
Bibiau Hxuad Lenhuex Qingx (jap-sir-2)

Qycc  u. Posad mahasattva quanx itcer henrsiong ee sit siongr longxx si kongsingr, be dendyr, be drang, be trer, byy juanxii, cincniu hukongx ee singr si kangx :ee. Itcer gengiw e hro dy dng .kir; byy soxx snix, byy soxx cud, byy soxx kiw; byy miaa, byy siongr, sidjer byy soxx u; buliong-buvenx, byy-jiongw.-byy-gai, dandanx in'ui inenn jiacc u, an’ dendyr laii snix cud ee enqor. Mrjiacc qongw diyhh siongsiongg hnuahiw quanx jiaxee henrsiong ee siongr. Jex qiyr jyr posad mahasattva derr zi cinqin ee soxjai.

(The Lotus Sutra - Chapter XIV Ease in Practice 2)

“Furthermore, the bodhisattva mahāsattvas perceive the emptiness of all dharmas in their true aspect. All things are unerring, unmoving, nonreturning, irreversible, and like empty space which lacks substance. They are beyond all language. They are not produced, nor do they emerge, nor do they arise. They do not have any name or mark, and in reality they have no substance. They are immeasurable, limitless, without obstacles or obstructions. They exist only through dependent origination, arising through error. That is why I teach the permanent joy of perceiving the aspects of all existent things in this way. This is what is known as the second sphere of relationships of a bodhisattva mahāsattva.”

(妙法蓮華經第十四品 安樂行之2)


