
Bibiau Hxuad Lenhuex Qingx (jap-sir-3)


Hitt sijun, Sewjunx beh dingg qycc suanqangw soxx qongw ee iwsur, dyrr iong jimgensix qongw:

Narr u posad 

Dirr ixau ee og sxer 

Simlai byy qniahniaa  

Beh enxsuad jitt vxo qingx 

Ingqaix zip kir siuhing ee kuhik 

Qapp cinqin ee soxjai 

Qingsiongg ham' qok’ongg 

Qok’ongg ee qniaw 

Ixqip dairsinn qapp qnuadniuw li hng hng 

Jiongsu honghiamw vaxhir :ee 


Ixqip guardy jiwhiongr Brahma :ee 

Iarr byy ham' inx cinqin  

Quewtauu gnorban :ee 

Hagjiaw tambee

Siyxsingg ee samjong :ee 

Pywqair ee bikiu 

Qexmiaa arhat 

Qapp bikuni 

Hnor sngxciyr :ee 

Cimx cimx jipdiok go jiongw iogbong 

Qriuu henrser did beddo ee 

Soxu upasika 

Jiaxee longxx m tangx cinqin 

Narr jiaxee langg 

Simx jrunn hyw ir laii qaur 

Posad ee soxjai 

Uirr beh tniax vuddy 

Posad dyrr iong 

Byy soxx qnia’uir ee simx 

Byy soxx qitai 

Laii uirr inx suathuad 

Qnuaxhu qapp cuxluw 

Ixqip soxu vutlamm-vutluw :ee 

Longxx m tangx ham' inx cinqin 

M tangx ham' inx u quaqad 

Iarr m tangx cinqin 

Doho quewjuxsiuw 

Paclac qapp liahhii :ee 

Uirr lirig decc sathai 

Bre bah jyr qingqiw 

Qapp cutbe luxsig :ee

Jiaxee langg 

Longxx m tangx ham' inx cinqin 

Honghiamw siy’ enw 

Jiongxjiongw sngxciyr 

Soxu imluw dringw 

Longxx m tangx ham' inx cinqin 

M tangx dandok dirr suha 

Uirr luxzinn suathuad 

Narr suathuad ee sii 

M tangx sngxciyr 

Zip hniuliw qiukid jiahsit 

Diyhh u jit xui bikiu jywpnua 

Narr byy bikiu jywpnua 

Diyhh itsimx liam vut 

Jex qiyr jyr 

Siuhing ee kuhik qapp cinqin ee soxjai 

Ixx jitt nng hxang 

Tangx anlok suathuad 

Iurqycc siuhing m tangx hunx 


Iuxuii iacc buuii 

Jinsit iacc byy jinsit  

Iarr byy hunx 

Si lxamm iacc si luw 

Duiww soxu henrsiong byy jipdiok 

Vutdix qycc vutqenr 

Jex qiyr jyr 

Posad siuhing ee kuhik 

Itcer henrsiong 

Longxx si kangx :ee byy soxx u 

Byy itdit diamr lehh 

Iarr byy kiw iacc bet 

Jex qiyr jyr diwjiaw 

Soxx cinqin ee soxjai 

Dendyr hunvet 

Soxu henrsiong u iacc byy 

Si jinsit iacc m si jinsit 

Si snix-bet iacc m si snix-bet 

Dirr piacjing ee soxjai 

Siuhak liab simx 

An’unw diamr lehh byy dinxdang

Cincniu Sumeru Snuax 

Quanx itcer henrsiong 

Longxx byy soxx u 

Cincniu hukongx 

Byy qenqor ee sidtew 

Be snix-bet cud-zip 

Be drang be trer 

Dniardnia diamr dirr jit xee siongr 

Jex qiyr jyr cinqin ee soxjai 

Narr u bikiu 

Dirr guaw beddo liauxau 

Zip kir siuhing ee kuhik 

Qapp cinqin ee soxjai 

Enxsuad jitt vxo qingx ee sii 

Be likdnaw iacc nngxjniaw 

Posad ursii 

Zip kir anjing ee vangqingx 

Iong jniar liam sukyw 

Jiauww girliw laii quancad henrsiong 

An’ sendnia kiw .laii 

Uirr jerje qok’ongg 

Ongjuw, dairsinn, qapp vecsner  

Ixqip brahman dringw 

Qra inx kaikew qapp qauwhuar 

Ixqip enxsuad jitt vxo qingdenw 

Ix ee simx e an’unw 

Be likdnaw iacc nngxjniaw  


Jitt xui posad 

Cocox dyrr an’unw diamr dirr Hxuad 

Dirr au sxer 

Tangx enxsuad Bibiau Hxuad Lenhuex Qingx

(The Lotus Sutra - Chapter XIV Ease in Practice 3)

At that time the Bhagavat, wanting to elaborate upon the meaning of this further, spoke these verses: 

If, in the troubled world to come, 

A bodhisattva with a fearless mind 

Wants to teach this sutra, 

He should enter the sphere 

Of the bodhisattva practice 

And the sphere of relationships. 

