
Bibiau Hxuad Lenhuex Qingx (jap-sir-10)


Hitt sijun, Sewjunx beh dingg qycc suanqangw soxx qongw ee iwsur, dyrr iong jimgensix qongw:

Dniardnia sidjenr zimxziok 

Linbinw itcer jiongwsingx 

Jiacc tangx enxsuad 

Vuddyy soxx janwtanr ee qingx 

Zid’au dirr buadhuad-sidai 

Cisiuw jitt vxo qingx :ee 

Duiww jairqelangg qapp cutqelangg 

Ixqip m si siuhak posatdy :ee 

Ingqaix snix juvix 

Jiaxee m tniax 

M siongsinr jitt vxo qingx 

Jex si dua sngxsid 

Guaw did diyc vuddy ee sii 

E iong jerje hongven 

Uirr inx enxsuad jitt xee Hxuad 

Hro inx diamr dirr lairdew 

Kyxviw u sewlik ee 

Dngw-lenw ongg 

Knuar diyc qunvingx u jenwqongx 

Sniuxsur inx jerje mihqnia 

Cnxiu, bew, ciax 

Qapp jongsikpinw jiaxee mihqnia 

Ixqip jerje canhngg, cuwtec 

Cuanlok, sniaci 

Iacc hro inx ihok 

Jiongxjiongw dinvyw 

Lovi jaibut 

Hnuahiw sur hro inx 

Narr u bingxiongw  :ee 

Tangx uansingg qanlann ee su 

Ongg vrag taujangqer lairdew ee 

Bingjux laii sur hro ix 

Zulaii iarr si zucuw 

Ix si soxu Hxuad ee huat'ongg 

U zimxziok ee dua ligliong

U diwhui ee dinvyw 

Iong dua juvix 

Jiauww Hxuad dorhuar sewqanx 

Knuar diyc itcer jiongwsingx 

Sriu jiongxjiongw tongwkow qapp huanlyw 

Beh qriuu qaixtuad 

Ham’ jerje xmoo siy' jenr 

Uirr jiaxee jiongwsingx 

Enxsuad jiongxjiongw Hxuad 

Iong dua hongven 

Enxsuad jiaxee qingdenw 

Qacc jaix jiongwsingx 

U did diyc ligliong liauxau 

Juewau jiacc uirr inx 

Enxsuad jitt vxo Lenhuex Qingx 

Cincniu vrag taujangqer ee 

Bingjux laii sur hro langg’ 

Jitt vxo qingx jiokk junquir 

Si soxu qingx lairdew siongrr quann :ee 

Guaw siongsiongg siuxho 

Be cinwcaiw kaisi 

Jitmaw jniawdngsii 

Uirr linw enxsuad 

Guaw beddo liauxau 

Qriuu vuddy :ee 

Narr beh an’unw 

Enxsuad jitt vxo qingx 

Ingdongx cinqin 

Jitt hy sir jiongw qauwhuad 

Tak jitt vxo qingx :ee 

Siongsiongg byy iuciuu qapp huanlyw 

Iurr byy vnirtniar 

Puebah vec paupaux 

Be cutsir dirr sanwciah qadingg 

Be vijen iacc baixknuawsniur 

Jiongwsingx hnuahiw knuar diyc ix 

Cincniu himbo singwhenn 

Tenzinn ee jerje cingsiauwlenn 

Hro ix cesaiw 

Dycniux qapp qunwtuii be laii 

Dok berdangr qra hai 

Narr u langg' og ir qra ziogme 

Hitt langg ee cuir e trad .kiw .laii be qongxue 

Siwqer qnia’iuu byy qnia’uir 

Cincniu sraix ongg 

Diwhui ee qongbingg 

Cincniu zit decc jiyr 

Narr dirr bang-diongx 

Dna’ qnir diyc bixbiau ee su 

E qnir diyc jerje Zulaii 

Jre sraix-aw-jyrui 

Virr jiongww bikiu 

Qra uii lehh decc enxsuad Hxuad 

Qycc qnir diyc lringg-sinn 

Qapp asura dringw 

Sowliong cincniu Ganges Hyy ee suax  

Qiongqingr habjiongw 

Knuar diyc jursinx 

Decc uirr inx suathuad 

Qycc knuar diyc jerje vut 

Qimsig ee srinx 

Huad cud buliong ee qngx 

Jiyr itcer 

Iong cingjing ee imsniax 

Enxsuad jiongxjiongw Hxuad 

Vut uirr sir jiongw derjuw 

Enxsuad busiong ee Hxuad 

Qnir diyc jursinx iarr dirr lairdew 

Habjiongw janwtanr vut 

Tniax diyc Hxuad jiokk hnuahiw 

Dyrr qra qiong’iongw 

Did diyc dharani (jongw cisiuw)

