
Bibiau Hxuad Lenhuex Qingx (jap-go-5)

Hitt sijun, Sakyamuni Vut qra Bilik Posad qongw, “Jin’ hyw, jin’ hyw, Ajita! Liw erhiauw mng Vuddyy jitt hy dua su. Linw diyhh qiongrdongg itsimx, cing jingjinr ee jenwqah, lip qending ee quatjir. Zulaii jitmaw beh bingkag suanqangw jiongww vut ee diwhui, jiongww vut jurjai sintongx ee lat, jiongww vut cincniu sraix sinwsog ee lat, qapp jiongww vut uigiamm, bingxiong, dua sewlik ee lat.”

Hitt sijun, Sewjunx beh dingg qycc suanqangw soxx qongw ee iwsur, dyrr iong jimgensix qongw:

Diyhh itsimx jingjinr 

Guaw beh suecbingg jitt qnia su 

M tangx u gihik iacc hiyrhuew 

Vut ee diwhui vutkyw-sugi 

Linw dnaxx diyhh tec cud siongsinr ee lat 

Diamr dirr zimxziok qapp hiongr sxen lairdew 

Sikzit soxx m bad tniax ee huatmngg 

Henrjai longxx tangx tniax .diyc 

Guaw jitmaw an’uir linw 

M tangx u gihik iacc uiwku 

Vut byy qongw byy sidjai ee ue 

Diwhui vutkyw cikliong 

Soxx did .diyc ee derr id bibiau Hxuad 

Jiokk cimx yh lixqaiw 

Jitt hy jitmaw beh enxsuad 

Linw diyhh itsimx laii tniax 

(The Lotus Sutra - Chapter XV Bodhisattvas Emerging from the Earth 5)

Then the Buddha Śākyamuni addressed Bodhisattva Maitreya, saying: “Splendid, splendid, O Ajita! You have asked the Buddha an important question. You should all singlemindedly don the armor of perseverance and be of firm will. The Tathāgata now wants to reveal the wisdom of the buddhas, the inherent transcendent powers of the buddhas, the lionlike dignified power of the buddhas, the majestic and mighty power of the buddhas.”

Thereupon the Bhagavat, wanting to elaborate on the meaning of this further, spoke these verses: 

You should be persistent 

And wholeheartedly attentive, 

For I want to explain it to you. 

Do not have any doubts, for the wisdom 

Of the Buddha is difficult to comprehend! 

You should now awaken the power of faith, 

And with perseverance abide in the good.

Now you will all be able to hear 

What you have never heard before.

I will now put you at ease. 

Have no doubts or fear! 

The Buddha never speaks false words. 

His wisdom is immeasurable. 

The foremost Dharma that he has attained 

Is profound and difficult to explain. 

I will now expound this difficult teaching, 

So you should listen wholeheartedly.

(妙法蓮華經第十五品 安樂行之5)


 當精進一心  我欲說此事

 勿得有疑悔  佛智叵思議

 汝今出信力  住於忍善中

 昔所未聞法  今皆當得聞

 我今安慰汝  勿得懷疑懼

 佛無不實語  智慧不可量

 所得第一法  甚深叵分別

 如是今當說  汝等一心聽

