Hitt sijun, Sewjunx beh dingg qycc suanqangw soxx qongw ee iwsur, dyrr iong jimgensix qongw:
Posad qingsiongg air beh
An’unw suathuad
Dirr cingjing ee de
Anx cngg qapp jyrui
Iong iuu buah sinkux
Qra din’aix qapp uwuer sew driau
Cing cingkir ee sinx snxax
Lairgua longxx cingkir
An’unw diamr dirr huatjy
Jiauww soxx mng :ee laii enxsuad
Narr u bikiu
Jerje upasaka
Qok’ongg qapp ongjuw
Ixqip jiongww dairsinn qapp vecsner
Diyhh iong bibiau ee qauwgi
Hyw bin siy' knuar uirr inx enxsuad
Narr u kunwlann ee bunrdee
Jiauww girliw huedab
Iong inenn qapp piwzu
Uirr inx kaikew qapp hunvet
Iong jitt hy hongven
Hro inx longxx huatsimx
Jiamrjiam jingqax lirig
Tangx zip kir vuddy
Druu kir lanxdnua ee simx
Qapp vinrdnua ee sniurhuad
Lirkuix jiongxjiongw iuciuu qapp huanlyw
Jusimx suathuad
Zid’ia siongsiongg enxsuad
Busiong dy ee qauwgi
Iong jerje in’enn
Qapp buliong ee piwzu
Laii kaisi jiongwsingx
Hro inx longxx hnuahiw
Ihok iacc puerpox
Jiahsit iacc iyhtngx
Dirr jiaxee mihqnia
Byy soxx qitai
Dandanx itsimx decc sniu
Suathuad ee inenn
Hibang singjiu vuddy
Hro jiongwsingx iarr qangrkuanw
Jex dyrr si dua lirig
Anlok ee qiong’iongw
Guaw beddo liauxau
Narr u bikiu
Tangx enxsuad jitt vxo
Bibiau Hxuad Lenhuex Qingx
Simlai byy jigdor iacc hunwlo
Byy jiongxjiongw huanlyw qapp jiongwgai
Iarr byy iuciuu
Qapp virr ziokme
Qycc benw qnia’uir
Dycniux qapp qunwtuii dringw
Iarr be virr qnuaw cud
An’unw diamr dirr zimxziok ee enqor
Diwjiaw si zucuw
Gauu siulen ix ee simx
Tangx diamr dirr anlok
Cincniu guaw dingxbin qongw :ee
Jitt xee langg ee qongdig
Cenrbanrig qiab
Jiongxjioingw sngwsut iacc piwzu
Iarr qongw be jin
(The Lotus Sutra - Chapter XIV Ease in Practice 5)
At that time the Bhagavat, wanting to elaborate the meaning of this further, spoke these verses:
The bodhisattva should always willingly
Teach the Dharma at ease,
Establishing his seat in a pure place.
He should anoint his body with oil
To cleanse himself of dirt,
And put on new, clean clothing.
Both his outer garments and undergarments being pure,
Sitting comfortably on the Dharma seat,
He should teach according to the questions.
If there are any monks, nuns, laymen, and laywomen,
Or kings, princes, subjects, officials, and commoners,
Using subtle ideas he should teach them
With a composed countenance.
If they have difficult questions
He should answer in accordance with the meaning,
Expounding and illuminating it
With various explanations and illustrations.
Through these skillful means
He should awaken the thought of
Enlightenment in them all,
Gradually benefiting them,
And causing them to enter the buddha path.
Ridding them of idle minds
And lazy thoughts,
As well as anxieties,
He should compassionately
Teach the Dharma.
He should continuously expound
The teaching of the highest path
Both day and night, using various explanations
And incalculable illustrations.
Revealing this to sentient beings
He will cause them all to rejoice.
He should not expect to receive any clothing,
Bedding, food and drink, or medicine.
He should only singlemindedly think
Of teaching the Dharma,
Gain mastery of the buddha path,
And enable sentient beings also to attain it.
It is exactly this kind of offering
That brings great benefit and ease.
After my parinirvāṇa if there is any monk
Who is able to explain the Lotus Sutra,
His mind will be free from the obstructions of
Jealousy, anger, and anxiety.
He will also be without sorrows
And no one will slander him.
He will not be afraid of being
Attacked with swords and sticks;
And he will not be expelled from the sangha,
Because he abides in perseverance.
The wise skillfully compose
Their minds in this way
And can abide in ease,
As I have described above.
One would not be able to fully
Describe the qualities of such a person
Through calculations and illustrations,
Though they lasted for
Thousands of myriads of koṭis of kalpas.
(妙法蓮華經第十四品 安樂行之5)
菩薩常樂 安隱說法 於清淨地
而施床座 以油塗身 澡浴塵穢
著新淨衣 內外俱淨 安處法座
隨問為說 若有比丘 及比丘尼
諸優婆塞 及優婆夷 國王王子
群臣士民 以微妙義 和顏為說
若有難問 隨義而答 因緣譬喻
敷演分別 以是方便 皆使發心
漸漸增益 入於佛道 除嬾惰意
及懈怠想 離諸憂惱 慈心說法
晝夜常說 無上道教 以諸因緣
無量譬喻 開示眾生 咸令歡喜
衣服臥具 飲食醫藥 而於其中
無所悕望 但一心念 說法因緣
願成佛道 令眾亦爾 是則大利
安樂供養 我滅度後 若有比丘
能演說斯 妙法華經 心無嫉恚
諸惱障礙 亦無憂愁 及罵詈者
又無怖畏 加刀杖等 亦無擯出
安住忍故 智者如是 善修其心
能住安樂 如我上說 其人功德
千萬億劫 算數譬喻 說不能盡