Hitt sii, Sewjunx duiww soxu cuartauu ee dua posad janwtanr qongxx, “Jin’ hyw, jin’ hyw! Senrlamjuw, linw duiww Zulaii soxx jyr iarr u duer lecc hnuahiw.”
Hitt sijun, Bilik Posad qapp veh-cingx diauu Ganges Hyy suax ee sowliong hiacc je ee jiongww posad longxx anxnex sniu, “Guanw an’ sikzit ixlaii m bad knuar .quer, iarr m bad tniax quer qongxx u jitt hy dua posad mahasattva an’ tokax bunr .cud .laii, kia dirr Sewjunx binrjingg habjiongw qiong’iongw, qycc duiww Zulaii mngranx.”
Hitt sijun, Bilik Posad Mahasattva jaix veh-cingx diauu Ganges Hyy suax ee sowliong hiacc je ee posad simlai soxx sniu, qycc ix qaqi iarr sniu beh qaixquad jitt xee gihik, dyrr habjiongw hiongr Vuddyy, iong jimgensix mng qongxx:
Buliong cenbanrig
Jerje posad dairjiongr
Sikzit soxx m bad knuar .quer
Hibang hokdig qap diwhui liongw qiamx ee junjiaw suecbingg
Inx si an’ dyc’ui laii
Sniaw in’enn dirr jiax jurjip
Duarbuw srinx qycc u dua sintongx
Diwhui vutkyw-sugi
Inx ee iwjir qapp sinwliam qending
U dua zimxziok ee lat
Jiongwsingx soxx hnuahiw knuar .diyc
Inx an’ dyc’ui laii
Muixx jit xee posad
Inx soxx cua ee quanwsiok
Sowliong u buliong
Cincniu Ganges Hyy suax ee sowliong hiacc je
Uree dua posad
Cua lak-bxan diauu Ganges Hyy suax ee sowliong
Jiaxee dairjiongr
Itsimx qriuu vuddy
Jiaxee dairsux
U lak-bxan diauu Ganges Hyy suax ee sowliong
Longxx laii qiong’iongw Vuddyy
Qapp horcii jitt vxo qingx
Cua go-bxan diauu Ganges Hyy suax ee sowliong :ee
Sowliong qyckacc je
U cua sir-bxan, snax-bxan
Nng-bxan, jit-bxan
Jit-cingx, jit-vah
Simrjiww jit diauu Ganges Hyy suax ee sowliong
Vnuar diauu, snax hxun jit, sir hxun jit
Ikban hxun ji’ id :ee
Cenban nayuta ee sowliong
Banrig ee jiongww derjuw
Simrjiww vnuar ig
Sowliong ciauquer dingxbin :ee
Vah-bxan, jit-bxan
Jit-cingx, jit-vah
Go-jap, jap xee
Simrjiww snax xee, nng xee, jit xee
Qycc u dandok byy quanwsiok
Hnuahiw dogqux :ee
Inx longxx laii qaur Vuddyy ee soxjai
Sowliong ciauquer dingxbin :ee
Jiaxee dairjiongr
Narr langg kir sngr
Ciauquer Ganges Hyy suax ee sowliong hiacc je ee qiab
Iarr berdangr jin jaix
Jiaxee u dua uidig
Jingjinr ee posad dairjiongr
Si’angw uirr inx suathuad
Qra inx qauwhuar laii singjiu
Inx an’ si’angw laii co' huatsimx
Cing'iongg simxmih vudhuad
Siurcii qapp sidjenr simxmih qingx
Siuhak sniaw kuanw vuddy
Jiaxee posad
U sintongx qapp dua diwhui ee lat
Siwhngx ee de dinxdang qaxx lic .kuix
Inx longxx an’ lairdew bunr .cud .laii
Sewjunx! Guaw an’ sikzit ixlaii
M bad qnir quer jitt hy su
Hibang liw tangx suecbingg inx an' dyc'ui laii
Ixqip inx qoktow ee miaa
Guaw qingsiongg iulik jerje qog
M bad qnir quer jitt hy dairjiongr
Jiaxee dairjiongr lairdew
Guaw jit xee dy' m bad
Hutzenn an’ tokax cud .laii
Hibang liw qongw guan'inx
Qimzit dirr jitt xee dairhue
U buliong vaccing'ig xee posad
Jiaxee posad
Longxx beh jaix jitt qnia su
Jiaxee posad dairjiongr
Taubuew ee in’enn
U buliong dairdig ee Sewjunx
Hibang liw qaixquad jingwlangg ee gihik
(The Lotus Sutra - Chapter XV Bodhisattvas Emerging from the Earth 3)
At that time the Bhagavat praised the foremost of the great bodhisattvas, saying: “Splendid, splendid, O sons of virtuous family! Thoughts of joy regarding the Tathāgata have awakened in you.”