Giamrjingr diyc byy dywter ee diwhui 

Vuddyy jaix ix ee simx 

U sniu beh cimzip vuddy 

Dyrr qra jyr qiwzinn 

Qongxx e singjiu jniawsiong qakdix: 

Liw jitt xui senrlamjuw 

E dirr laiser 

Did diyc buliong ee diwhui 

Qniaa dirr vut ee dua dy 

Qoktow jonggiamm cingjing

Kongwkuah buviw

Iarr u sir jiongw derjuw

Habjiongw tniax Hxuad

Qycc qnir diyc jursinx 

Dirr sanlimm lairdew 

Siuhak senrhuad 

Giamrjingr diyc jerje sit siongr 

Cimzip sendnia 

Qnir diyc sibhongx ee vut 

Soxu vut ee srinx longxx si qimsig 

U vah hog ee siongr jiokk jonggiamm 

Tniax diyc Hxuad e uirr langg’ enxsuad 

Siongsiongg u jitt hy hyw bang 

Iurr bang diyc qok’ongg 

Siawsag qiongden qapp quanwsiok 

Ixqip siongrr bixbiau ee go jiongw iogbong 

Jen'ongw dyrdniuu 

Dirr poteciu-kax 

Diamr sraix-aw-jyrui 

Qriuu dy quer cid zit

Did diyc soxu vut ee diwhui

Singjiu busiong ee dy liauxau

Kixsinx dngw huatlenw

Uirr sir jiongw derjuw suathuad

Qingquer cenbanrig qiab

Enxsuad byy lrau ee bibiau Hxuad 

Dro buliong jiongwsingx 

Liauxau e zip liappuann 

Cincniu enx jin dingx bet 

Narr dirr zid'au ee og sxer lairdew 

Enxsuad jitt vxo derr id ee Hxuad 

Jitt hy langg did diyc dua lirig 

Cincniu dingxquann jiongxjiongw qongdig

(The Lotus Sutra - Chapter XIV Ease in Practice 10)

At that time the Bhagavat, wanting to elaborate on the meaning of this further, spoke these verses: 

Always practice patience 

And be compassionate toward all, 

Since only then can one expound

A sutra praised by the Buddha! 

In the future those who preserve this sutra 

Should be compassionate and kind toward 

Lay Buddhists, renunciants, and non-bodhisattvas, 

Saying: Those who have not heard this sutra 

Or who do not believe in it 

Have consequently lost a great opportunity. 

When I attain the buddha path 

I will expound this teaching 

Through various skillful means 

And enable them to abide in it. 

Suppose there was a powerful, noble emperor 

Who bestows upon those soldiers meritorious in battle 

Various gifts of elephants, horses, chariots, conveyances, 

Ornaments, estates, villages, cities, garments, 

Various treasures, servants, and wealth. 

He gives these gifts with joy. 

If there is anyone who has been brave 

And has performed difficult deeds, 

The noble emperor gives 

The precious jewel in his topknot. 

The Tathāgata is exactly like this. 

He is the emperor of all the teachings. 

Out of his great compassion, 

And through his treasury of wisdom 

And great power of patience, 

He inspires the world according to the Dharma. 

Seeing all the sentient beings suffering, 

Seeking liberation 

And doing battle with the māras, 

He explains various teachings for the beings 

And teaches various sutras 

With his great skillful means. 

Knowing that the sentient beings have 

Finally attained the power to understand, 

He teaches this Lotus Sutra only at the very end, 

Just like the noble emperor 

Who gave the jewel in his topknot. 

This sutra is the utmost, 

Superior to all the sutras. 

I have constantly preserved it 

And have not revealed it indiscriminately. 

Now is the right time to teach it to you. 

After my parinirvāṇa 

Those seeking the buddha path, 

Who want to attain ease and expound this sutra, 

Should become familiar with these four spheres 

Of the teaching concerning ease in practice. 

Those who recite this sutra will always 

Be free from anxiety and illness, 

And will have a noble countenance. 

They will not be born into poverty, 

Lowliness or ugliness. 

Sentient beings will want to meet them 

Just as they long to meet a wise seer, 

And all of the devaputras will serve them. 

Sticks and swords cannot hurt them, 

And poison cannot harm them. 

If people slander them 

Those slanderers’ mouths will be sealed up. 

They will travel fearlessly Like a lion king, and 

The light of their wisdom 

Will illuminate just like the sun. 

If they dream they see only subtle things. 

They see the Tathāgatas seated on lion seats, 

Teaching the Dharma to the assembly 

Of monks surrounding them. 

They see nāgas and asuras, 

As numerous as the sands of the Ganges River, 

Honoring the Tathāgatas 

With their palms pressed together. 