He should always stay away from kings, 

Princes, ministers, chief officials, 

Dangerous pranksters, outcastes, 

Heretics, and brahmans. 

He should not consort 

With excessively proud scholars,

Who are attached to scriptures of the inferior vehicle 

Contained in the three baskets (Tripiṭaka); 

Nor with monks who violate the precepts, 

With those who call themselves arhats, 

Nor with nuns who like to joke and laugh. 

He should not become acquainted with laywomen 

Who are attached to the desires of the five senses, 

And seek nirvana in their present lives. 

If these people come to the bodhisattva 

With good intentions 

In order to hear about the buddha path, 

The bodhisattva should then fearlessly 

Teach them the Dharma 

Without any expectations. 

A bodhisattva should not 

Become intimately acquainted 

With widows, maidens, 

Or impotent men. 

Nor should he consort 

With slaughterers, butchers, hunters, 

Or fishermen who kill for profit. 

He should not consort 

With people such as those 

Who make a living 

From selling meat 

Or from pandering prostitutes. 

He should never become acquainted 

With dangerous wrestlers, 

Or the varieties of jugglers or courtesans. 

He should not teach the Dharma 

To a woman alone in a quiet place. 

When he teaches the Dharma 

He should not joke or laugh. 

If he enters a village to beg for food 

He should be accompanied by a monk. 

If there is no monk he should 

Singlemindedly contemplate the Buddha. 

This is what is known as 

The sphere of the bodhisattva practice 

And the sphere of relationships. 

Within these two spheres 

He can teach at ease. 

He should not practice 

The superior, mediocre, or inferior teachings, 

The conditioned and the unconditioned, 

Or the teaching of the real and the unreal. 

Nor should he discriminate 

Between men and women. 

He should not acquire, comprehend,

Or perceive any phenomenon. 

This is what is known 

As the sphere of the Bodhisattva practice. 

All dharmas are empty and without substance, 

Impermanent, without origination or cessation. 

This is known as the sphere 

Of the relationships of the wise. 

Through the error of discrimination 

One sees all existent things 

As existing or nonexisting, 

Real or unreal, 

Produced or unproduced. 

Being in a quiet place, the bodhisattva 

Carries out practices to control his mind 

And remains as firm and unmoved 

As Mount Sumeru. 

He should regard all dharmas 

As being without substance, 

Like empty space Which has no firmness. 

All dharmas are neither produced 

Nor do they emerge; 

They are immovable, nonreturning, 

And always remain in their single character. 

This is known as the sphere of relationships. 

Any monk after my parinirvāṇa 

Who enters the sphere of practice 

And the sphere of relationships 

Will not be disheartened 

When he teaches this sutra. 

A bodhisattva, at proper times, 

Should enter a quiet chamber 

And contemplate all dharmas 

With correct thoughts, 

According to the meaning. 

Arising from meditation he should reveal 

And expound this sutra 

To kings, princes, ministers, and brahmans. 

Then his mind will be at ease and unafraid. 

O Mañjuśrī! 

This is the bodhisattva 

Who firmly abides in the Dharma from the beginning 

And in the world to come will be able 

To teach the Lotus Sutra.

(妙法蓮華經第十四品 安樂行之3)


 若有菩薩  於後惡世  無怖畏心

 欲說是經  應入行處  及親近處

 常離國王  及國王子  大臣官長

 兇險戲者  及旃陀羅  外道梵志

 亦不親近  增上慢人  貪著小乘

 三藏學者  破戒比丘  名字羅漢

 及比丘尼  好戲笑者  深著五欲

 求現滅度  諸優婆夷  皆勿親近

 若是人等  以好心來  到菩薩所

 為聞佛道  菩薩則以  無所畏心

 不懷悕望  而為說法  寡女處女

 及諸不男  皆勿親近  以為親厚

 亦莫親近  屠兒魁膾  畋獵漁捕

 為利殺害  販肉自活  衒賣女色

 如是之人  皆勿親近  兇險相撲

 種種嬉戲  諸婬女等  盡勿親近

 莫獨屏處  為女說法  若說法時

 無得戲笑  入里乞食  將一比丘

 若無比丘  一心念佛  是則名為

 行處近處  以此二處  能安樂說

 又復不行  上中下法  有為無為

 實不實法  亦不分別  是男是女

 不得諸法  不知不見  是則名為

 菩薩行處  一切諸法  空無所有

 無有常住  亦無起滅  是名智者

 所親近處  顛倒分別  諸法有無

 是實非實  是生非生  在於閑處

 修攝其心  安住不動  如須彌山

 觀一切法  皆無所有  猶如虛空

 無有堅固  不生不出  不動不退

 常住一相  是名近處  若有比丘

 於我滅後  入是行處  及親近處

 說斯經時  無有怯弱  菩薩有時

 入於靜室  以正憶念  隨義觀法

 從禪定起  為諸國王  王子臣民

 婆羅門等  開化演暢  說斯經典

 其心安隱  無有怯弱  文殊師利

 是名菩薩  安住初法  能於後世