Then Bodhisattva Maitreya and the assembly of bodhisattvas equal in number to the sands of eight thousand Ganges Rivers thought this: Looking far into the past, we have never seen or heard of such an assembly of great bodhisattva mahāsattvas, who have now emerged from the earth and are standing before the Bhagavat with their palms pressed together in reverence, asking the Tathāgata questions.
Then Bodhisattva Mahāsattva Maitreya, knowing the minds of the bodhisattvas whose number was equal to the sands of eight thousand Ganges Rivers, and wanting to clear up their confusion, faced the Buddha with the palms of his hands pressed together and addressed him in verse, saying:
We have never seen such a great assembly
Of incalculable thousands of myriads of koṭis
Of bodhisattvas before. We entreat you,
O Best of Humans,
To explain it to us!
Where have they come from?
For what reason have they gathered here?
They look magnificent
And have great transcendent powers.
Their wisdom is beyond our comprehension.
They are firm in their resolve,
Have the power of great perseverance,
And an appearance that sentient beings
Desire to see.
Where have they come from?
Each of these bodhisattvas is leading
A retinue whose number is incalculable,
Like the sands of the Ganges River.
Some great bodhisattvas are leading retinues
Equal in number to the sands
Of sixty thousand Ganges Rivers.
Great are the assemblies,
Singlemindedly seeking the buddha path.
These great leaders, equal in number
To the sands of sixty thousand Ganges Rivers,
Have come all together to pay homage to the Buddha
And preserve this sutra.
The number of bodhisattvas leading retinues
Equal in number to the sands of fifty thousand
Ganges Rivers is even greater;
And the number of bodhisattvas who lead retinues
Equal in number to the sands of forty thousand,
Thirty thousand, twenty thousand, ten thousand,
One thousand, one hundred, even one, one half,
One third, one fourth, one myriadth of a koṭi
Of the sands of a Ganges River exceeds even these.
There are disciples who number
Thousands of myriads of nayutas,
Myriads of koṭis, or even half a koṭi.
Their numbers also exceed that mentioned above.
There are also disciples in retinues
Of one million, ten thousand,
One thousand, one hundred, fifty, ten,
Even three, two, or one in number.
There are also great bodhisattvas
Who have come without retinues,
Desiring to be in solitude.
The number of those
Who have come before the Buddha
Is far beyond any calculation.
If anyone counted the number of such a great assembly
With bamboo counting-sticks, he would not finish
Even after exhausting kalpas greater in number
Than the sands of the Ganges River.
Who has taught the Dharma
To this assembly of bodhisattvas,
Endowed with great dignity and perseverance?
Who has inspired and perfected them?
Under whom did the thought of enlightenment
First awaken in them?
Which Buddha-Dharma do they praise?
Whose sutra have they preserved and practiced?
And which buddha path have they followed?
Such bodhisattvas as these,
Endowed with transcendent powers
And the power of great wisdom,
Have all emerged out of the earth,
Which quaked in the four directions
And split asunder.
O Bhagavat! We have never seen
Such a thing before.
We entreat you to tell us the name
Of the land from where they have come.
We have been constantly traveling
In various regions,
Nevertheless we have never seen
Such a thing before.
We do not know even a single person
In this assembly.
All of a sudden
They have emerged from the earth.
We entreat you to explain the reason why.
All of the immeasurable hundreds of thousands
Of koṭis of bodhisattvas in this great assembly
Now wish to know about this matter.
There must be underlying causes for this,
To explain all of these bodhisattvas.
O Bhagavat, He of Immeasurable Qualities!
We entreat you to clear up
The confusion of the assembly!
(妙法蓮華經第十五品 安樂行之3)
無量千萬億 大眾諸菩薩
昔所未曾見 願兩足尊說
是從何所來 以何因緣集
巨身大神通 智慧叵思議
其志念堅固 有大忍辱力
眾生所樂見 為從何所來
一一諸菩薩 所將諸眷屬
其數無有量 如恒河沙等
或有大菩薩 將六萬恒沙
如是諸大眾 一心求佛道
是諸大師等 六萬恒河沙
俱來供養佛 及護持是經
將五萬恒沙 其數過於是
四萬及三萬 二萬至一萬
一千一百等 乃至一恒沙
半及三四分 億萬分之一
千萬那由他 萬億諸弟子
乃至於半億 其數復過上
百萬至一萬 一千及一百
五十與一十 乃至三二一
單己無眷屬 樂於獨處者
俱來至佛所 其數轉過上
如是諸大眾 若人行籌數
過於恒沙劫 猶不能盡知
是諸大威德 精進菩薩眾
誰為其說法 教化而成就
從誰初發心 稱揚何佛法
受持行誰經 修習何佛道
如是諸菩薩 神通大智力
四方地震裂 皆從中踊出
世尊我昔來 未曾見是事
願說其所從 國土之名號
我常遊諸國 未曾見是眾
我於此眾中 乃不識一人
忽然從地出 願說其因緣
今此之大會 無量百千億
是諸菩薩等 皆欲知此事
是諸菩薩眾 本末之因緣
無量德世尊 唯願決眾疑