Revealing themselves, 

They teach the Dharma to these beings.

They also see the buddhas, with golden bodies, 

Emitting immeasurable rays of light 

Which illuminate universally, 

And expounding various teachings 

With beautiful voices like Brahma’s. 

To the fourfold assembly 

The Buddha teaches the highest Dharma. 

Revealing themselves among them, 

They praise the Buddha 

With palms pressed together. 

Hearing the Dharma they rejoice 

And pay homage to the Buddha. 

They attain the power of recollection 

And achieve the wisdom of nonretrogression. 

The Buddha, knowing their minds, 

And that they have deeply entered the buddha path, 

Gives them a prediction of the highest, 

Complete enlightenment, saying: 

O son of a virtuous family! 

In the future you will attain immeasurable 

Wisdom and the great path of the Buddha. 

Your land will be pure and vast, 

Beyond all comparison. 

The fourfold assembly will also be there 

Listening to the Dharma with their palms

Pressed together. 

They who recite this sutra also see themselves 

In mountain forests, practicing excellent teachings, 

Experiencing the real aspect, 

Deeply entering into concentration, 

And looking at the buddhas in the ten directions, 

All of whom have golden bodies 

Adorned with a hundred auspicious marks. 

They will always have such pleasant dreams 

And, hearing the Dharma taught, 

They will teach it to others. 

They will also dream about becoming 

The king of a realm who abandons his palace 

And retinue, and the highly pleasing 

Desires of the five senses, 

Approaches the terrace of enlightenment, 

Sits on the lion seat under the bodhi tree, 

Attains the wisdom of all the buddhas 

After seeking the path for seven days, 

And who, arising, turns the wheel of the Dharma 

After having attained the highest path. 

They will teach the Dharma to the fourfold assembly 

For thousands of myriads of koṭis of kalpas. 

Explaining the true and incorruptible Dharma, 

They will save innumerable sentient beings. 

Later they will enter nirvana 

Just as smoke dies away 

When the flame of a candle is extinguished.

If anyone in the troubled world to come 

Teaches this highest Dharma 

They will attain great benefits 

Like the merits mentioned above.

(妙法蓮華經第十四品 安樂行之10)


 常行忍辱  哀愍一切  乃能演說

 佛所讚經  後末世時  持此經者

 於家出家  及非菩薩  應生慈悲

 斯等不聞  不信是經  則為大失

 我得佛道  以諸方便  為說此法

 令住其中  譬如強力  轉輪之王

 兵戰有功  賞賜諸物  象馬車乘

 嚴身之具  及諸田宅  聚落城邑

 或與衣服  種種珍寶  奴婢財物

 歡喜賜與  如有勇健  能為難事

 王解髻中  明珠賜之  如來亦爾

 為諸法王  忍辱大力  智慧寶藏

 以大慈悲  如法化世  見一切人

 受諸苦惱  欲求解脫  與諸魔戰

 為是眾生  說種種法  以大方便

 說此諸經  既知眾生  得其力已

 末後乃為  說是法華  如王解髻

 明珠與之  此經為尊  眾經中上

 我常守護  不妄開示  今正是時

 為汝等說  我滅度後  求佛道者

 欲得安隱  演說斯經  應當親近

 如是四法  讀是經者  常無憂惱

 又無病痛  顏色鮮白  不生貧窮

 卑賤醜陋  眾生樂見  如慕賢聖

 天諸童子  以為給使  刀杖不加

 毒不能害  若人惡罵  口則閉塞

 遊行無畏  如師子王  智慧光明

 如日之照  若於夢中  但見妙事

 見諸如來  坐師子座  諸比丘眾

 圍繞說法  又見龍神  阿修羅等

 數如恒沙  恭敬合掌  自見其身

 而為說法  又見諸佛  身相金色

 放無量光  照於一切  以梵音聲

 演說諸法  佛為四眾  說無上法

 見身處中  合掌讚佛  聞法歡喜

 而為供養  得陀羅尼  證不退智

 佛知其心  深入佛道  即為授記

 成最正覺  汝善男子  當於來世

 得無量智  佛之大道  國土嚴淨

 廣大無比  亦有四眾  合掌聽法

 又見自身  在山林中  修習善法

 證諸實相  深入禪定  見十方佛

 諸佛身金色  百福相莊嚴

 聞法為人說  常有是好夢

 又夢作國王  捨宮殿眷屬

 及上妙五欲  行詣於道場

 在菩提樹下  而處師子座

 求道過七日  得諸佛之智

 成無上道已  起而轉法輪

 為四眾說法  經千萬億劫

 說無漏妙法  度無量眾生

 後當入涅槃  如烟盡燈滅

 若後惡世中  說是第一法

 是人得大利  如上諸功德

