。三名淨行。四名安立行。是四菩薩於其眾中。最為上首唱導之師。在大眾前各共合掌。觀釋迦牟尼佛。而問訊言。 世尊。少病少惱安樂行不。所應度者受教易不。不令世尊生疲勞耶。爾時四大菩薩。而說偈言。

 世尊安樂  少病少惱  教化眾生

 得無疲惓  又諸眾生  受化易不

 不令世尊  生疲勞耶

