
Bibiau Hxuad Lenhuex Qingx (jap-sir-9)

Manjusri! Kyxviw u jit xee u sewlik ee dngw-lenw singwongg beh iong uiser hanghok qokk qog, mrqycc jerje siyw ongg m tniax ix ee bingrling. Hitt sii, dngw-lenw ongg kiw jiongxjiongw vingx beh tyxhuat. Ongg knuar diyc jerje qunvingx u qenwqongx, jiokk hnuahiw, dyrr jiauww jenwqongx sniuxsur. Uree virr sur canhngg iacc cuwtec, uree virr sur cuanlok iacc sniaci, uree virr sur ihok iacc jongsikpinw, uree virr sur jiongxjiongw dinvyw, qimx, ginn, liulii, ciakuu, bexlyw, san’oo, hoxpig, cnxiu, bew, ciax, lovi, iacc vecsner dringw. Dandanx taujangkuer lairdew ee bingjux, ix m hro langg'. Si anwjnuaw lehh? Qanda' ongg ee taukag-dingw jiacc u jitt liap jux. Narr hro langg', ongg soxu ee quanwsiok qapp vorsiok vitdnia e jiokk qniagii.

Manjusri! Zulaii iarr si zucuw. Ix ixx sendnia qapp diwhui ee lat did diyc Hxuad ee qoktow, dirr samqair jyr ongg. Jerje moongg m kingw sunrhok. Zulaii ee jerje henbingg jiongqunx ham’ inx siy’ jenr. Duiww hiaxee u qonglyy :ee, Zulaii simlai iarr jin' hnuahiw, dyrr dirr sir jiongw derjuw lairdew enxsuad jerje qingx hro inx hnuahiw. Ix sur hro inx sendnia, qaixtuad, qapp byy lrau ee qinx-lat jiongxjiongw Hxuad ee jaivyw, qycc sur liappuann ee sniaa, qongxx inx did diyc beddo. Ix inxdy inx ee simx, hro inx longxx hnuahiw, mrqycc byy qra inx enxsuad jitt vxo Bibiau Hxuad Lenhuex Qingx.

Manjusri! Kyxviw dngw-lenw ongg knuar diyc jerje qunvingx u dua jenwqongx, simlai jiokk hnuahiw. Vyxquir ee jux quxdngg kngr dirr taujangquer lairdew, byy cinwcaiw hro langg', henrjai ix sniuxsur .cud .kir. Zulaii iarr si zucuw. Dirr samqair lairdew jyr dua huat’ongg, iong vudhuad qauwhuar itcer jiongwsingx. Ix knuar diyc henbingg ee qunx ham' go-dxir-xmoo, huanlyw-xmoo, qapp siw-xmoo siy' jenr u dua qonghunx, knuar diyc inx bet samdok, cud samqair, puar xmoo-bxang. Hitt sii, Zulaii iarr dua hnuahiw. Jitt vxo Bibiau Hxuad Lenhuex Qingx tangx hro jiongwsingx singjiu itcer jiongxjiongw diwhui, mrqycc itcer sewqanx u jiokk je uanwgenn qongxx lann siongsinr, mrjiacc jinwjingg byy qongw, qaur henrjai jiacc enxsuad. 

Manjusri! Jitt vxo Bibiau Hxuad Lenhuex Qingx dirr soxu Zulaii enxsuad :ee lairdew vaii derr id, dirr itcer qauwgi lairdew siongrr cim'yr, itdit qaur siongrr buew jiacc sniuxsur, kyxviw hitt xee u sewlik ee ongg, quxdngg vyxho bingjux, itdit qaur juewau jiacc hro langg'.

Manjusri! Jitt vxo Bibiau Hxuad Lenhuex Qingx si jerje Vut Zulaii viwbit ee dinjongg, dirr soxu qingx lairdew vaii siongrr dingxbin. Guaw dngg xia siuxho byy cinwcaiw suanqangw, itdit qaur qimzit jiacc qra linw kaikew qapp enxsuad.”

(The Lotus Sutra - Chapter XIV Ease in Practice 9)

“O Mañjuśrī! Suppose a very powerful noble emperor wanted to subdue other countries with his might, but the lesser kings would not obey his command. In such a case the noble emperor gathers an army together to overcome them. He recognizes the soldiers who have committed brave deeds in war and, greatly rejoicing, he bestows boons according to their merit, such as estates, villages, cities, garments, ornaments, various treasures, gold, silver, lapis lazuli, mother-of-pearl, agate, coral, amber, elephants, horses, chariots, servants, and subjects, but he never gives them the precious jewel in his topknot. Why is this? Because only the noble emperor has this precious jewel in his topknot. If the emperor gives it away his attendants would certainly be very surprised and mistrustful. 

“O Mañjuśrī! The Tathāgata is exactly like this. He has attained the land of the Dharma through his powers of concentration and wisdom. Thus he has become the king of the triple world. Since the māra kings will not obey him, the wise and noble generals of the Tathāgata come to do battle with them. The Tathāgata rejoices at the meritorious ones and teaches various sutras to the fourfold assembly, gladdening them. He bestows upon them the property of all the teachings about concentrations, liberations, faculties without corruption, and powers. He also bestows upon them the city of nirvana. Saying that they have attained nirvana, he leads their minds onward and gladdens them all. And yet he does not teach them the Lotus Sutra. 

“O Mañjuśrī! It is just as if the noble emperor finally gives the jewel that has been long concealed in his topknot. Although he perceived the great merit of those soldiers and was deeply pleased, he did not rashly give them the marvelous jewel. The Tathāgata is also exactly like this. Since he is the great King of the Dharma in the triple world he inspires all the sentient beings through the Dharma. When he sees the wise and noble soldiers who have done battle with the māra of the five aggregates, the māra of desires, and the māra of death, who have great merit in battle, and have extinguished the three poisons, left the triple world, and broken out of Māra’s net, he then rejoices greatly. He now teaches the Lotus Sutra, which is treated with hostility by the entire world and is difficult to believe in, and which he has never taught before, and enables sentient beings to attain omniscience. 

“O Mañjuśrī! This Lotus Sutra is the ultimate teaching of all the Tathāgatas, the most profound among all the teachings, and conferred at the very end. It was in the same way that the very powerful and noble emperor gave the jewel after having preserved it for a long time. 

“O Mañjuśrī! This Lotus Sutra is the secret treasure house of all the Buddha Tathāgatas, and the foremost among all the sutras. The Buddha has preserved it for a long time and he has not taught it indiscriminately. Now, for the first time he teaches it.”

(妙法蓮華經第十四品 安樂行之9)

文殊師利。譬如強力轉輪聖王。欲以威勢降伏諸國。 而諸小王不順其命。時轉輪王。起種種兵而往討罰。王見兵眾戰有功者。即大歡喜隨功賞賜。或與田宅聚落城邑。或與衣服嚴身之具。或與種種珍寶金銀琉璃車磲馬腦珊瑚虎珀象馬車乘奴婢人民。唯髻中明珠不以與之。所以者何。獨王頂上有此一珠。若以與之。王諸眷屬必大驚怪。文殊師利。如來亦復如是。以禪定智慧力得法國土王於三界。而諸魔王不肯順伏。如來賢聖諸將與之共戰。其有功者心亦歡喜。於四眾中為說諸經令其心悅。賜以禪定解脫無漏根力諸法之財。又復賜與涅槃之城言得滅度。引導其心令皆歡喜。而不為說是法華經。文殊師利。如轉輪王見諸兵眾有大功者心甚歡喜。以此難信之珠久在髻中。 不妄與人。而今與之。如來亦復如是。於三界中為大法王。以法教化一切眾生。見賢聖軍與五陰魔煩惱魔死魔共戰有大功勳。滅三毒出三界破魔網。爾時如來亦大歡喜。此法華經。能令眾生至一切智。一切世間多怨難信。先所未說而今說之。文殊師利。此法華經。是諸如來第一之說。於諸說中最為甚深。末後賜與。如彼強力之王。久護明珠今乃與之。文殊師利。此法華經。諸佛如來祕密之藏。於諸經中最在其上。長夜守護不妄宣說。始於今日。乃與汝等而敷演之。

